
The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • I have downloaded free versions of game for 30 years and NEVER had a problem with viruses or whatever else. I use good anti-virus software. ALL games should offer a trial or test version. they are WAY too expensive and have NO return policy. As I said quite plainly, every game I played and liked even a bit I ended up BUYING. I am on social security and disabled. can't afford new games, so I get older ones on gog when i do buy.

    It's a shame. It's wrong, regardless any selfish justification.

    Though it's especially bad because this is not a huge company like a AAA. It'sa very small indie dev fighting for each coin to invest it into development.

    And then you complain there is not much to do.

    Go buy that game on steam sale for 10 bucks. That's NOT expensive. If you can't afford that.. Don't play. Or save the money until you can afford.

    On steam you can return it within 2 hours play time.

    Believe me I'm holding back myself. In rl id say a lot more what i think about such mindset.

    So you enjoyed the game. Then buy it... Here on forum

  • i agree 100 %. then to come here and ask for help with a pirated game!

  • i just confirmed there are about 200 rising world torrents on the pirate bay website. dled one in a vm and it works. not sure what red can do about it.

    Not much i guess. Though these versions usually are not quite up to date, don't have access to mp and might contain malware, virus, etc.

    So it's not feature complete and risky. Aside it's really a selfish approach. There is no basic right on playing games.

    And if you can't afford 10 or 15 eur/dollar to pay for and support a small indie studio you better take a step back and don't play at all.

    If the mailman steals a social security check because he needs to play his bills and with delay gives you back half of that check i don't think you would like that either.

    I mean 30 years ago this was another time. But meanwhile i see no logical reason not to rely solely on official games. So many good ones available for low costs. Some really good ones for free (i. E. Epic, gog, etc)

  • i just confirmed there are about 200 rising world torrents on the pirate bay website. dled one in a vm and it works. not sure what red can do about it.

    The answer is unfortunately nothing.

    If anyone could do anything about torrents and piracy it would have been done a long time ago by big studios with tonnes of lawyers (e.g. looking at your Blizzard). Some developers include extra code that executes when it detects pirated copies and basically breaks the game but that for one takes extra dev time and secondly is only good until the crackers notice it and patch it.

    PS: GoG allows you to try a game for up to a month (real time) and still refund it without question. (Better than the steam 2 hour playtime policy)

  • The ethical aspects of game piracy may be debatable, but downloading pirated games is indeed illegal in most countries (including the US)... things can get a lot worse when using torrents, so I'd really stay away from them :dizzy:

    Anyway, I guess it's best if we close this topic now ;)

  • red51

    Closed the thread.

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