Changelog 2018-05-30: Look at my horse!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I can't wait to get off work so I can go home and play! :D I have been looking forward to mounts and it looks great :thumbsup:

    Question: will I need to start a new world or will horses generate in my current world?

  • OMG! I am so excited to see this. The unofficial Discord has been pinging my phone all day, but I am working so ...

    I can't wait to play. But I have lots a of work right now. Darn. But yay?

    Anyway have fun with the horsies y'all. I hope to see ya on the range soon.


  • It appears the Saddle cannot be removed, or at least not easily....

    I have been lucky twice to get the "Removing saddle" progress bar, till about 90%, then it just stops.

    It is a little like a sign you have to be in the right place and hold the button down until it unloads. The real thing to watch if you get into a tight area you cant get off or mount it.

    I was a little bit taken aback by the amount of room you need to mount and ride through. It is about 3 or 4 blocks high that the doors need to be to get into a barn while riding. Otherwise your horse is walking about out of the barn. I had to rework my area for horses in the Chateau. You can name them with edit NPC but I did not get color choices so I suppose that is a different attribute.

    This is a historic patch, Red.. Thanks :thumbup: <sure beats that shopping cart in another game as a ways to get around :rolleyes: >

  • Thanks for the feedback! ^^

    It seems like the horses whinny A LOT, and it's super loud

    We will still do some tweaks to the sounds^^

    When those storms roll through I kind of wish the thunder & lightening could be a lot louder

    A intense "thunder storm" (close to the player) is still planned ;)

    It appears the Saddle cannot be removed, or at least not easily....

    You can remove the saddle by holding F while looking at the saddle. If there are satchels attached to the saddle, make sure to remove them first.

    Question: will I need to start a new world or will horses generate in my current world?

    The new animals also spawn in old worlds, but unfortunately only in unexplored areas. Alternatively you can spawn them via command :)

    I was a little bit taken aback by the amount of room you need to mount and ride through

    Yeah the mounts require plenty of room. Currently they share the same collision shapes, and since the camel is bigger than the horse, all of them require a lot of free space... we will most likely change that in the near future^^

    You can name them with edit NPC but I did not get color choices so I suppose that is a different attribute

    You can use rgb color codes to change the color of the name tag, e.g. [#FF0000]Applejack ;)

  • @red51 do mounts have the same error as the other animals, where they clip through solid objects like trees, planks/beams & blocks? Just wondering if we will be able to keep them in stables & corrals or if we will come out to find that they have all wondered off.

  • @red51 do mounts have the same error as the other animals, where they clip through solid objects like trees, planks/beams & blocks? Just wondering if we will be able to keep them in stables & corrals or if we will come out to find that they have all wondered off.

    Wild mounts have the same behaviour as regular animals. However, if you put a saddle on their back, they no longer move. This way you can prevent them from escaping until the animal AI (including the collision detection) is reworked ;)

  • The horses look nice, but that is about it. It cannot outrun a jaguar or tiger no matter how far I go. The instant I stop, either animal is attacking my horse. Before I can even dismount, the horse is dead. Also, not being able to do anything while mounted is a no-go for me.
    I have no idea what the plans for the future are, but at this point for me, mounts are sidelined.
    I will check out the telescope and binoculars and critique those.
    I also noticed doors can be much more difficult to open and close. One of my doors I could not open at all and had to move away and then was able to open it after coming back. I have never had door problems like this until after the update.

  • When I press the Login button in the launcher the launcher freezes

    There was a small server issue regarding the standalone, sorry for the inconvenience! However, this should be fixed now :)

    It cannot outrun a jaguar or tiger no matter how far I go. The instant I stop, either animal is attacking my horse

    The horse is slightly faster than the jaguar and tiger, however, it's still recommendable to avoid these animals (although you don't have to worry about bears and boars at least, since the horse is much faster). However, the best way to outrun a tiger or jaguar is to jump over cliffs or other holes in the ground^^

    Also, not being able to do anything while mounted is a no-go for me

    Originally this wasn't intended, since mounts were mainly intended as a method of transportation. However, most likely there will be a special update explicitly focusing on "mounted combat" in the future.

