Posts by ArcticuKitsu

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    This! I want this to be taken seriously by Red because it takes advantage of the vast world that would otherwise feel empty.

    1) I would love it if you could build shelters for NPCs, then flagging it or guiding an NPC villager to live there. Even wandering NPCs. It's something I'm trying to push Red into because it would help is game greatly. He's too shy and hesitant on this though.....
    2) If it's something simple like with Minecraft's "Littlemaids" mod (Never played with, yet wanted to), then I agree. If it's to tend with 'chore' type tasks, then yes. Anything to do with farming, cooking, or fishing. People shall have issues with mining.
    3) I would love it if you can tame cats, dog, horses, camel,s and even foxes. I really want to tame an animal companion being fox types. They should not warp to you in any manner........
    4) Exploring on horses & camels shall be the most fun. I love that :thumbup: Bonus if you add Mooses as ridable entities, even giving all three supply bags on the saddles.
    5) Breeding farm animals is something that I'm sure is planned. Have to wait on this. I agree.
    6) You know, I'm curious how chickens shall behave in Rising World. How are they going to pop out eggs, and similar. It's going to happen, yet curious how.
    7) I've also been trying to nudge Red into this strongly with him now considering NPC villages. For scenic it's something he's hesitant on. For server admin sie we've been giving 'NPC Traders' to place and customize once they're added in. Adding lively civilizations & settlements would be a great bonus to the game to the game, more so if you can trade with them in that 'supply & demand' manner. No economy, just item bartering.
    8) Auto-protection to NPCs eh? That's something that might have to be done through mods. It sounds neat though with me curious to see how and where the NPCs would build. Rimworld & 'Timber & Stone' being two games to use as inspiration.
    9) When we're given those ''Construction plans' to save our creations then the NPCs can use those as inspiration to build stuff with. Just selecting & choosing, even scanning the scenery to make things 'fit'. If they're coded to make use of the construction plan then they'll be fun to mess with. Granted, players go wild so structures won't meld with one another in appearance. I'm sure there is a way, if Red can give them defaults to work with in that RTS type manner.
    10) Would be neat :)


    From this, I strongly still want Red to consider adding living NPC settlements, NPC followers (just follow & do combat with; bonus being fishing and tedious tasks, that does not include mining), along with being able to assign the NPCs with their own home. Not building and they enter, but befriending and setting the structure you built for them.

    Having wandering adventurers, scavengers, and other sorts of NPCs to play with that wander the land would liven the world up. You're just exploring the world to stumble across a hungry camper next to a camp fire, or someone fishing. Random things like that would make the world a tiny bit more lively. Having neutral humans and humanoids would make the world feel more lively, but of course needing to be scaled with 1 per biome at a time. If it's too common then that makes it too populated. Fun trying to find balances :P . If we can befriend one, or some of these then I can happily populate my world. They don't have to do much from then on. I'll at the least expect them to just aimlessly wander around like other NPCs in other games. They would however have to tend to their food & water, thus needing their own set of supplies.

    I can already see this being nudged into 'Rimworld' with how you have to keep a steady stockpile. I wouldn't mind trying to keep both myself and others alive. I'm a farmer player. A hoarder, a builder.

    [My bit seems like a mod idea in the end, but I still want Red to explore it. I guess I should have fun with it in a mod in the way I enjoyed Skyrim's wandering NPCs. It's simply a waste of unlimited space not to take advantage of it.]

    Well, not sure if such a heated topic is allowed but I"ll try. Damn, am I furious with Konami for reasons being similar, yet different from others. The North American community is furious with Konami for killing Metal Gear, Silent Hill, & P.T demo of Silent Hills. It's nasty. I"m furious because of that + me being in the Japanese Busou Shinki community with their 15 cm tall battle robot lines based on items & ladies. Battling robots themed on things in our world.

