Posts by vinehold

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Oh, thanks for the log! Unfortunately it doesn't contain any information about the crash, indicating this was a hard crash (so the game couldn't even catch any information about it) :wat:

    Does the game always crash when using the mouse wheel in inventory/crafting menu?

    No this is the one and only time it has crashed in any release of the Unity version. I'll just have to see if it happens again and try to figure out what if anything I did to cause it as I'm not certain it was the mouse. I did notice the PC's fan was working hard at that point, it it happens again I'll check the temperatures.

    Not sure about having settings for the place/pickup though... in multiplayer this could be confusing if some players can do this instantly while it works slower for others (everyone who has the game on default settings) - this could be problematic on survival or pvp oriented servers :thinking:

    Good point, I hadn't thought about that. What about reducing the fixed time then? Maybe a poll here on the forum to see what others think, it just seems to take too long to me.

    Just encountered an issue whereby it wasn't possible to drag an item in the inventory to another slot or the hotbar/quickbar. Each time I tried to drag an item it registered as a click and the item was transferred to the hotbar slot selected before the inventory was opened. Similarly, trying to drag items from the hotbar transferred them to inventory immediately. I restarted the game as a sanity check and dragging worked as expected - I think the PLayer-prev.log might be the log you need?


    • Player-prev.log

      (106.19 kB, downloaded 132 times, last: )

    Used the mouse scrollwheel (I think I was in the crafting menu or inventory) and the game crashed. I was unable to return to the OS, had to do a power switch reboot :( Log file attached.

    MX Linux


    AMD Ryzen 5

    Radeon RX570


    • Player.log

      (174.53 kB, downloaded 109 times, last: )

    How about an option to change the time it takes to place or pick up an item eg a workbench. It seems to take a long time, I'd like to halve it at least :D

    (I had a look at settings, doesn't seem to be an option for this at present but sorry if I've missed it).

    Could you tell me which tool you were using (was it the primitive axe)? Are the sounds really missing, or are they "just" delayed? I'm experiencing a sound delay with certain materials too :thinking:

    Yes, primitive axe. The sound is definitely missing when striking iron boulders - I haven't progressed to any mining as yet, I've been starting new worlds to see if the missing water issue is fixed (and admiring the views, you've made a great job of world gen!).

    One other sound(?) issue I noted, immediately upon spawning there's a short burst of of rapid clicks which sounds like a Geiger counter... it's like a series of events have been queued up and then released. I haven't noticed any other sound issues.

    Bug? Often when breaking iron boulders on the surface, the sound doesn't play for one of the strikes - usually somewhere between the fourth and last strike.

    The missing sound doesn't seem to happen at all when breaking ordinary (stone) surface boulders ie all strikes have the accompanying sound.

    Hotfix 2022-11-02:

    • [Bugfix] Fixed water chunks sometimes disappearing or missing (need feedback)

    I wandered along a coastline for ages - no missing squares anywhere - looks fantastic. I started a different world and spawned in a valley with water - there was a single square missing when viewed at a distance but it was rendered as I approached (the opposite of what was happening before I think) - maybe something to do with the water only being one 'tile' wide??? See near centre in these images:

    There is a 30% chance to spawn somewhere in the middle of an island, otherwise the game will try to find a spawn location at the coast ^^ But we'll probably tweak this a bit :D

    I've dabbled with several new worlds and so far have spawned on the coast in all of them (must be lucky :D). On a couple of occasions I spawned on an almost shear cliff so I think things might need tweaking a bit. That said, the collision set up seems very generous (not much slideing) so I could avoid falling into the sea quite easily and have also been able to climb very steep faces by working across them in a zig-zag pattern.

    Right click on a category in the crafting menu and the context menu appears. Close the crafting menu with the key - the context menu stays on screen and nothing can be done until left clicking.

    Is there any value in the bright green 'You've eaten a tomato' message when we've been treated to an long animation and eating sound? I find this narrator's voice somehow immersion-breaking - who is telling me this? If the player needs to be told, why not display it at bottom right as '-1 x Tomato' in the same way as '12 x iron ore'?

    If it was possible to accidentally eat something poisonous then I think such a messages (or maybe just an icon) would have value eg 'You've eaten a poisonous berry'.

    Oddly other HUD messages, building tips etc don't bother me, I guess because they're not voiced by some mysterious person! I suppose it's just down to personal preference.

    Started a new world, all set to default. Had to wander quite a way but found lots of iron on a gravelly shore where there were dense trees and a large boulder field - fantastic views!

    This is definitely a bug, but unfortunately I'm not sure what's causing this exactly... we will try to fix this, but I'm not sure if the fix will make it into the next hotfix...

    I looked a bit further into this and noticed that as soon as I swim into one of these missing 'tiles' I find myself under water and need to swim upwards to reach its (invisible) surface. It's as if the height of the surface isn't calculated correctly which might explain why it isn't rendered either. Just thought that might help track down the issue :D

    This is definitely a bug, but unfortunately I'm not sure what's causing this exactly... we will try to fix this, but I'm not sure if the fix will make it into the next hotfix...

    I looked a bit further into this and noticed that as soon as I swim into one of these missing 'tiles' I find myself under water and need to swim upwards to reach its (invisible) surface. It's as if the height of the surface isn't calculated correctly which might explain why it isn't rendered either. Just thought that might help track down the issue :D

    Have the ore been put back into the ground instead of the boulders? iIcannot find ANY iron ore anywhere and io set the ores to "HIGH"

    I was wondering about this - I can't find any iron which of course precludes looking for it underground as I can't make a pick!

    Yep, I understand when you can sleep but as 'tiredness' isn't implemented why can't I sleep during the day? For example, I might be working on lighting my build and doing that at night might be easier.

    There's something a bit confusing about the radial menu as it stands; if I try to sleep in the day I can still bring up the radial menu and choose 'Zzz' which I'd expect to send me to sleep (even though I can't sleep during the day) but actually kicks me out of the tent :D

    If you're going to stick with only allowing sleep at night it might be better to make the top entry in the radial menu read 'Leave Tent' rather than 'Zzz' if invoked while lying inside the tent.

    When I try to sleep I end up in the tent with the 'tunnel vision' oval-shaped view but I don't actually sleep - I can still look around and even craft stuff and the 'Zzz' shows up if I look around at the inside of the tent although it does nothing. I can't get out of that state unless I pack up the tent. Maybe I just don't understand how it works?

    Hehe, well, actually this is intended ^^ I admit it looks a bit weird when cutting this tree, but we thought it would be nice to have such a tree in the game (even though the cut log is awkward). There is also another version of the london plane in the game which only has a single log ;)

    Great, I like variety. Any reason you've always stuck to the same number of hits per tree to chop it down? A little variety there and possibly with the 'yield' would make for more interest IMO ... I find myself counting strokes every time I cut a tree/stump.