land and boats.

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  • So I finally got a chance to jump in the new version. WOW, awesome job guys.

    But here is where Im at with this. I feel like Im Noah and Im on the ark. What happened to the larger land masses ? I have traveled for 12 night and day cycles of the game and all I find is smaller islands. I have yet to see a desert , maybe it is not in the game yet. So on WF server we are a pvp/ pve server.. In the past we could ride a horse and find peoples builds to see if we could get in and steal items or pvp. Now with so much water and how far you go to find land ,i doubt anyone could find someone.

    So the boat. I thought i had found a large land mass so I started to build my benches and stuff. Will a few days later I found it was a small island. So I packet it up to find another larger land mass. Still looking. But when I went to the boat I noticed I could not take everything important. Any way to be able to place one chest in the boat?

    But other than that , I love what graphics and everything else you have done RED51..

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback! :) I'm happy to hear you like the new version so far!

    But here is where Im at with this. I feel like Im Noah and Im on the ark. What happened to the larger land masses ? I have traveled for 12 night and day cycles of the game and all I find is smaller islands

    Yeah, that's indeed intended, although islands sometimes tend to be a bit smaller than expected. They're supposed to be roughly 8000x8000 blocks in size, but if the game spawns too many lakes and bays, the resulting land mass is sometimes smaller (or a large island is suddenly divided into several smaller islands). It's definitely our intention to provide more control over that in the future (we want to stick to the island approach, but you would get more control over the island size, mountain ratio etc) ;)

    I have yet to see a desert , maybe it is not in the game yet

    Unfortunately deserts aren't implement yet, but they're on our to-do list :) I guess they will be ready in the next couple of months^^

    Now with so much water and how far you go to find land ,i doubt anyone could find someone.

    In MP, everyone spawns on the same island (at the same location)... probably most servers will use the spawn island as main island atm. We'll keep an eye on this to see if this will cause any problems in the future :thinking:

    Any way to be able to place one chest in the boat?

    Yes, if you go to the crafting menu and double click on the row boat, you can craft a storage box that can be attached to the boat ;)

    Once bigger vessels are implemented (e.g. sailing ships), you will also be able to place regular chests on them^^

  • Thanks Red51 , good to know on all of it.

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