Update 0.7.5: Bandits, Monsters, Map, Sailing and more!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)
  • Thank you so much for your feedback :)

    Unfortunately animal husbandry wasn't part of this update :silenced: But we've done some preparations for taming animals ^^ The term "husbandry" is a bit generic, which feature are you most looking forward to? Taming, catch, breeding etc? Or getting goods from animals (like milk, eggs etc)?

    Taming, catch, breeding and getting goods from them ;)

    This is my view of survival games, survive dangers and create a base in which you have almost everything to survive

  • Thanks for your feedback :) We will probably add this behaviour for other animals as well^^ For now we want to keep some animals in a "always-hostile-mode", but this wasn't justified for wolves IMO (especially considering that taming will play a role here in the future) ^^

    I can now see where you're going with this. Nice. I would love to tame wolves, though hope we could eventually tame foxes. I'll eventually make my way over to the frigid side of the biomes, proper maps willing. Having an arctic fox with me would be a cute thing, if highly vulnerable. If they could find items that be sweet.

    This is still planned in the long run :)

    Excellent. Looking forward to that. Can't wait.

    In theory you can move them on a boat, but unfortunately there isn't enough room on them, so it's a bit difficult... but we still want to add rafts and also bigger vessels ^^

    Ha! Talking about nudging and careful riding, eh? I'll wait up for rafts and bigger vessels to do this for me.

    Hehe, basically it's possible with the "editnpc" command (you could set his behaviour to "Default", then it won't run away) :D But we've also done some preparations for taming and I can't wait to put a bigger focus on that after the store page update^^

    I could, yes. Maybe once I feel everything has settled down I shall probably do such a thing. Always fun to experiment. :)

    It should be there :wat: If it's not visible, try to click on the "focus" button in the top left corner of the map (first hit the right mouse button to show the cursor)

    I tried doing so, and swapping in and out, and all sorts of things prior. I'll try doing so properly this time around.

    I think I know what's going on. I believe it's showing the starter island, not where I have traveled to. I created my map in the arid area.

    - Default zoom (Home island):

    - After I 'focused on player'.

    - All the islands attached to the main one. This is all the starting area, and I've started near the south. I know this is my starter island because of the inlet in the south area. I made my settlement where it hides an inner port area on the bottom left side. A mouth. Going up leads to a wooded semi-swamp area and some mountains, and eventually into other sorts of forests and mountains further north. Maybe this is coincidental, and maybe it is arid, yet 99% certain this is the home island with my Vathunver settlement, etc.

    - With Elevation. It genuinely threw me for a loop, eventually making sense this is my home island, the island I'm far away from, and trying to get back. There is no player icon, nor can I move the view to the player side of things.

    I've also attempted to use the 'renderworld' command which only provides a mini-map perspective of my area. I was hoping for a more wider range of things to eventually provide me a fully explored area I personally explored, not a mini-map perspective.

    My main Arid base (Valsia) far away from my home island. You can clearly see my gradually growing main settlement in this arid biome. The pathway to the north, the main harbour area, and the lower Naval military base influenced by KanColle & Azur Lane in the first two renders. The third one, I had hoped, would have merged the north and south perspectives. I was hoping 'renderworld' would have combined my north and south experiences. It did not.


    You can clearly see I traveled south. This could be used for a mini-map plugin, if someone desires to do so. I wouldn't mind having a mini-map plugin functioning in game. If I was to suggest this people wouldn't like this so someone has to suggest it in my place.:monocle:

    (I've also seen barbarians roaming my Valsia settlement area and they're spooky. Just north of my farm (the big light brown dirt patch) seeing them walking. I didn't confront them, especially at night.:hushed:)

    Yes, they will be customizable, or more precisely, it will be like a poster or decal.

    This may end up being my favourite part of the update, if and when it does come around. I like the idea of naming vessels, something I have yet to do. I would have a field day having fun with various sorts of decals, emblems, and all sorts of fun stuff decorating boats and vehicles. I did note trains, and I'll note it again in a loose manner that it would be neat to have a livery tool for trains and vehicles. No rush, just hyped at the thought. Thanks for hyping me up on the decals, emblems, etc. :nerd:



    Marked out my settlements in this map using the ingame markers. I can't scroll to the new areas, only the "home island". It won't show where I am, nor will it display (scroll) where I am at.

    Top to bottom:

    (Potential Outpost = ?; Kelna, Vathunver, Port Vilipec = Red house icons; Spawn = Red down arrow; White X = Aluminum mountain.)

    Seeing an island up north I wouldn't mind turning that into a military base, or something of that sort. This map gave me more neat ideas.

  • I apologize for the secondary post, I however don't want to wait for my thoughts to turn into forgetfulness. I've been highly forgetful lately thanks to real world stress. Better get this out of the way sooner than later while the iron is still hot. I need to note how awesome this update is. This is actually a pretty good update, if with a few little hiccups, which is the standard for indie games.

    - I finally felt brave enough to approach, attack, and dispatch of some barbarians, or whatever they're called.


