I just sent a report for a bug i might have encountered. Its a significant deviation when drawing a line instead of placing blocks one by one.
Screenshot: https://steamuserimages-a.akam…4D475E9D82DFD517DBEA007F/
What happened:
1. i used the magnet tool to attach a single block to a already existing wall.
2. i placed in total 20 blocks in a straight 90 degree angle on this exisiting wall
3. then i placed 20 blocks in a 45 degree from the 20 blocks i placed before
4. i then tried to make this 45 degree blockline more broad by adding another row of blocks. for that i docked the block in my hand on the last placed block and tried to draw a line to the other end.
5. what happened you can see on my screenshot. the angle of the drawn line seems to be deviating from the original blocks, even though i didn´t change any angle.
that same happened several times, even once on a straight line - without any different angle.
i am also not too far off the starting point. i am currently building under the mountain on the unity version, just around the level where the daylight vanishes and darkness begins
what i wanted to add is that if i place the blocks one by one, instead of drawing a line, it works fine. no deviation