Lengthening Building Blocks (Rods)

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  • Been having this issue for awhile, even pressing every known key on the keyboard. I even used F1, asked on Discord..... I'm "almost" at "wits end" trying to figure this out. I haven't posted about this for a few days because of other priorities (sharing my trip to Vancouver, work, etc), but yeah. One of my blueprints stalled out preventing me from uploading an updated version. This also would prevent me from building future structures with what would be considered "spam building".

    (Problem: Unable to extend it lengthy wise causing it to end up spinning it in place. It rotates, spins, or even flips 180 instead of extending as a log/plank would in PNB.)

    I was told (via Discord) "to make it longer". Smartass, don't piss me off. I was then told the old Java way, that is what I've originally been doing. I would love to make that rod longer, the PNB Java way, to replace the gate that wasn't carried over from Java to Unity. It would be weird to just spam it one after another. I hope there is a way to keep some form of PNB element to rods and rectangles.

  • Yes, i think too. But if he has the grid active the extension might be into the wall instead of towards his direction

    It doesen't matter with or without grid. It will grow on both ends. If you want to make it longer on only one direction, you have to activate the magnet (return / enter) before. ;)

  • I haven't played this for a while and I'm sure the way you both have said will work " normally Shift + L/R arrow keys" but couldn't he also enable surface face (or whatever it's called) and make it longer if for some reason the above doesn't work?

    With the arrow keys you will change lengh and bright, but not high. If you want the rod longer, you need shift and page up. It doesn't matter how you rotate the form, the top of the rod is allways one of the two flat sides.

    To the point with the surface: This could work, but than you should not press the STRG key - When my brain works right, than it would make both sides longer at the same time again.

    Nah, with surface edit you just stretch it and could make it more pointy or broad at the one side

    I think he means that the form will dock at the surface from the other block form. If you have not enable that in the settings, everything will start inside the pointed block.

  • As Skarafass mentioned, you can change the length or height of the element by pressing Shift + Page up / Page down ;)

    The reason why this works a bit different compared to the Java version is that elements can now be resized in 3 directions (length, width, depth), while in the Java version, it was only possible to resize them in 2 directions...

    You can, however, change that behaviour (to make it work like in the Java version): To do that, go to the settings -> Miscellaneous -> scroll down to the "Building" section and change "Resize Mode" to "Legacy". This enables you to resize elements just by using Shift + Arrow keys (similar to how it worked in the Java version).

    We would love to make that part a bit more straigthforward, but I must admit that I have no idea how to do that without taking away too much control :thinking: We could enable the "Legacy" Resize Mode by default, since that works quite well for certain shapes, but this mode can be annoying when it comes to blocks, especially if you want to make thin blocks, similar to planks in the Java version... some people have suggested to reintroduce planks, but I'm not sure if that's really the way to go (certainly this would only make sense if the Legacy Resize Mode really becomes the default mode)...

  • I now wonder if I somehow missed the 'shift + Page up / Down' portion, IF Avanar mentioned it. It worked, and I'm happy it worked. This is fine now, I'm happy. Thank you red51, and thank you guys.

    I may be a little tipsy during this exact posting, I just want to say this is awesome. Works as mostly intended and desired. A few flaws, though is nice. I'll try to work on this more when I have time and not so tipsy.:drunk:

    Labour Day, and I'm planning something special.

  • I now wonder if I somehow missed the 'shift + Page up / Down' portion, IF Avanar mentioned it. It worked, and I'm happy it worked. This is fine now, I'm happy. Thank you red51, and thank you guys.

    I may be a little tipsy during this exact posting, I just want to say this is awesome. Works as mostly intended and desired. A few flaws, though is nice. I'll try to work on this more when I have time and not so tipsy.:drunk:

    Labour Day, and I'm planning something special.

    Yes, he did - on Discord ;)

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