Posts by red51

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Good afternoon. I'm digging through the server side files and I can't figure out where the files responsible for the characteristics of objects in the game are. For example: where is the strength of objects prescribed, their purpose, the elements used in crafting, and so on?

    Does that mean you want to change these things? Unfortunately this is only possible to a limited degree: the game stores all game data in an SQLite database - it's located in the "definitions.db" file under "Data/StreamingAssets/". You will need an SQLite-Editor to view/modify this file (you can use DB Browser, for example, which is available for free).

    However, some things cannot be changed this way in multiplayer. If you modify the crafting recipes, for example, this will cause desync with clients: while crafting is ultimately handled serverside, clients still use their local copy of the definitions.db to display the ingredients in the crafting menu - so if you change this serverside, these changes will not be reflected in the crafting menu (causing confusion for players). You can only change things which are entirely handled serverside (e.g. biomes, object strength, npc health etc).

    Having said that, we want to sync the definitions.db between clients and servers automatically in the future, so serverside changes to this file will also be visible for clients (mainly relevant for crafting recipes) ;)

    Gibt's den auch im store auf der Website? Würde ihn lieber da kaufen

    Sorry, hat leider etwas gedauert, aber der Soundtrack ist jetzt auch auf der Webseite verfügbar :)

    Übrigens red51 - ich hätte die Info zum Soundtrack fast überlesen. Willst du das nicht irgendwo anpinnen? Wie ein blaues Banner oder so?

    Danke für den Hinweis, das macht Sinn, ich habe jetzt erstmal einen Banner hinzugefügt ^^

    Um die Textur zu übernehmen, musst du im Creative-Modus sein und die mittlere Maustate drücken, wie Kryssi_79 schon sagt - das fügt einen Block mit der anvisierten Textur deinem Inventar hinzu und rüstet ihn aus :) Anschließend kannst du mit EINFG dann noch die Größe kopieren, wie von Hans Alfson erwähnt.

    Die Textur kann im Survival-Modus allerdings nicht kopiert werden (da man ja sonst die Werkbank bzw. das Crafting umgehen könnte)... wenn du aber bereits einen Block mit der Zieltextur im Inventar hast, wird er beim Druck auf die mittlere Maustaste automatisch ausgerüstet^^

    if new music is added to the game (with new biomes or whatever for example), will this soundtrack also be updated for free? i already bought it and i don't mind either way, but i'm just curious.

    Thanks :) Yes, that will be mostly covered by volume 3 (which will be added for free) ^^

    Hey folks!

    We're happy to announce that the Rising World Soundtrack is now available on Steam!

    Rising World Soundtrack

    It includes two volumes, which contain the music of the game as downloadable audio files. Volume 3 is already in the works and will be added to the Soundtrack free of charge!

    Please note: This is only the Soundtrack, i.e. downloadable mp3/flac files. It neither affects the main game nor is it required to play the game.

    Stay tuned!

    Hey Leute!

    Wir freuen uns euch mitzuteilen, dass der Rising World Soundtrack nun auf Steam verfügbar ist!

    Rising World Soundtrack

    Er enthält zwei Volumes, welche die Musik des Spiels als herunterladbare Audio-Dateien enthalten. Volume 3 ist bereits in Arbeit und wird natürlich kostenlos zum Soundtrack hinzugefügt.

    Bitte beachte: Hierbei handelt es sich nur um den Soundtrack, d.h. herunterladbare mp3/flac Dateien. Es hat keinen Einfluss auf das Hauptspiel, ebenso wenig wird es zum Spielen von Rising World benötigt.

    Bleibt gespannt!

    I understand about the computer, thanks. Here's the problem: the plugins on the host don't want to load (Everything works fine on the local machine. Now I'll try separately, what was said above=)

    If plugins don't load, the server log will most likely contain more information about what's going on (even if the server/API runs out of memory, for example) ;) You can find the server logs in the "Logs" folder in the server directory. Feel free to create a new topic about this issue.

    Please bear with me, but I was unable to reproduce this :hushed:

    To enable "Jesus Mode", do you activate the map edit mode (so the cursor becomes visible)? :drunk:

    Thanks for your feedback :) The dedicated server is available for Linux and it definitely works there - we have tested it with Debian, Ubuntu and Mint.

    This topic contains more information about setting up a dedicated server: Dedicated Server Setup [New Version]

    On Linux, it might be necessary to set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. To do that, you could set up a small executable sh script and add this content:

    cd $(pwd)
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)/linux64:$(pwd):$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

    Then launch the server through this script ;)

    icon58 Thanks for the log, but probably the Player-prev.log would contain the relevant information :thinking: However, if it's the same issue as noci is having, then it indicates that you are launching the .exe directly, i.e. not through Steam? Is that correct?

