Posts by MarcosRC

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Ha! Found the solution.

    Separate the -L part:

    screen -dmS ${SCREEN_NAME} -L ${SCREEN_NAME} java -Xmx${MEMORY}m -Xms$(($MEMORY/2))m -jar server.jar

    '@red51 you may want to change the linux script as above.

    EDITED: I had previusly suggested screen -dmSL ${SCREEN_NAME} "java -Xmx${MEMORY}m -Xms$(($MEMORY/2))m -jar server.jar" but that just generates a log file with a long name...


    Since the first time I installed the RW server I had an error with the start script.

    If I set the server_memory to anything (here 4096):

    If I do not set it:

    What I have been doing so far is remove the L option of screen, which seems to then ignore the error and run anyway...

    however I'd rather have that fixed, not work around it. Any ideas? Why is saying there is an error in the Xmx Java switch?

    This is Debian with Oracle Java 8 U131.

    Yes, I agree... just wondering though to keep developing if JIW needs more customers they will need to keep the website a bit more up to date... If they are economically fine, then yes, devote 100% to the game ;)