    They dropped chili peppers, bandages, canteen (leather/hide), and a set of swords outside of their inventory. I took one of their scimitars for myself. I've got no complaints with the hostile mobs. Nice! ;)

    I've done as you said, using the loom next to the spinner and workbench. I had pre-crafted the 4 parts prior to work, and sails after work. Finally have myself a sail boat.

    - Setting up a weather vain on my Canada Day 2024 monument (still WIP). The map is just for show. It works nicely, though wish it would wobble a bit in the wind.

    I really admire how you can craft these vessels in phases. It's the best part! I love building these boats in phases, best feeling ever. <3



    ARVX Valsia (named after this location) had a rough launch by spinning all over the place. Best to launch at a dockyard/shipyard flush with the water. It spun, nearly sinking, splitting, and destroying itself.

    This sail boat is a beast! I love the flow and atmosphere of sailing into the wind. It's epic.

    I can now see why Red51 teased the option of uploading images as decals onto the sail. I have a banner of my own, and I can't wait to have it applied to all my vessels and vehicles. Now that I have some time for myself I can start being patriotic in a fictional sense, as well as a realistic sense. This is awesome.

    - You can set images, just not in this version. Attempting to apply images onto the sail gives you a red banner it's not available in this version. Future addition, as Red51 noted here.

    That would be glorious! Being able to fully personalize everything to you, especially so others don't steal your boats, mounts, and vehicles. Full representation to your own glorious personality, nation, etc. That's epic!
    Red51 done awesome. Sure, others and myself feel we needed more in this update, I'm however happy with what we have. It's one of those past nostalgic Minecraft updates giving you less for more, and I now have to build up a specialized docking area for this, and larger vessels in the future. I have lots to work with now. :nerd:

    I'm now left wondering if we're meant to scroll on the map, or if it's supposed to be locked into place on our 'home island'.

  • Thanks for your amazing work on the update, I appreciate a lot the sailboat and the bandits / barbarians :)

    Some things to point out :

    - Q / E to change sail angle don't work on my side, even with remapped keys (game in english, french "azerty" keyboard).

    - "[Change] You can now get sticks from dead bushes" : I can't gather sticks on dead bush. And why dead bush only and not all bush?

    - Alepo pines still have no saplings (old issue, yes).

    - Cotton plants are now invisible, at least when you try to place one with F6 menu in creative.

    - If possible, it will be great if we can place grass on grass block (not on the ground), no matter how.

    - "If you're still missing any shapes or if you run into any issues, please let us know!" There is one shape I really want, its rounded cylinder, like a normal cylinder but with rounded "red" edges :

    It will be useful for church pillars and things like that.

  • Thanks for your feedback :)

    my only issue is opening map crashes my game (had to end task). Seems like im the only one having the issue and suspect it may because im using an INtel GPU (not integrated, A770 16GB - using Vulkan API currently).

    Hmm... there is an issue with the map shader on Vulkan atm (turning the map invisible), maybe that issue causes a crash on other GPUs? The issue will be fixed with the next hotfix, please let me know if still run into this issue then :)

    Other issue i notice is NPC will often lose their animation in their legs. like they are on ice , sliding .. eventually corrects it self then comes back. I'll try updating driver and will update this post if I can correct it.

    Does that happen in multiplayer? It seems that the npc sync doesn't work properly sometimes if other players are nearby :thinking:

    player body bug still lives (gets all stretched sometimes and bounces away) less frequent now though

    Thanks for letting me know! I will try to look into ways to reduce this further...

    I think I know what's going on. I believe it's showing the starter island, not where I have traveled to. I created my map in the arid area.

    Yeah, it's unfortunately a bug: right now the map only shows the default area (0|0)... but we're working on a fix ;)

    You can clearly see I traveled south. This could be used for a mini-map plugin, if someone desires to do so. I wouldn't mind having a mini-map plugin functioning in game. If I was to suggest this people wouldn't like this so someone has to suggest it in my place. :monocle:

    The only problem is that rendering this top-down view is quite "expensive" in Unitys HDRP. Unitys HDRP isn't made to render the scene from another position than the main view (which is one if its biggest limitations IMO).

    Issuing the "renderworld" command often causes a minor hickup. It's not a problem when this happens when using the command, but it becomes annyoing if it happens randomly over time... we're still looking for a better solution before we can incorporate that image in the map or into a minimap ^^

    I really admire how you can craft these vessels in phases. It's the best part! I love building these boats in phases, best feeling ever. <3

    Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'm happy to hear that :)

    - Q / E to change sail angle don't work on my side, even with remapped keys (game in english, french "azerty" keyboard).

    Hmm... on an AZERTY keyboard, the keys for that should be A and E by default :thinking: Please try to keep the keys pressed to move the sail.

    - Cotton plants are now invisible, at least when you try to place one with F6 menu in creative.

    Oh, thanks for letting me know! I will fix that with one of the next hotfixes :)

    - If possible, it will be great if we can place grass on grass block (not on the ground), no matter how.