    - Konami constantly shuffled office desk lay-outs to force employees to leave on their own accord. They did this to Kojima.
    - They purposely made devices faulty to irritate their employees.
    - They purposely killed console games without a care to jump onto mobile gaming in a hostile manner.
    - They happily killed Busou SHinki & other IP while using the archiac thoughts of the big-wigs stuck in Japan's economy bubble of the past.
    - Konami had an office fire in Tokyo before with me linking this to their evil desires, the constant evil mindset at the very top ruining it for the employees & the fanbase.
    - Forcefully stirring up chaos to jump into mobile games by killing console gamings and forcing hell on their employees with their archaic greedy mindset for profit still stuck in the Japanese economic bubble era. Fossils of a by-gone era.
    - Treating Busou Shinki line like crap by delaying or being tardy/sloppy with updates (Konami issues) killing MMO on a Halloween date in 2012; Upping crappier mobile version which died within a month or two named "Battle Communications". Signs were there, yet ignored because it's Japanese.

    North American (or western gamers)are furious over Konami's recent behavior that I had to put up with back when I jumped into Konami's Busou Shinki line back in 2010-2013. In and around then. I had to put up with their evil crap back in 2010, or so, when I was introduced to the awesomely detailed figures with model-like accessories by a fellow Anime comrade blogging about Anime goodies. Games were awesome also and what got me into the Konami side of quality & evilness.... They pulled the plug on the MMO back in 2012-2013 with them trying to force it onto mobile gaming of PSP/Vita & Smartphones. the "Battle Communications" was a lesser version of that MMO with the phone version obviously flopping. They never cared for their IPs; The employees did. It's a shame such good game properties belongs to a corrupted and very dated & evil-minded gaming company in Japan. They're evil and archiac through-and-through (the leaders; big-wigs; founders) causing the whole of Japan & themselves to bring shame to those in and around them. It's depressing.

    - R.I.P Busou Shinki - R.I.P Metal Gear - R.I.P Silent HIlls & P.T.
    (What you see as my avatar is 'Renge' - Type Ninetailes (Fox)' from the Japanese folklore of ninetailed foxes from the Busou Shinki line.)

    Haha! Inception to infinity & beyond!

    I'd be amused if I could play Tetris, Mario, and whatever other game we could play through modded support. If Red considers adding a base game or two to this computer object as a comical easteregg to mess with then that be overly hilarious. Something small to add to the whole fun of it all. Dr. Mario was fun. Of course it would have to be either a mod or something original, or something Red could insert on his own for the fun of it. Now that I said it makes it something that won't happen. *shrug reaction*

    (People have been doing this in Minecraft with comical results. I'd happily welcome it with it coming over here. It's also been done with Computer craft mod, even with command blocks. GTA 5 also a good example with tennis, golfing, arm wrestling, and similar stuff.)

    I've been thinking about how Red is considering adding a 'Realistic Fantasy' Biome with me coming up with some nice thoughts for it. Been trying to consider what 'fantasy' stuff could be added that doesn't go back to the rehashed dragons & dwarves stuff.....That needs to be ignored. I highly recommend that the 'fantasy biome(s)' should


    [- Fantasy Biome Brainstorming -]

    - Size & Rarity: Biome should be quite large to make it more worthwhile for its rarity level in the world. Its rarity should be compared to the Mesa biome in Minecraft (fairly rare) with its size also being something making it fairly grand. It should be one major biome while having a few sub-biomes surrounding it. This should help make them rare, even making those other people happy. Large in scale, yet moderately rare.


    - Scenery: It should contain plant life that assists and harms players at the same time in the same area. Things like flying/floating plants, harmful reacting plants that spit sap at you, or even ones that move (both physically or just a branch) depending on the weather. Some being forested, some being sky-oriented, among other things in the type of the biome within a biome. Take advantage of the sky, land, and the underground by making each and everything unique. Having liquids being solids, gas being liquids, and such should prove to be fairly interesting.

