Monster Spawn at the surface (Reds question)

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  • I havent found any answer in the forum now, so I take up this question from Red:

    "Is it better to spawn monsters in certain places only (like dungeons), or should there be an option to let them spawn at the surface (e.g. at night)?"

    My opinion:

    There should be hotspots like old ruins, castles, pyramids or temples, where are just specific monsters which guard loot which you can find there. It would be nice if this loot is also placed in the world on shelves and other surfaces and are not just inside chests.

    The strenght and amount of these monsters should be as much as worthy the loot is.

    These ruins and ancient temples should be very rare and variable in size and complexity, that they dont get boring. and some have a secret entrance to a cave system inside for further exploring.

    But smaller ruins with some pilars and huge stones/bricks and bolders and old buildings could be more often with not that many enemies and just basic loot. A certain amount of varity is the key and especially different buildings and ruins in different bioms.

    But nothing speaks against a option to let them spawn everywhere but not as standard.

    Maybe in the water could be huge sharks which are friendly but they should show interest in the player if he swims and a minimal chance of getting bitten or even hunt down.

    Beside that the bandits at night in the Java version was nice, but monsters everywhere could be a little bit nerve-racking, espcially if they spawn at the base.

  • A neat idea but considering Red already has his hands full, I think random placed ruins and structures is unlikely in the foreseeable future as it would have to tie into World generation to some degree.

    It would be cool if we could build our own (insert evil setting) and have a feature to spawn and leash our own npc`s to that area. Multi-player would prolly enjoy that more than a solo World.

  • if we could build our own (insert evil setting) and have a feature to spawn and leash our own npc`s to that area

    The suggestion was made to make a request for Rising World players to post their ruins, dungeons, pillars, stone structures and smaller buildings and megalithic remains. In a thread some very promising screenshots where posted. Many players do know what most of the people like and want to have in the world.

    Nothing speaks against it to add the best voted structures in the game. So you would have a huge varity, the best you can get and no addional work for Red. And players have fun and incitement to do their best.

    Maybe this kind of implementation can be made also with other stuff like nature areas, cave systems and items.

    It creates content and quality.

  • In the java version was also shacks, ruins and also pyramids which were buildings, so I see no problem to add buildings which the community created and liked the most. It would be a great varity, quanity and quality. If the community like these buildings, the new players will also like them.

  • In the java version was also shacks, ruins and also pyramids which were buildings, so I see no problem to add buildings which the community created and liked the most. It would be a great varity, quanity and quality. If the community like these buildings, the new players will also like them.

    Afaik Red has something like that in mind.

    One issue could be though that if playermade buildings would be part of the vanilla version of the game - who would bet he owner? Could they demand a payment or license fees at some point? There are quite some legal questions to be considered, don´t underestimate that.

    Just for example - someone is investing hours, days or even weeks and months in building a structure and gladly supports Red by allowing him to include his creation into the world generation and then the game gets a success, for a part because of this creative and detailled structure. Wouldn´t it be more than fair to give a payment to the one who made it? At the very least give credits for it?

    But i imagine Red will give us the opportunity to add our own structures into the world generation at some point, even if not included in the vanilla version of RW

  • There are quite some legal questions to be considered, don´t underestimate that.

    No, only buildings, ruins and other structures which are posted by one's own choise to implement it for free in the game.

    Wouldn´t it be more than fair to give a payment to the one who made it?

    No, there are people who build for their own and are just happy that their buildings get visible to other players to spark joy and interest in exploring.

    These players who want money for what they do are not adressed with this suggestion.

    As example I know many users who show their buildings and these users are also happy if their buildings are in the game. Otherwise these structures would be only on their disc for no one else, which is a pity.

  • there is a reason why even "free" content has a license. before red could implement these the creator would need to give authorisation under this license as otherwise jiw would have a benefit from the creations of others without paying them for it.

    i don´t say it is impossible, i just remark that it is not as easy as you might think.

    i also share my blueprints (some of them) here on the forum for others. but it is a totally different matter if someone is using them in a commercial way, which would be the case if red is implementing them into the vanilla-version of the game.

  • i also share my blueprints (some of them) here on the forum for others. but it is a totally different matter if someone is using them in a commercial way,

    See it a different way: It is a joy for you, me and other players if user created structures are in the game. The possibilities and varity is endless and make the exploring really interesting.

    As example if one or two of your structures are in the game beside many others from other users, there is always something to discover because there are more than enough people who want to implement their structures in a game. The quality would be high because I know many structures from players and the varity also, because Red couldnt create so many different structures because it is very much work.

    It is only a win win situation, for the creators, the players and the developers. Especially the new players would like the varity of the points of interest to discover. If the game gets bigger, it is also better for the developer and this is better for us, the players.

    Also it is very motivating to build good buildings that the votes in the forum gets high. Maybe every two weeks new structures are implemented with the best voting or just Reds opinion. Not size matters, it only should create a varity. As example only some pillars and bricks could make the difference. Or an small artifical cave. Or a small abandonend camp with a fire pit and some food you can find there. Or a old ruin, parts of a stone wall, some megaliths. a.s.o. But also a huge manson and fortress can be interesting to find and explore.

  • I would love to see a players' workshop similar to the steam workshops in Cities Skylines (1) or in Planet Coaster and Planet Zoo. These use the blueprint model and players donate their work to the workshop (other players). They don't become part of the base game. I don't know if there is any kind of disclaimer or legal language that the donor needs to acknowledge before uploading, but that could certainly be added, which would alleviate the copyright issues. As for a contest where in a player's entry of a build would be chosen for inclusion in the base game that too could be covered with acknowledging that there would be no recompense other than the honor of being included.

    In fact, I think this sort of competition could be a boon to the game and community--a great marketing opportunity. Along that line, I would also love to see Red eventually develop a quest/achievement system and especially a way for players to develop their own quests and adventure scenarios to share with the community. That may be pie in the sky, but I this game has the potential to do all of that and more!

    I have come to understand that the game is so many different things to different people and far from being a weakness it's the biggest strength of Rising World.

    I guess this has nothing to do with the original post ... so moving this to the suggestions thread.

  • Funmichi, i think you missunderstand my point or i didn´t make it very clear. :)

    We both fully agree on voluntarily giving away our creations for the succes of this game. But this needs to be legally settled i think. If your creation is used in the vanilla-game by a company, whichs goal it is to earn money, shouldn´t you get a share of that? After all you potentially invested hours and energy to create something someone else is now using without any effort.

    For that there are license-agreements and this needs to be agreed upon. Otherwise someone probably could sue JIW at some point for using their creations.

    That is also the reason why pictures, music, etc. can´t be copied or uploaded by the vanilla-game - because of the copyrights.

    It is a totally different matter though if JIW gives us a possibility upon world creation to define which blueprints should be included in the world generation. Which i think is the goal of Red and his team

  • I wouldn't make a "competition" out of it when it comes to integrating user content and therefore wouldn't use a voting system.

    In my opinion, this doesn't reflect what people really like best, but rather who has the most friends.

    I think it would be better if only the developers saw what was submitted, made THEIR selection, and then let us know what was coming into game.

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