A mail plugin!
to install:
extract the zip file to your plugins folder!
1.1 fixed issue with data base not being created.
to use:
type /Mail Box to open the ui.
type /Mail playerlist for a player list in chat.
type /Mail help for help
players can also email themselves (for saving coords and such)
Youtube video here!
future plans:
ability to attach a single item to the mail.
add a place-able mail box to check for letter/packages.
new mail notification
admin mail all function
player attributes used
i figured i would add this for trouble shooting purposes.
ReadMailGui (read mail ui element)
readMailGuiClose (close red mail button)
readMailGuiDelete (readmail delelete button)
readMailGuiReply (readmail reply button)
composing (is used when the compose ui element is visable)
message (used for replying)
subject (used for replying)
to (used for replying)
listMainPanel ( this is the panel where mails are listed. is child of mainMailGui)
mainMailGuiClose (closes all mail ui elements)
mainMailGuiCompose (compose mail button)
mainMainGuiRefresh (main mail refresh button)
mainMailGui (this is the main mail ui element)
composeToField (this is the to field for compose)
composeSubjectField (this is the subject text field for compose)
composeMessageField (this is the message text field for compose)
composeMailCancel (cancels mail composition)
composeMailSend (send composed mail button)
composeMailAttchItem (attach item to mail currently unsused)
composeMailGui (main copose maui ui element)
listings (HashMap of HashMaps each containing 16 mail listings(page HashMaps))
page (HashMaps page1 for the first 16 mails page2 for 17-32)
pagecount (total pages of mail)
currentpage (current page displayed in the listings)
reading (is set when the reading a mail)