    - Sub-Biome - Sky Biome: Being fantasy you can add fantasy scenic stuff in the sky. Sky is something rarely touch so having energy treated as solid would be a way to go about it. By being 'realistic' you can have plants offering 'vehicles' (Seeds & leafs) to float up into the sky by riding the energy within the biome. These seeds & leafs having evolved to react to these energy to populate the environment by. The lower land biome also evolved to loosely linking to the sky biome & back by producing energy to sparkle in every odd direction at random (in coding). To go up you'll have to path-find your way up by 'riding with the wind', even treating 'gas' as a solid, or even a liquid. Wrapping plants and scenery around yourself you should be able to wander around the biome in fancy manners, such as once again treating energy as a tram-line in the sky, or similar.

    I highly recommend no real-world solids, only energy going opaque and bright; unique plant-life to take advantage, similar to that mushroom biome in Skyrim in vibe. There should be no ancient or real-world human structures, only overly alien-easque types as that ruins the immersion. Think Subnautica, if it helps, or how unique the fantasy biome needs to be in this point & time.

    - Sub-biome - Gassy Ocean: An ocean that feels like steam and appears like liquid running fog (imagine how you can feel the hot air from a tea kettle & oven) allowing you to both fly & swim at will without drowning. You'll be able to see what should be swimming as flying, or hovering, while being overly peaceful, helpful, curious, and even overly hostile. Colours tend to change per day, season, and even the moon's position in the sky.


    - Biome - Animals & plants:
    (This being suggestions of creature types.)

    • 1) Helper Creatures: Floating entities that reads the player's aura to see if they're hungry or thirsty to aid them on a whim. They'll scan the player (sensing it's aura in lore) by grabbing nearby food & liquids in it's own environment. You can't tame it, nor should you nudge it out of the biome for it'll die from what keeps it alive [Recommend the coding to kill it when out of biome; Fish out of water.]
    • 2) Sap Spitting Trees: Trees and plant life should spit at you to deal damage. Certain armour should become ineffective, even useless when spat on by these plants. You should find yourself armor from this biome to deal with the hostile plant-life. The stuff spat at you should be considered to the sap you find on Oak, or similar trees. Just as stinky, irritating, and lethal. [Small plants, weeds, and giant plant-life should spit. Should be fairly common, just not as common as normal trees.]
    • 3) Energy 'Birds': Think of birds & flying entities in our world flying around in a physical energy. Not shocking at touch, just something that exists as physical energy similar to how you can form familiars form magic spells, just naturally thanks to its charged environment. You know how see-through controllers exist? Anybody remember the N64 see-through controllers? Now imagine those, just gassy & liquidy at the same time, yet physical. A living gas. A spirit...yet not. If it helps with your imagination then think of a light-blue, yet still white flying glass bird that behave more of a liquid or solid.
    • 4) 'Rotator Seed': A certain tree would spawn human-sized dandelion seeds with visible growth. During the 'right time' they would eventually let loose and ride the sparkly current aiming upwards towards the sky biome and back down. If the player is aware, they could trap a seed and command it like a sail heading upward and downward nearly at will. They're still however at the mercy of the energy particles radiating from the grown & sky plant-life. [Strong thoughts on dandelion seeds here while having that alien appearance.]
    • 5) Hybrid Tree: Purple giant fuzzy tree with branches arching over like an arch. The leaves having odd shapes with fuzzy edges with them glowing light blue at night while being light purple during the day. The fuzzy leaves, if touched at night, would cause the trees to rattle, even stirring up a eerie humming noise to attract glowing hovering gassy entities to sing along with the hum. When provoked, it's best to allow nature to take its course by waiting till day. If forced, one must place a light source at the base of the tree. If highly educated of the environment, one could even place special biome-specific flowers to calm the tree down from the plant's scent. (This tree based on a tree with branches like whips and can be found in Europe; One in my area. Can't figure out their name. They have fuzzy round stuff on them.)
    • & etc, etc. These types of fantasy would be more appealing than having skeletons, elves, and such........


