Posts by vinehold

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Are the next/previous pivot point keys (default ',' and '.') not implemented or have I misunderstood their purpose? I set modular snapping to 'on' but the keys do nothing although the mouse can be moved to highlight different pivot points. I tried remapping the keys but to no avail.


    EDIT Forgot to say, rotation around the highlighted pivot works as expected it's just the ,/. keys that don't seem to do anything

    Being able to place torches on walls is indeed planned, but we're still unsure about whether torches should be always placeable, or if the player has to place "torch mounts" first (similar to how it worked in the Java version) :thinking: This is the reason why torches cannot be placed on walls yet.

    The splint can only be used if you have a bone fracture. A broken bone slows down your movement (and you can't jump with a broken bone), but you can cure it by using a splint (it also restores a small amount of health). More precisely, it doesn't instantly heal your bone fracture, instead it restores your mobility (so jumping and faster movement are possible again), but it has some limitations, because you easily tend to break your bone again if you're not careful enough. After a given amount of time, your bone fracture is fully cured.

    Re torches: as paulevs says, having a mount is was a nice detail however, personally I found it tedious in the Java version to have to carry two different items and often I'd place a mount in the dark while mining and couldn't find it again to stick the torch in! Maybe we could have minecraft like torches but where the model has a built in mount?

    Re the splint: I know all of that :D but will the fracture heal (even if slowly) without a split?

    Here are some more little things I spotted in the crafting window, mostly grammatical/English usage stuff:

    • Chests and other storage: Description should be 'Can be used to store items' or 'You can store items in it'
    • 'Seatings' category should be 'Seating' ('Lights' could be 'Lighting' to match but either is ok)
    • The torch's description says it can be placed on a wall but I can't seem to do that?
    • 'Flood light' should be 'Floodlight'
    • In 'Cabinets', 'Wooden shelf' is really a 'Cupboard'
    • Should 'Toro lantern be in the 'Lights' category?

    Edit: some more...

    • Bandage and medkit should be 'Can be used to stop bleeding'
    • Drying rack: 'Used to preserve raw meat and make it edible'
    • Scythe (both types) 'Useful to clear large areas of grass'
    • Paint roller: 'Used to paint surfaces. Works a lot faster than a paintbrush'
    • The steel tools all have 'robust' in the description which implies they're less likely to break. If tool degradation isn't planned maybe this should be removed and the tools simply described as more efficient?
    • Primitive spear - remove 'both' or 'also' from description
    • Are the knives required for tanning? If so 'useful' needs to be changed to 'required'
    • Rifle description mentions musket but that's not in the list... maybe it's coming?
    • Bottle: 'A simple glass bottle'
    • Does a splint speed up healing (sorry I don't know the mechanics of that)? If so description needs a rewrite

    Fair enough but I can still see places where things could be rearranged, consolidated and resized to gain space :D

    You could simply switch the crafting area to show chest inventory when looking into a chest. Anyhow it would be a lot more work so probably not worth the effort :D

    I have spotted a few very minor things that you might (or might not) want to look at but there may be reasons they are like they are:

    Inventory screen;

    The 'Equipment' and bottom row of inventory slots are out of alignment vertically (I said they were very minor!)

    Could use same text for 'Inventory' and 'Equipment' as 'Crafting in the crafting window

    Crafting window;

    'Build' in left column seems the wrong word (I first expected it to switch to build mode!), maybe 'Building', 'Materials' or 'Building materials' if that would fit!

    The 'Craft Object' button could be labelled 'Craft' as often you're crafting multiple objects and would save having to dynamically swap button label Craft object/Craft objects

    Should miscellaneous and general be consolidated? There's no clue what either contains without looking.

    The problem is that there is not enough space on screen if we merge the inventory and crafting menu...

    Honestly, I can see lots of places you could save screen 'real estate' in the crafting and inventory windows which would probably allow them to be combined . The advantage of having them unified is that the user can immediately see how many of an item they have and therefore how many more they might need to craft without having to switch screens and also how many of a particular resource they need versus what they already have. If it's too big a task in view of everything else you've got going on then I would forget it but I'm pretty sure it would improve usability (and potentially make development a bit easier having only one window to deal with instead of two). I can post screenshots if you think it worthwhile pursuing?

    Currently you only get damage from fire, but since the fire in the smelter is basically out of reach, this isn't implemented for furnaces yet... but it's true that the exhaust gases would be extremely hot in reality, so it makes sense that the player gets damage if he stands right on top of a furnace. We will change that with the next update ;)

    Yup, I tried to get burned by the fire in the primitive smelter but couldn't get inside :D Standing on top is worthy of a third degree burn if only for being so stupid!! :D

    Maybe put two handed tools in one hand while actually climbing and back to two hands when stationary? Or perhaps the player should have an automatically deployed carabiner or ladder harness when using a tool when on a ladder?!!

