Posts by james1bow

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Basically you can just enter the name of every melee weapon there. Alternatively you can find all hit definitions in the "commons.jar" file (in the data folder in the game directory). Just open it with a zip program, go to "commons/definitions" and open the "definitions.db" with an SQL editor. There is a table called "PickingInfo" which contains the information you're looking for ;)

    If you want multiple versions of an item (e.g. a red sword, a blue sword, a green sword etc), you could just add different "variations": https://javadoc.rising-world.n…i.utils.ImageInformation-

    However, if you want to replace the current texture, you could try to use the setModel() function. Just remember to pass the original ModelInformation instance to that method again. I haven't tested this method yet, but basically it should work :monocle:

    Thank you for the reply. the setmodel() is what i am going to try as i need a weapon to change color while in hand when enemies are around. i needed the Swords tried it as hitdef: swords. got to looking around and noticed there were 10 differnt swords. set it to hitdef:sword4. will let you know how the setModel() works

    Hello all, new to all of this. trying to add a custom item sword. in the example ItemDefinitions file Hitdef: club. is there anywhere to view a list of hit definitions? Also is it possible to change an objects texture from one texture to another after the object is loaded? thanks for any help. The most ive coded is a few simple batch files so trying to get info before i do anything.