Posts by james1bow

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!

    i have started on some RPG type plugin elements. this is a work in progress and will be a long time before it is ready! feel free to give some input/requests!

    Tested it in single play...I like it a lot... :love:

    would it be possible for the menu to open as soon as you enter a portal?

    What would be optimal if this is a restricted menu that only offers the travel options ...

    for the owner of the portal possibly with a cancel button so that he can then edit the portal with "U" (the complete menu). :thinking:

    the menu auto open is possible but it would have to check vector position every time the player moves then compare this to the database. single player this would be fine, but if you had 20 ppl running around a server you would run into database locked issue as you can only have one connection at a time to an SQLite database. i will be redoing the plugin once the api gets an update.

    A small weather hud. displays current temp(not working, i guessing api limitation.), current weather and next weather.

    To Install:

    extract WTGWeatherHud to your plugins folder.


    /Weather help to display help

    /Weather Hide to hide the hud

    /Weather Show to show the hud

    Future plans:

    config file to set update time and hud position.

    To update:

    extract WTGWeatherHud to the existing plugin folder.

    Update 1.2:

    fixed bug (command's triggered sqlite connection for WTGTimeHud).

    A small plugin that adds a year, day ,month and time of the server. updates every 5 seconds.


    extract the to your plugins folder


    /Time Help for help file

    /Time Show to show hud

    /Time Hide to hide hud

    Future plans:

    config file to set update time and hud position.

    To update:

    extract the file WTGTimeHud.jar to the existing plugin folder.

    Update V1.2

    changed hud position(was over chat).

    Update V1.3

    fixed bug (command's triggered sqlite connection for WTGWeatherHud).

    kinda the same issue here

    always returns a null.

    but i receive this in the console after i get the null error in console

    [19:56:40] UPDATE QUICKSLOT 2: corncob (604), tex: 0, stack: 4, status: 0, value: 0, durability: -1, modifier: Normal

    not sure if inventory methods are implemented or if there is another issue!

    im wanting to do a pets plugin at some point and would like to keep them small. anyway we can get an npcTransform cancel-able ?

    you should setup all your UIelements first under say onplayerconnect like this

    my panel is displaying correctly

    the code i used just to test the event method should get called on any uielementclickevent. all my test code (below) should do is print the player name and element id anytime my panel is clicked.

    public void elementClickTest(PlayerUIElementClickEvent evt){
    player = evt.getPlayer();
    String playername = player.getName();
    int elementclicked = evt.getUIElement().getID();
    System.out.println("processing click");

    ive been trying to get this method to work for a few days now. Ive went as far breaking it down to see if i could find an issue on my end. the event is being triggered but nothing after. Ive also made sure to register a listener

    [Java] Trigger Java event:

    public void elementClickTest(PlayerUIElementClickEvent evt){
    player = evt.getPlayer();
    String playername = player.getName();
    UIElement elementclicked = evt.getUIElement();
    int id = elementclicked.getID();
    System.out.println("processing click");

    if this is something on my end i apologize!

    that looks good ... can you choose a destination here, e.g. uses a private portal to then reach a public one?

    Of course you shouldn't reach private ones through public portals ...

    or does one portal only lead to another portal (counterpart) when i use it?

    my plans are......someone places a portal. you can edit color of portal name and add a short description. you can set a portal to public or private. ones that are listed as public will be select able from the public list. private portals will only show for the owner. a player can place one portal and use it to access all of their portals as well as all that have been set to public. im also thinking of a variant that has no effect so players can create their own portal rooms.

    The first version of WTGPortal's is ready.

    You tube video here.

    To Use:

    Press the U key to open the menu.

    Placement/edit options:

    Name : enter a name and select the update button.

    Set Hidden: currently not used! in the future this will be used to hide you're portals from other's. (currently only your portals and public portals are visible to you).

    Set Public: allows the portal to be shown in the public portals list.

    Set assist: is used if you have a hard time being detected in the portal. i will try to improve this in the future.

    known issues:

    when a portal is deleted or the portal assist setting is changed the player has to log out and back in for changes to take effect.

    page number display not working.

    currently no setting file.

    Future Plans:

    multiple portal variations.

    portal tokens that will require crafting in order to place portals.

    public and private teleportation scrolls to be used when there is not a portal around.

    sound effects.

    setting file to limit placed portals as well as crafting recipe's for tokens and scrolls.

    To Install:

    extract the to you're plugins directory.

    (tested and working in single player as well as dedicated server's)

    To Update current install:

    to update extract the most recent file and drag the WTGPortals.jar to you install folder and overwrite

    v1.1 update:

    fixed issue where you could teleport to a public portal but not from a public portal

    (if you can travel to a portal you can also travel from the same portal).

    v1.2 update:

    fixed background image to support compression

