[🐛] Plants not growing, well not always

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  • Hi red51

    We've got some issues where trees and plants are not growing. But not for every player.

    I've had a look into the database.

    I've found the (local) id of one of the players reporting this issue from the Players.db, players table (via their uid).

    I've then looked at the World.db growingplants table and added a filter for their playerdbid.

    Result? There's nothing in there - so ergo their trees/plants are not growing.

    I still have the client debug console on, so I chopped one if their (non growing) trees down. Indeed the WorldElement debug info has the id, and dbID, creation date etc of the player.

    Any ideas? :dizzy:

  • It's like in some cases plants forget to grow. it happens to remains in sap stage, or in some grow stage. In first case collect sap and replant usually fix grow but in latter you lose sap if plant is apple tree for example. And this happen too with mature apple tree or corn. Collect it and it's a chance to not start to make apple or corn again.

  • Hmm... hard to tell what's causing this, especially if this sometimes happen in sapling stage, sometimes in a random grow stage :thinking: Just to make sure, the saplings weren't placed in creative mode with the F6 placement tool, right? These saplings will never grow (this is actually intentional)...

    Does it also happen in multiplayer in your case Bamse ?

    What happens when restarting the game (if this happens in singleplayer) or the server (if this happens in multiplayer)? Does this update the saplings?

  • They would have been planted in survival mode.

    I just turned server off. Copied database files. Restarted server.

    I've done the same as above, and looked at the same growingplants table (from the copied files).

    This time for the same players playerdbid there are 12 entries.

    (Not sure if this matters, but I copied and pasted the previous db while the server was running , so the .db_-wal and .db-shm files were live.

  • It's the case yahwho say. Survival. I make like other time: just planted and go away in other zone for a few days. When i come back nothing grow, but in same time i collect apples from some wild apple tree and they already have another apples in less 24h. I plant again a apple tree to see tomorrow if grow. BTW all apples tree are one protected area if this matter. And i collect some corn too. This, same like apple tree, don't make another corn. And apple tree and corn are planted at least from Sunday if remember correctly.

    EDIT: I just check and apple tree, planted yesterday, are mature now with apples. That in around 12h. Still others, stuck on grow, apple tree and corn are the same: apple tree in some stage of grow and mature apple tree and corn not make another apple, corn.

  • I have this problem on the Medieval Realms server also, my corn and tomatoes have got to the middle stage, but no further ripening. I have carrots growing very fast (too fast to be realistic).

    Looking forward to weather ... it has yet to rain in MR. And, for weather and seasons to affect farming. Really hoping for seasons!

  • I've been experimenting to see when/how this happens. In Survival mode on MR server, I had issues with the whole garden except carrots. Vegetables get to middle stage and stop. I removed everything and replanted both in the same place and in a different garden. Every vegetable now grows and matures EXCEPT corn.

    But, this is also happening with trees, specifically Spruce and Hickory (I think Hickory). I always replant after cutting, and now I have an area of forest with middle sized spruce (too young to cut!). HOWEVER, this is not happening with Birch! Birch seem to mature in 2-3 game days. Also Apple trees are not maturing.

    So it is specific to corn, apple, spruce, and probably hickory in survival on a server. I will make a single player world and make tests there too. I saw another player (on YT) also on the MR server who mentioned spruce not growing, but yet another player says they are for her. Confusing!

    Sure looking forward to adding chickens!! THANKS.

    Edited once, last by MommaT: I can confirm that everything is growing in my singleplayer world. Spruce apples, corn, all veg have matured completely. So maybe it's a server issue? Very strange. ().

  • If it helps any red51, when this happens (some plants not growing), I notice in server log after a restart I often get:

    Dedicated server is ready! (42.618 s)





    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • The "DELETE GROWING PLANT" output is basically fine, it indicates that a growing plant was deleted from the database. The provided ID is the unique ID of the plant that was deleted. This happens if the plant either reaches its final growth stage (i.e. once it's fully grown), or if it gets destroyed by a player.

    However, as soon as there is a broken plant (which is stuck in a particular growth stage), maybe try this: Get the ID of the plant by typing plantinfo into console while looking at the plant, then check if the log file contains any information about this plant (or maybe even the "DELETE GROWING PLANT" output with that ID). Alternatively you could check the growing plants table directly if it still contains this ID.

    We'll improve the "plantinfo" command with the next update btw, so it will provide more information about the growth stage etc, so if plant growth still causes issues then, this will probably provide more information about what went wrong ;)

  • yahwho

    Changed the title of the thread from “Plants not growing, well not always” to “[🐛] Plants not growing, well not always”.

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