    The game previously shipped a steam_appid.txt file, but Valve doesn't want that such a file is shipped (so we've removed it for the store page update). However, without this file, Steam is unable to determine the AppID of the game, so it quits the game and launches it again through Steam. This is intended behaviour of Steam (but IMHO it's no good behaviour).

    You can fix this issue by downloading the attached file and put it into your game directory (where the .exe is located), that should do the trick ;)

    We'll also consider to ship this file again in future updates (or maybe implement a different solution).


    I believe if affects everyone when this happens.

    If it really affects everyone, it indicates that either the server isn't added to the Steam masterlist (that would be a Steam related issue, or more precisely, it would indicate that the Steam masterserver is unreliable), or there might be a problem with the built-in webserver (so the server no longer responds to queries from the clients) :wat:

    If it doesn't show up in the API response , it's most likely related to the Steam masterserver (that would tell me that we have to get rid of it in order to fix this issue). If it shows up there, but queries to (for MR) are unsuccessful, it indicates that the built-in webserver is apparently broken (no longer responds etc).

    It has impacted different servers for me, without much rhyme or reason. Other servers show up and work just fine. Connecting via IP works on the missing server. And it doesn't seem like they recover without a restart... ie. any time I've seen a missing server after it comes back I've always heard from other players that there was a restart.

    Do you mind sending a report if this happens again? :) I.e. if you can't find the server anymore, but you can still connect to it (just send the report after being able to successfully connect to the server, while the server didn't show up in the list). It would help me to find out if the server is either missing in the master list (i.e. a serverside or Steam-related issue), or if the client cannot query the server data.

    It looks like you're using an image with transparent, where the right side is fully transparent? If it's this image, there is indeed plenty of transparent space on the right side... I would recommend removing the transparent space (this would also improve image quality and memory consumption) :)

    The game doesn't display the backface of posters mirrored, so if the poster consists of text, it's readable from both sites. Not sure if we should change that... if we change it, it might cause problems for people who already rely on this behaviour =O

    Actually there is no fixed requirement for the server. It really depends on several factors, like how many stuff you build (and how detailed it is), if you use plugins, custom images etc.

    Most important aspect is the RAM: Especially when using lots of custom images or when having lots of detailed buildings in the world, it's important that there is enough RAM available.

    When it comes to the CPU, it should be at least a dual core CPU, as mentioned by Phillip , but a powerful CPU becomes more important the more players there are on the server.

    In order to RUN plugins you will need the Java Runtime Environment Standard Edition (JRE SE) - but I am pretty sure that RW comes with this bundled into it.

    Yes, the server of the new version is already shipped with a JDK, so there is no need to install it manually. The server ignores any locally installed Java versions anyway. The only way to change the JDK is to replace the files in the /Data/Java/JDK folder (but I wouldn't recommend doing that) ^^

    Standardmäßig ist es so, dass die meisten Texturen zwar eine Weltausrichtung haben, das für manche wenige Texturen aber überschrieben wird (zB die von dir genannten Texturen).

    Du kannst das aber umstellen, indem du bei der Texturausrichtung im Baumenü (unter C) eine Welt-Ausrichtung erzwingst - dann sollte es auch für solche Texturen gelten ;)

    Effektiv betrifft die Abschaltung der Steam Cloud nur die Java Version, da die neue Version davon zuvor nicht erfasst wurde ^^ Aber auch wenn die Steam Cloud wieder unterstützt wird, würde ich mich nicht 100% darauf verlassen.

    Grundsätzlich können Backups von Welten einfach über das Singleplayer-Menü erstellt werden (wie von MaddoG erwähnt).

    Von Blaupausen können auf dem Weg keine Backups erstellt werden, aber meist ist das nicht so zwingend nötig. Wenn du sie dennoch sichern willst, kannst du einfach den Blueprints Ordner irgendwo hin kopieren.

    Falls du von Welten ein manuelles Backup erstellst (also von Hand die Daten kopierst), achte darauf, dass die Welt momentan nicht geladen ist - denn das kann zu defekten Dateien führen. Wenn du unbedingt die aktiv geladene Welt sichern möchtest, kannst du den worldbackup Konsolenbefehl verwenden ;)

    Soweit ich weiß bezieht sich der Benutzer-Rekord nur auf gleichzeitig eingeloggte Mitglieder. Die Besucherzahl selbst ist leider nicht aussagekräftig, weil hier nicht auseinandergehalten werden kann, ob es wirkliche Menschen oder Bots sind...

    Wir wollen das Forum demnächst generell einmal updaten, mal sehen, ob da vll eine andere Berechnungsgrundlage verwendet wird :thinking: