I walked into the water and under i went when the graphics went from normal to garbled - but only garbled underwater, coming back to surface everything is fine. How do i fix this? or is there a fix? Also posted a similar discussion in Steam forum under support. image screenshot attached.

Graphics Issue
- keitha7373
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
You can use the terrain tool (F5 > 4) select the zone and fill it with water
Have you verified validity of the game files in steam in case something got corrupted.
Have you verified validity of the game files in steam in case something got corrupted.
Yes, That's always the first thing i do. Then, made sure all drivers were up to date, Checked to see if it was just that particular seed by going back to my previous builds - They are also doing this now. Ran antivirus to make sure PC is clean, all good there. Uninstalled, reinstalled steam, ran to verify game files second time. Checked all settings to default, nothing worked.
You can use the terrain tool (F5 > 4) select the zone and fill it with water
Just tried your suggestion, did not work. Thanks though it seemed liked a good idea.
Such holes are likely air holes. Rising World has no running water and such holes can occur when removing sand or working on water surfaces.
I have built an ocean and I had many such holes. With filling up of water, the gaps should be closed. -
Such holes are likely air holes. Rising World has no running water and such holes can occur when removing sand or working on water surfaces.
I have built an ocean and I had many such holes. With filling up of water, the gaps should be closed.This ocean was already there, game created. I know what you are talking about though, but it apparently doesn't work if the game is the creator of the water mass.
As keitha7373 said...... I created a new world next to the sea and walked into the water...... this is generated by the game itself.
Okay, To save someone else this is what i did:
1. Open up folder where my saved worlds are at and copied folders to another "safe" place of games i wanted to keep (just in case)
2. Opened up Steam > Library, Right Click Rising World > Uninstall
3. Go back to Steam folder> Steam Apps>Rising World and delete the entire folder
4. Reinstall Rising World from Steam Menu
5. Viola! Results! -
I'm assuming that one of the game files were corrupted and the "verify integrity" system somehow missed it. I do not use mods, so it had to be in the vanilla side somewhere.
I uninstalled and removed the folder....... and then did a complete reinstall of the game ..... however I still have the problem after doing a fresh install of game files.
I think this issue is somewhere else.
I uninstalled and removed the folder....... and then did a complete reinstall of the game ..... however I still have the problem after doing a fresh install of game files.
I think this issue is somewhere else.
When i did mine, I deleted EVERYTHING Rising World before reinstalling - server files too
When i did mine, I deleted EVERYTHING Rising World before reinstalling - server files too
Like wise.... everything was deleted before reinstalling..... problem is still there -
Deinstall the game is normally the last option. You can check your game files by steam or delete the cache folder completely.
If the world file is broken, it will be corrupted after a new installation. I'm playing over 4 years, and I have reinstalled the game
1times, that was just to check my settings. But it works for you, so everything is fine. -
In my case after reinstalling I had no world files and started a brand new world..... still had the issue.
Is not a big issue for me though as I don't go into the sea any way and lakes appear normal. -
Deinstall the game is normally the last option. You can check your game files by steam or delete the cache folder completely.
If the world file is broken, it will be corrupted after a new installation. I'm playing over 4 years, and I have reinstalled the game
1times, that was just to check my settings. But it works for you, so everything is fine.Yes, did that first as mentioned above. Along with drivers ,etc. Nothing worked so i did the reinstall deleting everything and it worked for me.
have the same issue when playing around with Shaders (ReShade me). are you using shaders?
What graphics card do you use exactly? There have been some reports about similar issues with certain integrated Intel HD Graphics adapters (in this case disabling "graphic_water_post_processing" in the config.properties file [i.e. setting it to false] does the trick).
Shader programs like ReShade can also cause these issues btw, as mentioned by @dagoline
What graphics card do you use exactly? There have been some reports about similar issues with certain integrated Intel HD Graphics adapters (in this case disabling "graphic_water_post_processing" in the config.properties file [i.e. setting it to false] does the trick).
Shader programs like ReShade can also cause these issues btw, as mentioned by @dagoline
Just found out about the Reshade thing, I have reshade but only use it for City Skylines. My Graphics Card is NVIDIA GEFORCE 1050Ti - All up to date. I did get mine working but
still has trouble with theirs. -
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