Crafting items

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  • I noticed that benches are broken and not able to move with hammer.

    Iron plates notice is 1 per 1 bar. Making modern workbench to hunt for a lot of iron. 3 smelters working, still bit slow. Still need around 40 ore for the modern workbench.

    Stone pillars with candles in them. I notice when I use normal scythe, I knock candles out of the premade ones to cutting down random trees while cutting grass with no trees around.

    I bypass the pre made mine by making my own path to avoid the loop.

    Notice more stone than iron boulders. Does iron respawn over time for this build or still have to hunt more boulders down.

    So far everything looks good

  • you want to "move" a bench with a hammer? I don´t think this is supposed to work.

    Smelters are supposed to work slow and inefficient as they are just simple ones. With more objects being added in the future we will get more modern smelters that work faster and more efficient.

    I don´t get your third sentence :(

    Neither do i understand what you mean with your own path to avoid the loop. What loop? Is there a certain intention in bypassing it?

    Iron Ore doesn´t respawn. You need to spawn it yourself:

    1. take a tree sapling in your hands (equip it in your task bar) - you can get it either via command console or i.e. by chopping down a tree and take one of the sapplings

    2. open the console and enter the command: id ironore

    3. you will have a iron ore vein in your hand and can place it as you like.

    Side Note: this will also work for boulders: id rock

  • When you go down the path, and turn into the mine. I mined straight without going into the mine to connect the other path. I thought it went through the mountain and popped out the other side, not a circle.

    Stone lantern posts, for some reason get knocked out and unable turn on. They fly across the screen as I cut tall grass. Another time I was cutting grass. There was a tree that cut down when I was not trying to cut the tree down. Not sure if bug or tool cutting range is bigger than it should be.

  • When I try to do 'id ironore' keep getting has to be in creative mode. I put iron ore in hand but unable to make a new boulder. Tree saplings are no problem. I can almost put 3 to 4 saplings on top of each other for thick tree look. I am playing single player mode.

  • When you go down the path, and turn into the mine. I mined straight without going into the mine to connect the other path. I thought it went through the mountain and popped out the other side, not a circle.

    Stone lantern posts, for some reason get knocked out and unable turn on. They fly across the screen as I cut tall grass. Another time I was cutting grass. There was a tree that cut down when I was not trying to cut the tree down. Not sure if bug or tool cutting range is bigger than it should be.

    Ah now i get it. Yes, i think someone reported trees getting cut while using the Scythe as well.

    The "stone lanterns" do not turn on because they don´t have a light source :) You need to manually place a candle or something else inside

  • Stone pillars with candles in them. I notice when I use normal scythe, I knock candles out of the premade ones to cutting down random trees while cutting grass with no trees around.

    This is unfortunately a bug in the current version. It typically affects certain trees which have a specific rotation and don't have enough contact with the ground. You can prevent this from happening by setting "Enable Gravity for Plants" to false in the misc settings, but the next update will also fix this issue ;)

    Notice more stone than iron boulders. Does iron respawn over time for this build or still have to hunt more boulders down.

    As Avanar mentioned, iron ore does not respawn... there should be still enough iron on the demo island available for the current crafting recipes. The situation will change once the world generation update is ready (providing a much bigger randomly generated world). We also want to introduce underground ores in the near future ^^

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