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  • We will add simple firearms, like muskets and revolver ;)

    Really? Crazy! I thought you guys were totally against guns in the game haha For both, there should be a chance it will backfire in your face... hehe Price of using one. ;)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Really? Crazy! I thought you guys were totally against guns in the game haha For both, there should be a chance it will backfire in your face... hehe Price of using one.

    Hehe, no, we are only against guns like machine guns or especially sniper rifles. And - of course - we don't want to make guns easily obtainable. It's important for us that not everybody can get and handle a gun that easily, otherwise it would become a deathmatch game in the end :S

  • I would much prefer to sneak into their base at night with just a knife after a week or so of planning etc hehe... :D

    And yeah, don't make this Dayz.. or Unturned.. or Rust etc etc etc

    Anyways, I'm hoping the environment will be dangerous enough that people will be forced to focus on that instead of just running across the map to bash someone with a club just for the lolz

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • It's gonna turn into a death-match game anyway. There will always be those idiots that are only interested in killing other players (PVP), not actually playing Rising World. No matter how hard you make guns to obtain, some idiot's will make it their Goal In Life to get one so they can go kill somebody. I've already expressed my views on "guns" in another thread, so I won't repeat them. RW is not a FPS- there's plenty of those out there already.

    Here's my suggestion: add simple guns if you must (resist any requests for escalation!), but: 1) make them very hard to obtain, and 2) other players are immune from getting killed by a gun (in other words, hunting animals with a gun is fine... but no hunting other players).

  • 2) other players are immune from getting killed by a gun (in other words, hunting animals with a gun is fine... but no hunting other players).

    I don't think that is necessary. I think the devs are leaning more towards giving mode options for servers:

    Survival - pvp (both survivals I think will have options for what tech levels are included)
    Survival - pve
    Extreme Survival or Stranded as it has been called before but I think another name would be better (simple tech, maybe no farming, predators and monsters more dangerous, and the world is just one biome like snow, desert etc.. so resources are limited to what is found in that biome).

    And of course server admins should be able to customize beyond those options to make it just the way they want.

    I honestly think it's a mistake not to do something like this.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Servers can disable PVP, it's already possible, but there is no indicator for that in the serverbrowser yet (will be added shortly). Then the focus on this server is completely on PVE and/or building :)
    Alternatively we will offer serveradmins the ability to restrict certain items, so guns could be banned from a server if desired.

    But I guess guns won't be a big problem, especially when there are no automatic rifles or sniper rifles. Otherwise a bow or a crossbow could also be a problem then.

  • Awesome! Muskets and revolvers suiting my style. Any modern guns aren't in my taste anyways, except for the SP2022 from the Jormungand anime. Even then, I prefer the good old fashion bow & arrows. I'd find myself probably praising and display the musket, if fancy appearing, on a wall mount, or similar. I now also have faith that you can enable such a thing in the server settings so it should be fine.

  • I'm sure a fully modern weapon mod will happen for RW at some point. Might be fun! But please no advanced weapons in vanilla game.. or I get my laser arm attachment! For this I will... not.. fart in your general direction. ;)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Guns are good idea. They want to add chainsaws and all this modern stuff, so it would be strange to have electric tools and everything, but only swords and bows :D

    "I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then, I'd have all my money back" :P

  • @Geneo Remember that a lot of this stuff will have an option to turn it off or on. So just avoid servers which allow modern guns. I'm hoping there will be a lot of customization allowed via config etc.. down to each item hopfully.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Machine guns, rocket launchers, atomic or even nuclear bombs, name it ,send it, as long as we have the right to not accept them if we want
    on our "No PvP" server i am all for them.... Can't be rascist & must please every kind of players out there if Devs want to maximise
    their incomes & profits!

    For my believes, even the pick axes have too much damage effect on poor goats passing by... lol

    Slingshots & peashooters good enough for me......
    Go thailand go!

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