Posts by vinehold

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    This is definitely a bug, but unfortunately I'm not sure what's causing this exactly... we will try to fix this, but I'm not sure if the fix will make it into the next hotfix...

    I looked a bit further into this and noticed that as soon as I swim into one of these missing 'tiles' I find myself under water and need to swim upwards to reach its (invisible) surface. It's as if the height of the surface isn't calculated correctly which might explain why it isn't rendered either. Just thought that might help track down the issue :D

    This is definitely a bug, but unfortunately I'm not sure what's causing this exactly... we will try to fix this, but I'm not sure if the fix will make it into the next hotfix...

    I looked a bit further into this and noticed that as soon as I swim into one of these missing 'tiles' I find myself under water and need to swim upwards to reach its (invisible) surface. It's as if the height of the surface isn't calculated correctly which might explain why it isn't rendered either. Just thought that might help track down the issue :D

    Have the ore been put back into the ground instead of the boulders? iIcannot find ANY iron ore anywhere and io set the ores to "HIGH"

    I was wondering about this - I can't find any iron which of course precludes looking for it underground as I can't make a pick!

    Yep, I understand when you can sleep but as 'tiredness' isn't implemented why can't I sleep during the day? For example, I might be working on lighting my build and doing that at night might be easier.

    There's something a bit confusing about the radial menu as it stands; if I try to sleep in the day I can still bring up the radial menu and choose 'Zzz' which I'd expect to send me to sleep (even though I can't sleep during the day) but actually kicks me out of the tent :D

    If you're going to stick with only allowing sleep at night it might be better to make the top entry in the radial menu read 'Leave Tent' rather than 'Zzz' if invoked while lying inside the tent.

    When I try to sleep I end up in the tent with the 'tunnel vision' oval-shaped view but I don't actually sleep - I can still look around and even craft stuff and the 'Zzz' shows up if I look around at the inside of the tent although it does nothing. I can't get out of that state unless I pack up the tent. Maybe I just don't understand how it works?

    Hehe, well, actually this is intended ^^ I admit it looks a bit weird when cutting this tree, but we thought it would be nice to have such a tree in the game (even though the cut log is awkward). There is also another version of the london plane in the game which only has a single log ;)

    Great, I like variety. Any reason you've always stuck to the same number of hits per tree to chop it down? A little variety there and possibly with the 'yield' would make for more interest IMO ... I find myself counting strokes every time I cut a tree/stump.

    The graphical glitch only happens when I get near to water (strangely). I noticed other places along the coast where there was a chequerboard pattern of missing textures; if I moved away from them they were replaced with a proper water texture... maybe some setting?

    Some amazing coastline scenery with conifer covered hills sloping down to the water, looks fantastic.

    Generated a survival single player world with seed -4406247. Looks amazing - well done!!

    Turned to right and there's a rectangle missing in the sea, swam over to it and started sinking which didn't happen on the swim out. Something was visible inside the rectangle - maybe the sea floor or some other terrain?

    Went back to land and tried to chop a tree, seemed to be taking a long time, turns out it was two trees stuck together. Probably not intended but not really an issue as similar things do happen in nature and they would take longer to cut :D

    Personally I'd much prefer the information in one place as it is now, rather than having to search through a 'book' for each function.

    The ideal would be to have the keys displayed on the lower right side of the screen (in the same way that the states/modes are displayed at left) with the display changing depending upon which mode is active, in other words, display context-sensitive help. You could add a UI option: 'Building help on/off'.

    Just a thought/suggestion: might it be better if the keyboard commands were arranged by function rather than in the slightly random order they are at present? I think new players (who will obviously use this help facility most) will ask themselves 'How do I rotate this block?' or 'How do I make the grid smaller?' etc . So having something like...

    Help: Construction Elements


    To rotate an element use the direction keys UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT/PGUP/PGDN


    To resize an element hold the [SHIFT[R] ] key and

    To move or rotate the upper surface...


    To mirror or flip an element...


    To place a single element..

    To place multiple elements...


    To active grid mode...

    To change the grid size...


    It might also help any colorblind players! The icing on the cake would be to have the bound keys displayed instead of just the defaults :D

    Wouldn't it make more sense for the list of prices to just contain items that were in the chest? For example, I put lumber and tomatoes in the chest and when interacting with the NPC get a list containing just those two items to set a selling price for.

    As Yaromid mentioned, the next/prev pivot keys indeed only work if manual pivot mode is active :) You can bring up the radial/context menu by holding C (while holding a block in your hands).

    The , and . keys don't work though if manual positioning is active.

    OK I see what the problem is: I have the middle mouse button (click) set as interact/context and that binding doesn't work in building mode.

    If I use the default 'c' all is well.

    The keys , and . are for changing the position of the block you are holding relative to the selected pivot point WHILE in manual pivot mode

    Help says these keys select next/prev pivot (not changing block position) if modular snapping is active (which it is) and "pivot mode is set to manual (see context menu)" but it doesn't seem possible to bring up the radial/context menu while in build mode. If I also set manual positioning to on the situation is the same ie the ,/. keys don't work.

    The F1 help screen doesn't seem very clear, I was going to suggest some alternative text which is why I'm trying to work out how all of the build functions work exactly :D

    Thanks Avanar and Deirdre but using Ctrl doesn't have any effect.

    I think modular mode is working as intended eg a cube can be rotated around any of the pivot points of an adjacent element, it's just that those two keys (,.) don't seem to do anything. I don't foresee a great use for it but it would be nice to know what it does just in case :D