Upcoming: Mounts

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • What this game really needs is a Bulldozer with 500 Horsepower to allow you to flatten roads. This hand raking is getting a bit overwhelming for miles of medieval dirt roads. I am a little ok with the disparity in the concept.

    But I do like the idea of a hauling cart but not sure what you would need it for?

  • Will we have white and black horses? They are very gorgeous as are most horse's but there's something about a purebred stallion that intrigues me. I been to a farm once and these creatures are very loyal, protect us in combat and will pick us up when down and bring us home for healing. Out of curiosity will they have a combat AI and one day will we have dogs & cats for pets? :saint:<3

  • Will we have white and black horses? They are very gorgeous as are most horse's but there's something about a purebred stallion that intrigues me. I been to a farm once and these creatures are very loyal, protect us in combat and will pick us up when down and bring us home for healing. Out of curiosity will they have a combat AI and one day will we have dogs & cats for pets? :saint:<3

    I hope that we get a horse breeding system that will allow us to mix the colors found in the wild. Remember the Mo'Creatures horses in Minecraft? There was an entire breeding chart for color combinations! Of course this is down the line if we get animal taming and breeding so that we can farm them...

    Speaking of which, how will horse taming work?

  • What this game really needs is a Bulldozer with 500 Horsepower to allow you to flatten roads. This hand raking is getting a bit overwhelming for miles of medieval dirt roads. I am a little ok with the disparity in the concept.

    But I do like the idea of a hauling cart but not sure what you would need it for?

    I figured you could haul supplies from each of the locations or haul people in it. Could create some awesome in game trading as well

  • Mabye there will be More than one style
    not EVERY server is Medevial
    some like modern times

    There are objects for all ages (medivial - Modern Times)
    and There are more Modernn Things Coming to RW, Electrcity, etc..

    Well they can make it an English saddle .. that is modern.. but maybe not so Second Amendment-ish. :D

    Actually at closer look it seems it was not a horn but something in the riders crotch. :/

  • Has anybody asked if you can shoot a bow or swing your sword from a mount? I think that part would have be intuitively required but I am not sure if they tested it. Would be nice to have mounted archers or nights that fight. Not to mention can a footman kill the mount? (I guess Pikes need to be put in next.) Wait we could have a pistol and have Cowboy and Indian chases like in the movies. 8|

    I am increasingly frustrated with swing a sword in an enclosed concrete staircase made with wood textures that are damaged by the sword. It is just such a detail that makes the PVP part sketchy.

  • If it's not possible in the main release of mounts I do hope mounted combat becomes a thing after the update similar to how it's done in Skyrim & Mount & Blade: Warband. Well, the scenes you're imagining is a good sign that your love for Rising World is true :D

    I also do hope we gain lances and pikes, among other long melee weapons I mentioned because of a certain character I want to create as an NPC.

  • If it's not possible in the main release of mounts I do hope mounted combat becomes a thing after the update similar to how it's done in Skyrim & Mount & Blade: Warband. Well, the scenes you're imagining is a good sign that your love for Rising World is true :D

    I also do hope we gain lances and pikes, among other long melee weapons I mentioned because of a certain character I want to create as an NPC.

    Dare I say Sir Quixote of La Mancha :S

  • I think there's a little more to this mount update than meets the eye. If you look into the npc texture file as of the last update there's deer, lions, baby pigs :love:<3 adorable (spawnnpc minipig), butterflies, rats snakes, spiders and even sharks for in the ocean! mind you that only spawning deer, butterflies & baby pigs are the only ones that work. I'll be making a video on these mysterious creatures for Monday... 8o meanwhile I made some screenshots of the baby pig as the deer just wouldn't stand still for a single shot.

    This wittle piggie became a house pet right quick :love:<3 so small and runs so fast it's hilarious. @red51 if these are coming with the "mount update" please, please, please bring more baby animals to the game. They are so cute :saint: thank you for making me love this game even more :)

  • I know someone talked about implements like cultivators and discs but what about carts? You could carry more things and carry people obviously.

    Maybe we will get carts in the long run ;) They won't be available in the upcoming mounts update, although there will be special bags which can be attached to the saddle (providing storage space).

    Will we have white and black horses?

    Most likely yes. At least if the color handling is ready in time... In case we don't make it, additional colors will be available in the update after the next^^

    I hope that we get a horse breeding system that will allow us to mix the colors found in the wild

    This sounds like a great idea! Unfortunately we still have no ETA for a breeding system yet =/

    Has anybody asked if you can shoot a bow or swing your sword from a mount? I think that part would have be intuitively required but I am not sure if they tested it. Would be nice to have mounted archers or nights that fight.

    No, unfortunately the mounts will only serve as a "method of transportation" for the time being. However, being able to fight while riding a horse is on our todo list (although this will be restricted to certain items probably, at least bows and firearms), but I can't say much about that yet. If we implement it, it will be a separate update which mainly focuses on these things ;)

    Not to mention can a footman kill the mount? (I guess Pikes need to be put in next.)

    Yes, while riding a horse, the player and the mount are still vulnerable. So both can be killed by melee or ranged weapons. In the long run we will most likely add special weapons like pikes and halberds^^

    If you look into the npc texture file as of the last update there's deer, lions, baby pigs adorable (spawnnpc minipig), butterflies, rats snakes, spiders and even sharks for in the ocean!

    There are indeed some animals which are not in use yet (shark, lion) and some other animals which don't spawn naturally (rats, snakes, spiders). Unfortunately we have no ETA when these animals will be available ;) Especially spiders (which are supposed to spawn in caves and dungeons) require us to rework the animal AI first.

    @red51 if these are coming with the "mount update" please, please, please bring more baby animals to the game. They are so cute

    The mini pig is there just for fun :D It was requested some time ago. It's not supposed to be the "baby version" of the pig, it's just a "teacup pig": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miniature_pig
    However, real "baby animals" will be added eventually when we start working on breeding^^

    Hope we can Armor our mounts.. that would be nice .

    Actually we did prepare a full set of armor for the horse, but probably it will be part of the future "combat update" (as mentioned above) ;)

  • Uhm anybody know how we get mounts? Are they prolific? Do we craft them? Can you just get one anywhere and ride it ? Or is it just part of your inventory? Can servers restrict them?

    So many questions so little time.

  • I don't Think you Craft a Horse, that would be weird

    Weird yes but one way to restrict them and require some skill before you get one. I suspect they will be prolific and omnipresent like other animals. Anybody will be able to utilize them for consistency of gameplay. But I was just asking because at sometime something is going to have to be rare in this game or you can effectively kiss any economy goodbye and throw it out for luck.

    Actually I just snapped about it.. Red mentions a saddle being needed with seperate saddle bags. That is likely to be crafted to ride or carry with a horse.

  • I'm wondering if we will get more efficient ways to flatten terrain, for example a steam roller or a bulldozer. Maybe a tool that can be towed by horses.
    Flattening terrain in survival takes a very long time at the moment. Laying train tracks might require a lot of raking!

    Looking forward to the next update, thanks for all your hard work!

  • I'm with Captain Cornball on this one as with this one for using 'Mounts' as form of early construction vehicles for when ready to implement various terrain altering features.

    I'm even with Stickman for the construction vehicle, yet don't want to pressure Red51 now that we have the drill to dig the terrain. A 'Bobcat' (Skid steer loader), or even the 'backhoe' loader would be neat for Rising World.


    It all depends on what Red51 is able to tackle that we tend to have big projects to tackle in Rising World in survival mode. Also, I'm glad we have mounts incoming that I can't wait to play Rising World again to see people building outward in the map while using horses and such.

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