    One thing that could be quite handy would be shift+click on the +/- buttons incrementing/decrementing the count in intervals of 10 (regardless of how shift+click on the item should be treated) :)

    This. Lots of games implement similar schemes - shift or control while clicking on the +/- buttons adds or subtracts 10 or 100 to the required amount. Adding more than can be made from materials in inventory is equivalent to clicking 'max'.

    Just an observation: I get burned if I step on a campfire but can happily spend all day standing on a smelter (which would be considerably hotter in reality)!

    It doesn't seem as if shift+click or ctrl+click for creating say 10 or 100 of an item is available when crafting - is this a possibility as it's quicker and less hit and miss than holding down the +/- buttons?

    Not sure if it's intended behaviour but it's possible to climb ladders that are on a face perpendicular to the player as per this screenshot. Seems a bit odd but weirder still is the fact that hands holding tools are still visible while climbing!

    Maybe some animation is planned (or actually happens in multiplayer??) but hiding hands/putting away tools while on a ladder would seem more realistic! :D

    However, there is still a use case for it: The new version allows you to equip any item from your inventory directly (either by pressing the mouse wheel while hovering an item, or by rightclicking on it -> equip), so the currently equipped item isn't necessarily in the quickslots^^ The 'active item' in the top right corner is the only way to see the item in this case.

    Ah, I didn't know that.

    Other than that, I'm not sure if it's really useful at all (at least if quickslots are set to permanently visible)... but there is a setting to hide the 'active item' - it's "HUD: Show Selected Item" in the Misc settings :)

    ...and I hadn't spotted that either :D Ooops

    if there is an empty space in the hotbar a crafted item will automatically be dropped in the hotbar. in crafting you double click the item you like (+the shape in case of building elements) and then its in your inventory. afaik there is no drag&drop. so even if you can open the inventory while in crafting menu you still can´t place a crafted item where you like and still have to go to the inventory to do that.

    Yeah I know but getting to the inventory via a single keypress has to be better than going the long way round ie close crafting window->open inventory. I imagine most people will regularly want to craft at least two different building items at once, eg a cube and some associated shape in the same material. With the limited number of hotbar slots and the different tools regularly required, I imagine most people won't have space on the hotbar so the items will go to inventory. If you habitually empty enough hotbar slots before you start crafting I guess it doesn't matter.

    red51 Personally I think it would be better if the crafting and inventory windows were amalgamated in some way - it would save you having to remember how many more of an item (or items) you might need to craft and you could see the result of your crafting immediately. Also, you could see if you have enough free slots in inventory to craft different items and the whole thing would be reduced to a single keypress. But I can see that would involve quite a bit of work :D

    At the risk of spamming the forum with suggestions (:)), is there any point in showing the 'active item' at top right if the quickslot bar is set to permanently visible (ie not autohide) as there's already an indicator on the bar itself so it's just duplication? Or is there some other case I'm missing where it's necessary/useful?

    Currently it's indeed not possible to switch from inventory to crafting (or vice-versa) by using the hotkeys while either the inventory or crafting screen is visible, so it's necessary to press ESC first (to close the window), then use the hotkey to switch to the inventory/crafting menu, as mentioned by Avanar

    However, I guess it's not a bad idea if the inventory/crafting hotkeys also work while the according menus are visible (so pressing the inventory key while you're in crafting menu would switch to the inventory, and pressing the crafting key while you're in inventory would bring up the crafting menu). We will change that with the next update :)

    Excellent! For a game that is pretty heavy on keyboard use it seems to make sense especially when crafted items will often need to be transferred immediately to the hotbar, it's just one less step.

    The rake is indeed very difficult to see in this case :thinking: Unfortunately you can't change the color or opacity of the quickslots atm, but you can change their size (in settings -> miscellaneous -> "HUD: Quickslot Size" under "General") - but I guess that will only slightly improve the situation in this case...

    We could add an option to increase the opacity of the quickslots with the next update, but I guess some item icons (like the rake icon) could also use a small overhaul ^^

    Yeah, an opacity option would be ideal... a simple opaque/translucent option would be easiest I guess but then what color background to use?! Maybe it would be easier if the icon images had a fixed background color rather than having an alpha channel?

    OK, I'm getting good performance with clouds off (grass and some fancy effects on) if I reduce the resolution to 720p (HD). It'll probably be acceptable at slightly higher res if I tone down some of the effects. The mousewheel is an issue though - I have to rotate it all the way to get the hotbar item to change and as mentioned, it's unusable in menus eg settings, crafting blocks etc

    Will there be an option to set the background opacity of the quickslot/hotbar (or is it there already and I just missed it?). There's a rake in slot 5 in this screenshot but it's incredibly difficult to see.