First playable version now available!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Thanks for the comprehensive reply, red51 . :thumbup:

    My view was set quite high, and I'm culling the critter population as well as the plant population. The islands were a bit overloaded...

    I thought Snake Island would be an interesting theme, and provide nice places to hide my chests of gold. So I added snakes to the islands. To feed the snakes I added lots of rats. Wild boars had to be added to eat the snakes. Thick foliage was added to hide all that, along with bandits to eat the boars. By then the islands were rather crowded. :D

  • Love your work red51, I have some questions about the terrain generation.

    I love the large Island/continent kind of idea for worlds, it sounds like it will give much more realistic and unique terrain, and also remove those ugly instantaneous biome transitions. Will all islands be a similar size? Or will we get a more realistic world with some variation, some large continent like islands, with some smaller islands just off the coast?

    Also have you ever thought about adding rivers to world generation? I feel rivers are a big missing component of our worlds, we have oceans, lakes, mountains, plains, forests etc, I think adding rivers would make a finishing touch to world generation. Rivers are one of the important terrain features for building, as evidenced by the fact pretty much every major city on earth was built on one.

  • From this very thread here, posted by red51 on 31.03.

    Sorry for my late response! I'm not sure what you expect from a "Water World"-like gameplay, but oceans and sailing will play a bigger role in the new version compared to the Java version ^^ The world will consist of several big islands (actually huge islands), surrounded by ocean. If you want to explore various biomes, you will have to build a ship and sail to other islands.

  • I made a "Flat Earth" version where there are no mountains, no dungeons just flatness everywhere!

    Good idea. Thank you. I may start my next world as flat. It would avoid the varied water levels I'm currently dealing with. I'm working with weirs now as water ramps to transit levels. It works but it's not elegant. :)

  • And i like how the bears sometimes not attacking you if you stand still

    Realistically, bears hunt mainly on scent, not so much on sight & sound. :)


    "According to the number of scent receptors, the bear has the best sense of smell of all terrestrial mammals. Black bears have been observed to travel 18 miles in a straight line to a food source, while grizzlies can find an elk carcass when it's underwater and polar bears can smell a seal through 3 feet of ice. It's not all about food, though -- male polar bears have been known to trek a hundred miles following the scent of a sexually receptive sow."


    The polar bear (ursus maritimus) could use a bit of a revamp. Currently, all I need do to escape is jump in the water. But the bear got its name because it was so frequently seen in the water...

    From Wiki:

    "The polar bear is an excellent swimmer and often will swim for days.[70] One bear swam continuously for 9 days in the frigid Bering Sea for 700 km (400 mi) to reach ice far from land. She then travelled another 1,800 km (1,100 mi). During the swim, the bear lost 22% of her body mass and her yearling cub died.[71] With its body fat providing buoyancy, the bear swims in a dog paddle fashion using its large forepaws for propulsion. Polar bears can swim at 10 km/h (6 mph). When walking, the polar bear tends to have a lumbering gait and maintains an average speed of around 5.6 km/h (3.5 mph).[72] When sprinting, they can reach up to 40 km/h (25 mph).[73]"


    Of course, too much realism could ruin the fun - especially when unarmed and being pursued by a hungry bear that, over long distance, can out run and out swim it's prey. Hiding isn't even an option due to it's amazing olfactory sense. ^^

    Edit: Broken Wiki link to Seaworld - the info can be found here:

    Edit: link to info:

    Edited 2 times, last by SighBorg: Added links to info ().

  • yes thats what i mean i want the ai be more livelier and not just a moving bear in a Radius from 10m and attacking you when you nearby and i wish you can use you own hands to fight against the bear if you dont have tools like a knife or a sword which hopefully be a fight stytem like mordhau and maybe you need to resharp your weapons.

  • Извините за мой поздний ответ! Я не уверен, что вы ожидаете от геймплея, похожего на «Водный мир», но океаны и мореплавание будут играть большую роль в новой версии по сравнению с версией для Java ^^ . Мир будет состоять из нескольких больших островов (на самом деле огромных островов), в окружении океана. Если вы хотите исследовать различные биомы, вам придется построить корабль и отправиться на другие острова.

    Что касается творческого режима, в основном инструменты терраформирования уже доступны в демоверсии. Вы можете включить творческий режим, набрав [tt] gm 1 [/ tt] в консоли, затем нажмите F5, чтобы включить инструменты ландшафта.

    Строительство, однако, будет частью следующего обновления (которое вводит строительные элементы и соответствующие строительные инструменты). ;) Это обновление будет готово в апреле.

    Are you planning a lot of furniture, clothes, animals like cats, dogs, birds in the game? Cooking ..?

  • Good idea. Thank you. I may start my next world as flat. It would avoid the varied water levels I'm currently dealing with. I'm working with weirs now as water ramps to transit levels. It works but it's not elegant. :)

    Also, it is great to build on since there is no mounds or dirt to move to make your area flat :)

  • From this very thread here, posted by red51 on 31.03.

    Sorry for my late response! I'm not sure what you expect from a "Water World"-like gameplay, but oceans and sailing will play a bigger role in the new version compared to the Java version ^^ The world will consist of several big islands (actually huge islands), surrounded by ocean. If you want to explore various biomes, you will have to build a ship and sail to other islands.

    Yes that's the post I am referring to, but it does not say anything about different sized islands..... It said big (actually huge). My question was whether it was a more realistic terrain mad up of a variety of island sizes, or if all islands are huge.

    Anything that adds variety to the world terrain is a good thing for an immersive world. It quickly becomes apparent that the Java version is largely a small set of predictable reoccurring elements, with relatively few unique traits.

  • Then you need to use the search function. Im reading most of the posts concerning the new version so i know for sure that the islands will have different sizes. Also different distances to each other.

  • Then you need to use the search function. Im reading most of the posts concerning the new version so i know for sure that the islands will have different sizes. Also different distances to each other.

    Mate, I am asking red because he is the one who knows what is going on. I have used the search function, he has only mentioned the word Island one time in these forums, and it was the above comment last week (edit: turns out it was case sensitive, there are a couple other mentions of islands in english but it still doesn't answer my question). I don't speak german, but he appears to have discussed islands briefly in german 18 months ago in some comments. I am not sure if those comments are relevant or not still due to the time passed.

    If you can point me to where Red has discussed these things that would be greatly appreciated, but otherwise, with all due respect, your unsubstantiated comments and suggestions to use the search function just aren't useful. I have used the search function, and I have also followed the official update posts, and I have not found the answer to my questions, which is why I am politely asking......

  • Mate, I am asking red because he is the one who knows what is going on. I have used the search function, he has only mentioned the word Island one time in these forums, and it was the above comment last week (edit: turns out it was case sensitive, there are a couple other mentions of islands in english but it still doesn't answer my question). I don't speak german, but he appears to have discussed islands briefly in german 18 months ago in some comments. I am not sure if those comments are relevant or not still due to the time passed.

    If you can point me to where Red has discussed these things that would be greatly appreciated, but otherwise, with all due respect, your unsubstantiated comments and suggestions to use the search function just aren't useful. I have used the search function, and I have also followed the official update posts, and I have not found the answer to my questions, which is why I am politely asking......

    First playable version now available!

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