NPC Settlers

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  • NPC's that can populate a town if you assign the buildings to NPC public Accommodation, Utility, Workplace or Recreational. The "NPC Public" tag means that NPC's will use the buildings you've assigned to live, work, visit or play and the type of building is assigned to allow NPC's to act accordingly in those buildings. Workplaces could even have sub categories like office, factory and such to make the NPC's inside act accordingly. If NPC's also included children, they could act only within Accommodation and Recreational areas and travel between them.

    Of course NPC's should only take one Accommodation to use as their home but also spend time in other homes as if visiting. The number of NPC's in each accommodation is limited only by the number of beds in it so a house assigned as a "NPC Public Accommodation" must have at least one bed.

    It would provide a feeling of life in your city, town or village and stop you feeling like you're just building a ghost town.

    I don't care if I can't assign jobs for them to do, just make it feel like there's life in the game besides you.

    Even in MP, unless you have a group that wants to work together, you all have your own area to build in which results in multiple ghost towns.

  • I'd prefer if it wasn't like that. LiF starts with a fixed number of settlers and only expands due to new births. It's also a game where you direct them to do certain things to build up the town while in this game, you do the work.

    All I would like to see are NPC's who would add a bit of life to your village. Especially in single player where you have an entire world to yourself and you can buid as many towns or villages as you want but they remain ghost towns, just there to look at and nothing more. NPC's taking up residence in buildings you designate as NPC abodes would give you a reason to build huge cities, you would actually see it come to life as you build. I don't care if the NPC's don't serve a purpose like working for you, I just want to see my creations used for something other than decoration. Men, women and even children living, working and playing in a city you built.

  • I'd prefer if it wasn't like that. LiF starts with a fixed number of settlers and only expands due to new births. It's also a game where you direct them to do certain things to build up the town while in this game, you do the work.

    All I would like to see are NPC's who would add a bit of life to your village. Especially in single player where you have an entire world to yourself and you can buid as many towns or villages as you want but they remain ghost towns, just there to look at and nothing more. NPC's taking up residence in buildings you designate as NPC abodes would give you a reason to build huge cities, you would actually see it come to life as you build. I don't care if the NPC's don't serve a purpose like working for you, I just want to see my creations used for something other than decoration. Men, women and even children living, working and playing in a city you built.

    if its only a dummy npc you want, standing around - then this feature is already in game :)

  • What Avanar said. Dummy NPCs already in the game.

    The way I would want NPCS would be a mix of what I saw in 'Dragon Quest Builder' and Minecraft modded 'MIllienaire mod'. It was said, by Red51, that he "planned" to add settlements with hireable merceneries that it would go similar to what's in Millienaire which we would have to wait and see it all laid out. We were to hire them, and that's that.

    For how the NPCs should act in Rising World should be what's done in Dragon's Quest Builders where you build a home with requirements (bed, storage container, food in said storage container, chair & table, and 4 walls with a roof. DQB does this pre-determined, but it checks by seemingly assumingly scanning it against a blueprint that it would know what's solid and what isn't.

    As for Millienaire mod, lessons could be taken away on how NPCs could behave and build that they could be given a set radius on what to build where that they can make their main town hall to then branch off from there. They would mine (even ghost mine, if necessary) to gain stone, ores, and such. They could however be seen farming and harvesting logs from tree farms. If Rising World was to borrow heavily from Millienaire mod it would be an excellent game.

    I would love to just hop on to watch them build, or to even come back from a stressful day at work to see how they've progressed. Would be nice seeing them having built buildings, or even tell them where they could build with enough prestige. I just would love to see them build next to my own settlement that we could even get some building diplomacy going on by helping one another out while also laying out buildings the way it should.

  • if its only a dummy npc you want, standing around - then this feature is already in game :)

    I'd want them walking around appearing to go places and do things rather than just standing around doing nothing at all like the current ones do. I think having them build stuff is too much of a stretch to ask Red and his team to work on, there is so much more that could add instead of working on AI to do things WE should be doing. I'd leave it to the modding community if they want to work on a better AI and add it as a mod. So long as the town/village looks busy and people appear to be living their lives normally, it would be enough for me.

  • I'd want them walking around appearing to go places and do things rather than just standing around doing nothing at all like the current ones do. I think having them build stuff is too much of a stretch to ask Red and his team to work on, there is so much more that could add instead of working on AI to do things WE should be doing. I'd leave it to the modding community if they want to work on a better AI and add it as a mod. So long as the town/village looks busy and people appear to be living their lives normally, it would be enough for me.

    Well, the dummy NPC can be locked in place but if you don´t lock them, they will walk around. I think they even lay down to sleep at night.

    aside that they (yet) don´t do much but it seems that is something you could live with for now.

  • They move a few feet and stop but don't do a lot more. I'd want to see them go somewhere as if they were visitng another house, going to work or some similar thing. They lay down to sleep but they will do it anywhere, even on bare ground, I would prefer them to go to their "home" and sleep on a bed there.

    It would be fairly easy to tag a house as a NPC home and have them "take ownership" so others can't use it to live in but can only visit. The same goes for offices, and places of work if they could be tagged as such, they would path their way to it, appering to go to work etc for a resonable period of time. Municipal buildings and recreation like the town hall, parks, cinema's could be tagged as short term visit areas where they would go for a short while before returning.

    A lot could be done to give the appearance of a normal living and breathing village/town which would give us reason to build such things.

  • They move a few feet and stop but don't do a lot more. I'd want to see them go somewhere as if they were visitng another house, going to work or some similar thing. They lay down to sleep but they will do it anywhere, even on bare ground, I would prefer them to go to their "home" and sleep on a bed there.

    It would be fairly easy to tag a house as a NPC home and have them "take ownership" so others can't use it to live in but can only visit. The same goes for offices, and places of work if they could be tagged as such, they would path their way to it, appering to go to work etc for a resonable period of time. Municipal buildings and recreation like the town hall, parks, cinema's could be tagged as short term visit areas where they would go for a short while before returning.

    A lot could be done to give the appearance of a normal living and breathing village/town which would give us reason to build such things.

    Well none of the NPC do much. In fact Tigers go to sleep and you can go right up to them and hit them and they do nothing. To program them to do random realistic things seems a bit too much for this game to ever achieve. AI is a complex routine that is not executed well in any game. You can see in most character build games AI are just people standing around that you can interact with or talk with to get advice. I think they are intending to make NPC dummies a bit more aggressive which may mean to have them attack you and you can fight them but hey you can kill even a fully armored player in this game with only a few hits with a any sword save the wooden one.

  • Having what we build occupied would be awesome. Its not all that important to be able to interact with them but to have them interact with the environment that we build by going from place to place, going to bed when it is time, having children play outside (running around doing things that children do) walking together, walking purposefully alone going to visit another home or business. If we were to ever get something like that I am sure we would come up with suggestions for more things for them to be able to do! We can always think of more that we want!
    The dummy NPC's are a good start for a zombie population but they do not interact with their surroundings with a purpose. the purpose being to give the towns some life.

  • So, everyone wants some life and interaction right. Hope they would add something like that. Another aspect for this, they may have some certain occupations like some of them can be architects as you said, some of them be just lumberjack dudes or some may even be miners etc. I think something similar will be added on the next update as they said "hiring mercenaries". I thought that it refers to what I just wrote. Or may be they can be just travelers selling some stuff that cannot be crafted by ourselves. But I like the idea of assigning them to different works for your town, it would be awesome, indeed.

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