    I also noticed doors can be much more difficult to open and close

    There is indeed a problem with the door hitboxes, this issue will be sorted out shortly ;)

    I did not know that.. but the color was for the horse not the NPC

    Setting the name or name colors works both for mounts and human npc :)

    do you have to have water and food for animals like horses?

    Currently that's not required. Probably this will be necessary when breeding/taming comes into play ;)

    What is the ETA on the new rcon app?

    We really try to get it ready with the next update^^

  • I see the horse of another player unless it is new. Then i dont see it until they dismount . I dont see the saddle until they take it off and put it back on. Then I see the horse and saddle all the time in third party view.

    Horse go underground so you need to keep their saddles on all the time when penned up.

  • Ok. I have tried the binoculars and telescope. They work just fine, but from what I can tell, they have the same zoom. If so, the telescope is useless due to the limited field of view. In real life a telescope does have a comparatively limited field of view but this is offset by having a greater magnification.
    It would be nice in the future to lessen the zoom of the binoculars or strengthen the zoom of the telescope. I have no idea how much work this would take or even if it is possible.
    Thank you for these two tools. It is way better to use a tool than just press a key for "eagle vision".

  • I see the horse of another player unless it is new. Then i dont see it until they dismount . I dont see the saddle until they take it off and put it back on. Then I see the horse and saddle all the time in third party view.

    Hmm... what happens exactly? Does the other player put the saddle on the horse while you stand in front of it, or was there already a saddle attached to the horse when you arrived (even though if it was invisible)? When did the horse turn invisible exactly? Once the other player mounted the horse? 8| What do you mean exactly with "see the horse and saddle all the time in third party view"?

    I have tried the binoculars and telescope. They work just fine, but from what I can tell, they have the same zoom. If so, the telescope is useless due to the limited field of view.

    Actually that's intended ^^ The main difference is that the telescope can be crafted at the regular workbench (so it becomes available for players much earlier), while the binocular requires the tier II workbench (which takes some time until you finally get it). So the binocular is supposed to be better than the telescope^^ Originally we tried a greater magnification (for both the telescope and binocular), but that wasn't really satisfying (depending on the view distance, you won't see much anyway)...

  • Ok. I have tried the binoculars and telescope. They work just fine, but from what I can tell, they have the same zoom. If so, the telescope is useless due to the limited field of view. In real life a telescope does have a comparatively limited field of view but this is offset by having a greater magnification.
    It would be nice in the future to lessen the zoom of the binoculars or strengthen the zoom of the telescope. I have no idea how much work this would take or even if it is possible.
    Thank you for these two tools. It is way better to use a tool than just press a key for "eagle vision".

    and we need a scope for the rifle. the repeater.

  • Finally got home and was able to update & jump into the game. I :love::love: the horses!! The movement is great and I love that they can jump. One little thing that I think should be fixed, you should be able to back up. And I would really like the be able to craft blankets for the horses that would work like the saddles to keep them still. My horses look kind of funny standing the barn in full tack. If we could use cloth and leather to craft blankets for them it would be great.

  • I see what you mean. I tried looking at my building from a good distance that was rendering only part of the building. I could see nothing with the telescope or binoculars that I could not see with just my eyes. So, as you said, there is no point to changing the zooms. Thank you for the explanation.

  • ok Red. I think this is the scenario. The player comes near via a TP movement. The were out of view and started walking into the courtyard. The TP routine allows you to move your entire horse and rider to the TP point. They player has to have the saddle on to ride it but you dont see it. The next shows the player dismounted suddenly the horse appears but no saddle. When the player took the saddle off then replaced it on the horse I could see the saddle with the player standing on the ground still. (I did not get a shot of that) When the player mounts the now inview horse and saddle it works fine.

    The player had been on another horse first prior to arriving on the invisible one. I heard that some players were having trouble seeing the horse third party so I wanted to test it.

    When I went on to the location where the horse was at first I saw the horse unmounted then the player mounted it. In this scenario I saw the horse the entire time it was with me. The same horse moved via TP to the location see. Since I had seen it I saw it completely again without this invisible thing. The shots are a second horse the player went to get so I could name it for them. The new horse that I had not seen unmounted was invisible.

    Here is another funny thing.. if you have two horse saddled and ready they soon begin to sync up and move exactly the same. They shake their ear together and head in sync. Wierd to watch. I bet a good video of 10 horse doing this would be fun.

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