Example: StaticModelLoader

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  • Hmm... maybe it interfers with another plugin? 8| Can you get rid of the upload dialog when pressing ESC?

    Ja, das ist vermutlich sogar sinnvoller. Wie @Devidian schon erläutert, müsste dafür im Grunde nur Zeile 83 im Code geändert werden. Falls es im Weltordner gespeichert werden soll, müsste die Zeile so aussehen: database = getSQLiteConnection(getWorld().getWorldFolder() + "/" + "WorldModels.db");
    Ich habe aber den StaticModelLoader nichtsdestotrotz geupdated ;) Jetzt werden die Modelle standardmäßig im Weltordner gespeichert. Um bereits bestehende Modelle mitzunehmen, müsstest du einfach die "WorldModels.db" Datei aus dem Plugin-Ordner in den entsprechenden Welt-Ordner verschieben :)

    vielen lieben Dank :thumbsup:

  • Hello there.
    Did anyone figure out a way to have muliple texture support? Most electronic and appliance custom models have 2 or more textures to look proper. If we could figure that out, a door would be opened to SO much more potential!

  • Hello there.
    Did anyone figure out a way to have muliple texture support? Most electronic and appliance custom models have 2 or more textures to look proper. If we could figure that out, a door would be opened to SO much more potential!

    I'm gonna bug Red51 about this once we get to the Unity version. I'm sure you want to know for Java.... THere is a way to combine multiple textures into one with various softwares, its become so vague I can't really help anymore. I used to know, sorry.

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