    (Side-note: The fantasy I seek, and am sure others would approve is, seeming to be more mod-oriented because I'm sick of what is now considered the 'back-bone' and 'copyright safe' in the gaming industry. If we're going to have fantasy then I want to nudge it more into a more 'realistic', more 'unique', and more worthy environment to immerse ourselves in. I hope Red makes his fantasy world something that we haven't seen more, and something that may be more on a 'serious anime/NA fantasy' line and less your typical 'copy-paste' North American & European side of things. The above just being stuff I would expect when a 'fantasy biome' would be created.)

    Makes me think of Minecraft's Redpower modpack...Redpower, computercraft, and etc with the robotic squared little 'Turtles' and similar. This is the modern way to change or create varieties of existing blocks eh? That would be an interesting 'high-tech' way of doing such in a form of 3D printing. I'd approve of this as another form of collection + the mobs entries in the game's own glossary that you can piece together. Adding this ontop of that would be awesome for those ACNL players.

    Adding add-ons would be interesting, if you can list at least 20 different types for a general vibe of things :)

    Rare collectibles eh? Sure, why not. Interesting items of choices.

    Loving the idea of using a corrupted beefsteak to provoke a challenge of the nearby mobs. I guess during the night some ghosts (non-human) could be seen wandering that they'll feast off cows so that'll turn them into those corrupted forms. Very rare.........once in an in-game week, or similar during the night. Bring it down there and you'll provoke Zombie Dogs, and any other more challenging beasts.

    Leprechaun's golden coin should be added on the next Irish event in March for some provocation fun. Finding one should do what you said + spawning numerous Irish-related plants & eastereggs.

    Golden trees would be a nice 'trophies' for the players to display in and around their area. To nudge away from the Minecraft way I shall approve that it (the wood burning) should last twice or three-times as long. The benefit of having this tree should also effect the night sky on a full moon by giving you that beautiful golden aura above the chunks in and around the tree. Should also attract fire-flies for that added visual fun.

    Yup, I love these thoughts. Now overly curious to know how this would be received by others. I hope we can have display cases to display these objects in our homes. There were plans to do so, just not sure about display cases.

    A belated 'you're welcome". And again, as Red mentioned, there's no guarantee that these shall be added. Just that they were considered or planned ins some way, shape, or form. It's just easier to list them to get a general vibe of things. Making a second posting now that I"m happy with how much Red is taking things seriously. I at the very least hope that they shall find themselves into the game in the end to add onto the whole picture.

    Going through Steam & this forum I'll ended up editing in more 'features' I noticed after the 'decayed block' stuff.

    I guess that's the way to go in the end, by simply scything the tall grass to gain seeds & to just replant when it's done. That's how it's done, so I guess that's how it'll be. Then you still have the issue of weeds so I guess that spray idea still stays. I do hope people won't mind dirt paths weeding up so you can scythe them up for the seeds in your second posting. That idea of yours should work :thumbup:

    The ACNL & Minecrafter gardener in me does actually want to see Dandelions, Clovers, Heather, Daisies, and all sorts of foreign weed flower-plants in this world. Even weeds have beautiful flowers that I'd love to plant them around. Some are insanely tiny though....Having those grow on dirt areas should be fun, even in normal grassy areas.

    This also making me wonder if invasive species plants should be added also...I believe one is 'Hog Weed' that should harm all living entities as it does in the real world. Anything that I see along the Ottawa (Canada) bike-paths I'm considering to be 'grass'.

    I do, yet don't want to make a new thread so I'm just going to hi-jack this. We also did loosely talk about this but I just had a thought that should at the very least be considered......I know that Zacormyr had similar thoughts, or maybe it was Ozzy instead. Either way, it's something that seems important that it should be considered for roleplay and/or lore purposes. Yes, it is that important.

