I don’t know why there isn’t a suggestion channel for the new version lol, but is it possible to spawn building elements made of water?? I mean, imagine water building elements. Like, I’d think it wouldn’t physically flow, except in the shape of the element, so it would have a water animation. Imagine being able to spawn a water plank or beam. I’m supposing it would cause allot of lag if you made, say a water house. Maybe there could be a building cap on the amount you can build with on a sever perhaps to reduce server lag? And I’m expecting it to be a creative-only building element. As for survival, maybe there be an advanced crafting bench that can convert water to a physical element? Anyway, if possible, this would really help make clean water parts in your builds!
Building Element suggestion
- AshWardle
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
Interesting idea If trees can move in the wind, why should the surfaces of building parts not also move back and forth? Like light effects in a campfire?
But as you said, the implications on server lags must be kept in mind
It is our intention to add some sort of "technical object" which will look like water It will be treated as a separate object, however. Placing thousands of them in the same chunk will certainly degrade performance, but if you just use it for smaller things (e.g. to fill a bathtub), you won't run into performance issues.
This will make waterfalls much easier to make !
I don’t know why there isn’t a suggestion channel for the new version lol
Gibt es doch. Vorschläge
This will make waterfalls much easier to make !
Or water walls in modern homes!
Das sind nur zwei von vielen Möglichkeiten.
red51 do you plan to add a realistic smelting and smithing system In the future? Me and a friend were thinking about making a mod, but would be nice to have it in regular gameplay
Can you elaborate on that? When it comes to smelting, this will work very much like in the Java version (i.e. the smelter will be one of the "interactive crafting stations"). When it comes to smithing, we have no specific plans about that unfortunately, but we appreciate any suggestions in this area
Hard to explain further, but I mean like add a more realistic way of smelting and smithing, with tools they would use in real life. I guess that is a better way of explaining?
Hard to explain further, but I mean like add a more realistic way of smelting and smithing, with tools they would use in real life. I guess that is a better way of explaining?
I have no (english) words for the tools you mean but there is a very nice smithing simulator "Fantasy Blacksmith". This one provides what you mean i think.
- get the materials together
- start heating i.e. an iron bar- keep the heat up to a certain degree (not more/not less)
- hammer it in shape- water-shock it
- grind it
- add handle and other things to it
- polish it
- sell it
- during that process use the typical tools and devices
Yes, that is what I mean
I understand where you are coming from but I think we need to be careful and not turn the game into a "simulator" but to keep it fun and what Rising world really is which is a crafting/survival game, and for me the way smelting is done at the moment is enough and to have more elements added would take the enjoyment out of the rest of the game.
I tend to agree with Groovaholic there's grinding 😅 and then there's GRINDING 😓.
I could be done with a plugin, but it would probably require a lot of imagination as animations are not supported afaik
well that blows lol
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