Posts by Jon_miner

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    There is definitely issues with the "Edit Extent" feature of this plugin. Unfortunately, I have not heard anything from the author ( @Miwarre) for almost three months now. I do hope that everything is ok with Miwarre as this plugin is needed in order for @red51 to proceed with removing LUA Scripting from Rising World as there isn't really a replacement for the "Area Protection" LUA Script that is currently being used by most servers that I know. I don't know if Miwarre's code is available for someone else to carry on with this plugin, but it would be nice as this is a good replacement for the existing LUA script.j

    I wondered @Machete if it would also be possible to include the location (coordinates) of all of a rancher's animals when an admin uses the "/abm listanimals PLAYER_ID" command. This would make it easier to find the animals of an "inactive" player/rancher to be able to "dispatch" with the abandoned animals.

    Or maybe just a command like "/abm locateanimal NPC_ID" to list the coordinates of an animal or even better "/abm gotoanimal NPC_ID" to just bring you to an animal.

    I may be doing something wrong, but when I do a "/abm listranchers", it appears to list all players that have been on the server, not just players that own animals. I get a list of over 4000 players/ranchers, most with "0" animals. It would be handy as well if this list could be filtered by the starting letters of a player's/rancher's name. Like "/abm listranchers Jon" and it would list any player/rancher who's name starts with "Jon". With lots of players on the server it is difficult to scroll back up the list and find a particular (now inactive) player/rancher to determine their ID.

    Nice update overall!

    The values for the "Extent" (think we should use the word "Size" here) of an area appears to have improved with the latest update. The sides of an area do not appear to "shift" by one block anymore when creating an area in a "negative coordinate area", however.... When trying to "Edit Extent" (I suggest again the word "Size" here), when changing values in the E-W boxes, and clicking outside the box(es), the values of E-W both appear to get set to the same value and when you update the area ends up a 1 block skinny area. I did not see this problem occur with the N-S or TOP-BOTTOM entries, but I only tried it a few times. I did notice that the label for the "Top Height:" box is partly covered up by the "Bottom Height" box as well. I am not sure if this may be an issue with the API update(s) that @red51 made or if there is an issue within the plugin code.

    No requires editting the database. Probably could write your own plug in to do it. The author of the ABM could do it seamlessly though.

    There is really a need for some way to "clean up" animals that have be made invincible by a player that is no longer active. It is difficult even when manually editing the database (either "owner" to yourself and or remove the "invisible" tag in the main DB) change the to actually track down the animals to kill them.

    @Machete It would be VERY helpful to have an admin only command to "kill" all animals for a given player ID. Could this please be added? Another option is if you could at least make the "invincible" tag not apply to server admins (can always kill any animal).

    Yes, but what I really find strange is that some of your (Minotaurious) plugins and Miwarre's AP plugin both start "acting up" after initially working just with time the server stays running without any restarts (apparently with inactivity on the server).

    Hmmm. Actually, the Mailing_System does appear to work except for the above mentioned "inactive server" issue which also affects the /ap plugin.

    The "/st lastonline <playername>" you have up to date don't you? This also stops working when the server is "inactive" and running without restarts for a while.

    I'm not sure if this can be closed or not. It appears that for some reason (not sure why yet) the "real time permission changes" stop happening, although a server restart seems to clear it up. Just have to let the test server keep running without restarts and see if the issue starts up again. Probably not an issue on my actual server as I do restarts ever 6hrs anyway.

    Ok. There is still something going on here.

    My test server was running all night after having done a restart and getting the permissions to work "real time" (no relog needed). This morning I logged in and now the permissions again do not take affect until the player relogs. I think this, for some reason I do not understand, happens with some time with the server running without a restart. The other potential is the server running for a while with no activity. There are not players joining my test server regularly. The other interesting thing is that other plugins to include @Minotorious's Server Tools and Mailing_Syserm start not acting correctly as well! His "/st lastonline <playername>" and /mail lookup <string>" start not finding any palyers! No idea why, but it appears that on server that is not "active", something causes these issues??

    and on your test server they are default off

    It would be nice to have the admin priv on/off be personal rather then global and just have the managers be on. Manager is intended for a temp position and an admin can always remove the manager's status, I believe. Just a thought.

    Actually the default is set to ON, but sometimes I forget to turn it back ON after "debugging" before I leave the server. As long as server admins remember to turn it back ON after "debugging", this really not an issue. In "normal" use of this plugin, there wouldn't be much need to turn it OFF. For me, I don't plan to use "Managers" anyway. If I trust a player enough to be a "Manager", I probably want them as a server Admin anyway.

    It would be "nice" if the "Admin priv" ON/OFF would be a per Admin/Manager setting and not global, but this in my "nice to have" list.

    BTW, I noticed @sharkbitefischer that server admins appear to be able to edit all permissions regardless of whether "Admin priv" is ON or OFF (but permissions are enforced if "Admin priv" is OFF). For Managers, "Admin priv" must be ON for them to edit all permissions.

    Nevermind... Even server admins can not edit all permissions unless "Admin priv" is ON. The only difference is that a server admin can turn "Admin priv" ON/OFF, but Managers can't.

    Do you mean that so far you replaced the plug-in with another version without restarting the server? It does not surprises me it was not working: chances are that, as far as the plug-in was concerned, the players did not result logged in at all and therefore their permissions were not updated.

    Can we consider this issue solved?

    No, of course I restarted the server with the updates to the plug-in. What I'm saying is that the permission changes were not happening without a relog, then after a restarting the server (for other reasons) they started working without having to relog.

    I'm not sure if this can be closed or not. It appears that for some reason (not sure why yet) the "real time permission changes" stop happening, although a server restart seems to clear it up. Just have to let the test server keep running without restarts and see if the issue starts up again. Probably not an issue on my actual server as I do restarts ever 6hrs anyway.

    Ok... something interesting. I had done a restart on my test server for a change that I made and now the permissions DO take a affect right away. Don't understand??

    BTW, I noticed @sharkbitefischer that server admins appear to be able to edit all permissions regardless of whether "Admin priv" is ON or OFF (but permissions are enforced if "Admin priv" is OFF). For Managers, "Admin priv" must be ON for them to edit all permissions.

    And then (in another message) they seems no longer work. As they consistently work (since several updates) on my local test server, I cannot reproduce this issue, which might be due to something other than the plug-in; see my answer above to sharkbitefischer: a precise list of steps could be useful.

    Ok... Steps:

    - Go to area that I am a "Owner" with "Admin priv" OFF.
    - I can do everything an "Owner" can do.
    - Remove myself from the area completely.
    - I can still do everything an "Owner" can do.
    - Re-log
    - Now can't do anything in the area as expected.

    I have also tried changing things for a non-sever admin player both by setting presets and by individually turning on/off privs with same result.

    As I said above, for a while, the permission changes took affect right away. Not sure why it worked as you see it on your server for a while, but now changes require a re-log on my server again.

    This only happens if "Admin priv." are turned OFF and it is more or less by design (as in this case, non-explicitly granted permissions ARE turned off); if admin priv. are turned ON, managers can edit all permissions of other players.

    Just FYI @sharkbitefischer, I had not realized it, but the "Admin priv: ON/OFF" is a "world setting". In other words, it is not a setting for each individual server admin/manager. If it is set OFF, this affects all server admins/managers. If it is turned "ON", this again affects all server admins/managers. But, as Miwarrre said, if it is "ON", then managers can manage all settings. Managers can not however turn "Admin priv" ON/OFF, so server admins should turn it "ON" when done "testing" privs which makes sense since this is for "debugging" and should be normally "ON".