    - Mob Enteries & Archives - Snippets:

    You know how Skyrim has books, right? You know how you can read of lore and such? Rising World needs something similar, just in a more 'brief' manner (wish I could find that skirt quote of keeping things short and informed). If we do get books, and if we can interact with them, then we should be able to add onto one default book from almost the get-go. We should be able to find shreds of paragraphs that we can then piece into the book like a puzzle piece. Think of finding pieces of information that you can add into this book like in a Nintendo Streetpass manner for that Plaza area. If that doesn't click, then Pokemon Pokedex, or even a brief visual information in KanColle I'm about to show you.....

    Yuudachi Kai Ni Data by SubTrance, on Flickr

    (I do apologise that it's Japanese, but it's something I need to use as an example. It basically states how Yuudachi (based on the WW2 Japanese warship) participated in WW2 while also showing the art and the stats. Even the alternate art. It even has a voice clip....)

    I'm mainly suggesting this in a serious tone for lore-building material for within the game to also have stored in your home's library. Something for the collectors also. It also gives players something to aim for in a semi-story or goal manner. You're basically giving them snippets of the world's information to display about Wolves, bears, goats, zombie dogs, and any other more fantasy-realistic entity in the world. It may seem trivial, yet it's something that is overly important. Many small things add to the whole picture.

    I also say that keeping it to snippets enteries that players can stitch together in a book would be far more engaging then sitting there reading a heavy Skyrim lore book. There are players that do read through them, just not myself who tests stuff out. This also being for the kids who find genuine fun as to not off-put the actual fun kids from this game.

    [In short: Being able to find snippets of information on entities in the world from dungeons, intelligent humanoids, and NPC Villagers to piece information together in an archive book listing entities. Piecing things together like a puzzle to learn more about them. Having sketches, paragraphs about them, possibly even storage devices of sound-clips for modern era collection. Examples of entries from: Skyrim (yet short), KanColle, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Gameboy games with Pokedex, and any game with a basic listing of what entities they found and are.]

    Well, seeing as how Red plans to add seeds & grass blocks I've been thinking about people's strong desire to not have grass grow back. I say that it should in that bit of Minecraft style. It should grow back, but more in weeds and such forcing you to weed them out to replace with grass seeds. It should also be biome specific, whatever that may mean to weeds and growth rate.

    For those worried about having their dirt paths grown back on may want to suggest a spray bottle to kill plants from spawning. Basically have a spray bottle object, fill it with whatever fruit+vegi liquid you can, then spray the cleared grass from it. With that, the grass should stay clear of both grass & weeds. Even those tall grasses & biome-specific plants...Or so I'm suggestion. If you want the grass to grow then spray water then plant the grass seed and watch it gradually grow......

    1) Grass should grow back, weeds should grow with higher chance, and biome specific rates for both.
    2) Having a spray bottle to spray fruits & veggie mix (or some other more appropriate mix) to keep the grass from growing at all. A one-time use. To clear just spray water.....

    Maybe this is too much, or too simple. I'm simply trying to suggestion that would please everybody, thus me recommending this...I really do want to see grass reclaiming disturbed areas but people keep stressing that they don't want their pathways to disappear. I'm simply hoping what I suggested made sense and that it's a nice middle-ground to work with.

    I do hope that when Red does add in a computer that it would be a multi-tasking object. I would be amused if Red made his own OS so you could look through images, your own videos, and music streaming from both the computer and the way 'Euro Truck Simulator 2' gives you a playlist to choose from.

    Like Foobar mentioned....having a headset object, and a portable device, would be interesting for when you don't want to sit next to a radio, tv, computer object, or similar. This could happily 1-up Minecraft, GTA, and even Euro Truck Simulator 2. You don't really have to worry about copyright because it's all on your computer and the internet. What you hear stays in your world, or a server itself. If it finds itself on Livestream then that would just mute itself.

    Ya, I can't wait for when music is added in through vanilla coding or modded coding.

    While going through steam to comment on Rising World I was recommended this game. It's still as youthful as Rising World, yet shows promise and signs of being neat.

