banking system and npc

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  • I read somewhere that someone suggested adding gold ore and the ability to make coins. I was thinking maybe banks should be added as well as casinos. And player should be able to set prices and sell stuff. an example would be, I run a general store and I sell food and cloths, so I set the price on food at 25 coins and different cloths would be 50 coins or so. I was also thinking about npc`s. I've always liked games like SimCity and sid myers civilization. Part of the SimCity aspect would be the ability to set zoning areas for NPC`s and then they would build there. So the players can do what ever they want while NPCs are given a task. We should also be able to hire NPCs as well. Part of the civilization aspect would be to add a government to towns. In democracy u could elect a mayor. On PVP servers we could be able to raise an army and be imperialistic, or we could have a tourist hotspot. Also another idea would be if a new person joins a server they would have the option to buy material and tools from a store if one is built or do things the old fashion way. You could have vast civilizations on some servers and small groups in another. I would hope for tons of NPC`s as well. Of course if this were to be implemented it would be either close to release or after.

  • I think it was in this thread: An Idea for Ores.
    Anyways, I really like the idea of a bank, especially the part with NPCs. Because this would make trading more useful, since those NPCs could always have a good stock of things, as well as gold currency. I guess human players would just hord things they really want and don't sell that or would sell rare things they found for too high.
    Of course NPC shops or markets should also sell for higher than they would buy something, but on a realistic level (like in RPGs)

  • Seeing as how we're getting "NPC Traders" we can set up either statue or wandering merchants. Not sure 100% in detail, just that we will be getting these 'NPC Traders' admin side. if they can be give to other people as an option then you can see some crazy stuff happening on servers through authorized merchant and vending areas.

    If we're given the tools to make banks and casinos then that shall add onto the fun of things. I'd welcome it, even if it's to play those slot machines ,roulette, or similar. It'll probably be more of a mod so who knows. The more things to do in-game, the better. Vanilla NPCs should only sell the very basics while the player NPCs should do the more complex selling, or just go with bartering. Trading one item for another type of thing. What's one's trash is another person's treasure.

    I'm still holding out some hope that the NPCs shall be able to move about of their own will while also being customizable. That would add greatly to personalizing stores and such, even through modding. Would even be a great asset to me to customize settlements, even to allow item-trading and all that.

  • Great idea with the NPC! But in order to implement game currency, cause the economic component in order, require a lot of man-hours to develop) At the moment, there is not even iron ore, gold, crafting clothes ;) . I hope that in the future NPC is the place to be! Thank U. :thumbup:

  • I've only seen 1 game that implements a decent economy/shops: Total Miner. The amount of work involved just balancing the purchase and sale price of everything in the game boggles the mind. The Minecraft people (nuts) have been trying the "economy and shops" thing for years and the result is always been total failure. The Barter System always wins out.

    As for NPC's working for you, I don't have time to babysit them. Besides, whatever 'work' they do is your job. Their job isn't to play the game for you.

  • I think in order to work properly in the game, any banking / economy system will have to have a way of controlling the value of all things. The use of a specific thing (possibly Gold in the form of Coins) would work for this, however in a procedurally generated world that is possibly infinite, there would have to be a fixed amount of this one item at the start of the world that would never change. This would mean that there would never be any new gold in new areas of the map, or else the relative value of everyones current holding of coins would continually decrease over time. This would lead to the first people to join a new world owning all the land where the wealth was, and people joining later on struggling to have anything. I imagine it would be difficult for the devs to implement an effective economy unless it became a central feature of the game, which I don't believe is their aim.

  • Using gold has been talked about. I would still like to pan for gold and/or mine for it. But not sure if it should be used as a currency. I would prefer to just use the barter system. Which means no economy, just trade. That includes NPC interactions. It doesn't matter how balanced you think the prices of things are, it will always piss somebody off.. the devs will never please everyone. Barter will work. Someone wants way to much for what you are asking.... tell them to piss off. They will never do any trading. This way, you could craft stuff out of gold, amulets, rings, ornaments, and things like gold plated wire/cable connectors.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • It doesn't matter how balanced you think the prices of things are, it will always piss somebody off..

    I agree.

    he use of a specific thing (possibly Gold in the form of Coins) would work for this, however in a procedurally generated world that is possibly infinite, there would have to be a fixed amount of this one item at the start of the world that would never change.

    But in the real world, there basically is stil gold that could be discovered I guess.

  • As far as the economy thing goes, I see the possibility for two economy's. One is the npc economy, set using random prices within a margin and, the play economy which would have to use a different stranded of currency. Would be realistic, people fighting to sell there merchandise as cheap as possible while still making a profit.

    As far as your I idea for the npcs I love it but I think that you might be dreaming a little big. I would want smart npcs example:
    and farmers

    But am afraid if you had a bank and mayor npcs it would just get to complicated, but I do hope that the npcs have a "smart" way of communicating with each other. For example farmers would give give food to guards and traders and guards would protect other npcs.

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