    Briefly put:
    - Skyrim type scenery & Monsters. In a chilly forested area similar to to Canada's North or frozen New foundland, Arctic Europe, and similar. Basically Skyrim.
    - The world is pre-made with no signs of randomizing the terrain for fun. Objects are randomized, as is spawning. Just not the map.
    - Survival while starting out fresh to then build up huts and such (The Forest type preset crafting, not item crafting together.)
    - Clothing & Armor degrade the more you wander around, more when you take combat.
    - Dragons, Skeletons, Wolves, and Walking trees as monsters (as of this posting).
    - Hunger, health, and warmth being a major factor in staying alive.
    - You can wander into towns, band together, or survive on your own...Or attack others. It's all up to you.
    - Save file is server side so you may find yourself without a character if the game goes under. (A chance for that; Think Starbound for save-file type.)
    - More to find & discover (Information is dated to release information & Youtubers 2 months back of this posting)............


    This game shows promise and it does indeed remind me strongly of Skyrim. Skyrim done in a more survival and less combat-related aspect of things. I'll agree with people who compare this game to Skyrim. It's still fresh so there's loads to be added and polished. What it does have now is quite enjoyable to examine and enjoy. The overly realistic side of survival, crafting, and the pre-made world for you to roam around in. If you prefer realistic fantasy then this should be fun for those that want to enjoy such.

    I dislike hearing things going 'static' because it takes the fun out of the game. When maps go 'pre-made' then I'm irritated with it giving the game a limited life-cycle, then having to rely on mods to keep it going which it doesn't have support for currently. I learn everything then I move on in these types of games. Nothing stays fresh (Skyrim also died out for me thanks to scenery), and is why I'm attached to Rising World's advertised game-play. I can't play Rising World, and I really do, yet can't because I'm being punished by my fellow Canadians through their masochistic trait of allowing taxes and prices to go higher. Canadians are docile in those things and arrogant in 'easy' topics (i.e No sex ed). This game also seems promising on the part of what Red could consider into adding into his game on the side of walking trees and the way those skeletons are designed. Same with how I brought up Dragon's Dogma.

    Ignoring my issues, this game does indeed show promise, and it has a VERY long way to go. I however dislike the 'static map' option, how characters are saved server side, and how it chose dragons. It also limits modding so that shall give it a short life-span or spotlight when compared to other games. I do however like the idea of Dragon pedestals though, and same with that walking tree. The survival realism is awesome, as is having to tend to your clothing (though gets annoying when can't replace) to force you to keep yourself clothed & protected. Having to explore and survive while tending to both hunger & heat. Having to keep yourself warm (Skyrim's Frostfall comes to mind).

    A bit more confusingly worded.....This is also why (the reason of keeping things randomized and randomly generated) that I'm pushing Red to add NPC companions on top of statues with customization options to match the player at the time. To nudge into more randomized gameplay with NPC followers to join you on your adventures to survive, once you win them over. I want to support Rising World while as a fan wanting to have this game at the top for both him and myself. This is a mutual victory on both sides. Rising World & Savage Lands seem to have a parallel in where both can be compared in the survival aspect. They may both be compared in realism, that Skyrim scenic vibe, that survival aspect of having to tend to your bodily needs (heat, eating, and warmth), and the part with crating to stay alive. It all depends on Red on what part wants to be compared when it comes to environmental effects and diseases.

    Not a Review, just quickly listed opinions that can double as a feature list from above....

    • [Pros] Game is a Skyrim survival in atmosphere with you having to survival a chilly climate.
    • [Pros] Pre-made structures and objects to plop down in the world. Crafting appears fun &
    • [Pros] Great 'realistic' monsters with a nice sense of animation to them. Great style to them.
    • [Pros] Lovely way for a dragon to stare at you from a top of a pedestal, again with a Skyrim tone. Nice sense of danger and respect radiating from it.
    • [Pros] Being able to switch from Singleplayer and multiplayer. Co-op goes a long way in bringing fun to the table. You can choose to survive together or to beat the living daylights out of one another.
    • [Pros] Heat is such a big part that clothing, torches, and campfire are necessities in keeping you warm (Skyrim Frostfall mod style).
    • [Pros] Clothing & armor degrades over time needing you to keep tabs on it to create and loot more.
    • [Cons] Simply having dragons to populate the world cheapens the experience. Needs more variety type. (Realistic fantasy)
    • [Cons] Game devs not considering to make a features or road-map. Wanting you to look at a livestream that shows sloppiness.
    • [Con] World is pre-made which limits the life-span of the game in long-term. Needs more custom maps or scenery. This also limits modding that also troubles Skyrim.
    • [Con] Game devs not considering to make a features or road-map. Wanting you to look at a livestream that shows sloppiness. I'm having to find myself making that list myself.

    The game is still young...........

    You sure enjoy your spookies. I guess if Red ever needs anything spooky designed or NPC villages & dungeons that he should into hiring you as a volunteer or similar.

    Glad you made it out alive! :thumbup:

    Arcticukitsu said- Nice, just a place I won't go to.

    Awww. Not even if the offer of tea and biscuits is made. we have a butler. He is the bestest ever, though he is very dead. haa!

    Accidentally rude. Sorry. Yes, sure! I'll visit with tea & biscuits as bonus. :D
    (Guess I allowed the US Civil War ghost documentary to get the best of me)

    After watching one of those Civil War ghost shows this building is twice as spooky to me now. I now imagine ghost blood splatters from the American Civil War popping up there. Nice, just a place I won't go to.

    A necessary evil when you say you'll regret suggesting ideas for crops.

    Not bad creature ideas. I vote for the Lair eggs & the Flys. I've seen far too many slimes that I want deeper creativity on that side. Finding these eggs should lead into them spawning into a skin or hard-shelled covered entity in a 'realistic fantasy' style. Not a dragon, nor a lizard....Leaving itself nicely open for some fun nightly creature to spawn within the mountains. A mountain oriented creature that feasts on stuff kept within it.

    As for the insects, that's nice. Pesky, but nice. Grab yourself some flammable liquids and a zippo lighter to roast those bugs to a crisp heh. If we're getting those kinds of insects then I want to be able to see bats, birds, and such eating them so you can focus on the other 50% that'll wander into your area. I feel Red isn't all that keen in adding NPC Followers/comrades, nor pets, but I'll suggest it anyways that it would be interesting to tame some flying entity in the manner one would in Subnautica with the Stalkers. Give the flying entity some food and then you can see that it's actually yours with some cosmetic identification, or similar. It'll then stay near you, or in an area, to eat those pesky Scavenger Flies to bits. Guessing by what you're suggesting, it'll have to be a giant bird needing to be tamed also. I don't mind.

    Just building off of your ideas and I'm loving them. Keep them up. It keeps the brainstorming going :P

    Hmm....From the way I read that it sounded like you (LordFoobar) read too deeply into the first or second posting. Maybe I'm reading too much into it again.

    If you popped in a discs in Minecraft, played music in Grand Theft Auto 3 to GTA 5, or even added custom music into other games should be fine. Even Second Life with how you can host and stream music there. If denied by not being given a radio object then I could simply open up a dated client of Winamp and play music from there. It would however be neat to make a folder with music you could select from and play music from in that manner. Streaming it to yourself, or on servers, to sooth or party.

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 also gives you a nice option of choosing actual radio stations to listen to, even being able to add shortcuts to listen to others. Adding both offline & online type selections would be neat with the games I mentioned in mind.

    I'm now curious if I'm still hitting the notes xdeft mentioned with English not being everybody's native tongue. Even I can't master it properly.

    A folder in game's main folder? Something you can dump your own music to then play it out in the game's jukebox, radio, computer, and/or tv appliances. That would be sweet and something I strongly suggested with others to add whenever ready and possible. Treating music almost in the similar fashion to cars and such in GTA 3-5, just more appliance controlled hmm.