    This is unfortunately a bit tricky, because right now the grass generation is directly tied to the terrain generation... but maybe we can add a separate grass plant which looks exactly like the grass generated by the game, which could then be placed anywhere ^^

    - "If you're still missing any shapes or if you run into any issues, please let us know!" There is one shape I really want, its rounded cylinder, like a normal cylinder but with rounded "red" edges :

    You mean a capsule shape? Basically you could achieve that by adding half spheres to the top and bottom of a cylinder :)

  • A small hotfix is available now btw :) If fixes some visual issues and also some crashes under certain circumstances, as well as a few other things. It's not necessary to update multiplayer servers for this hotfix.

    Hotfix (2024-08-31):

    • [Change] Seedlings can now also be planted on farmland blocks
    • [Change] Cobble stone now remains partly visible on snowy surfaces (e.g if "snowiness" is greater 0)
    • [Change] Removed some unnecessary debug output
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a crash when enabling modular snapping on certain block shapes
    • [Bugfix] Fixed map being invisible on Linux/Vulkan
    • [Bugfix] Fixed cobble stone being invisible when placed on grass
    • [Bugfix] Fixed bug which prevented you from removing dead bodies of female characters
    • [Bugfix] Fixed some minor sound issues
  • Hmm... on an AZERTY keyboard, the keys for that should be A and E by default :thinking: Please try to keep the keys pressed to move the sail.

    Already tested. The problem is that I already use these keys for left / right to have a more ergonomic position on the keyboard (It's important to limit some familial health risk later in my life). The best solution will be to remap these keys (maybe using Controls -> Vehicule -> Shift Up & Down).

    This is unfortunately a bit tricky, because right now the grass generation is directly tied to the terrain generation... but maybe we can add a separate grass plant which looks exactly like the grass generated by the game, which could then be placed anywhere ^^

    That sound like a good solution :)

    You mean a capsule shape? Basically you could achieve that by adding half spheres to the top and bottom of a cylinder :)

    No, not like a capsule, more like this :

    That can be used for Church pillar, like here, behind the statue, at Notre-Dame de Paris ...

    ... or to make an eroded cover stone for a rural wall, and I'm sure we can find plenty of others use for this shape.

  • Already tested. The problem is that I already use these keys for left / right to have a more ergonomic position on the keyboard (It's important to limit some familial health risk later in my life). The best solution will be to remap these keys (maybe using Controls -> Vehicule -> Shift Up & Down).

    Apparently we forgot to expose these keys to the settings menu :saint: We will change that!^^

    However, in the meantime, you can rebind the keys manually in the config.properties file in the game directory: open the file with a text editor and change Input_VehicleSailLeft and Input_VehicleSailRight to another key. The keys always use a QWERTY layout, so if you want to change it to Q on an AZERTY keyboard, you have to change the value to "key_a" instead (because Q on AZERTY is A on QWERTY).

    No, not like a capsule, more like this :

    Oh, basically like the rounded block? I will put this on our to-do list ;)

  • Does that happen in multiplayer? It seems that the npc sync doesn't work properly sometimes if other players are nearby :thinking:

    red51 Yes multiplayer. And yes only happens when players are near each other. Animation seems fine when alone. FYI map issue seems resolved, works now. ty!!

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Yeah, it's unfortunately a bug: right now the map only shows the default area (0|0)... but we're working on a fix ;)

    Good luck! Free me from my arid settlement! My freedom is in your hands. ;)

    Can't wait for the hotfix. Can't wait to eventually go the other way to see the winter biomes.

    The only problem is that rendering this top-down view is quite "expensive" in Unitys HDRP. Unitys HDRP isn't made to render the scene from another position than the main view (which is one if its biggest limitations IMO).

    Issuing the "renderworld" command often causes a minor hickup. It's not a problem when this happens when using the command, but it becomes annyoing if it happens randomly over time... we're still looking for a better solution before we can incorporate that image in the map or into a minimap ^^

    That's a shame.

    Ah, so it IS your plan. Minimap vanilla feature is something I would suggest. Glad you have that covered.

    Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'm happy to hear that :)

    Of course! The boat and it's construction feedback is one of the best elements. With any game it's always the progress and the result, something Japanese (and now Korean & Chinese) games are learning to reward players with. The actual rewards, not the grindy mind-numbing rewards. Curious to see what your bigger ships shall do in regards to these construction phases. Or trains, etc.


    Let me just say this is a neat idea.

    I was however hoping to speed things along using voxel elements of dirt and stone to round out my naval base. I have to rake everything up, drowning in the process with how deep the water is becoming. I'm considering of cheating my placing blocks instead. I can't in certain areas. I wonder.... :thinking: A scuba gear would also help so I wouldn't drown to death. Whatever comes first, I'll take anything.

  • Thanks for your fast answers red, I can now fully use the sailboat :)

    I have also noticed that the rounded blocks in new version look generally nicer than in the previous version, at least in most cases. I suppose its the unity upgrade. However, rounded blocks have also some news issues:

    -The textures on rounded block can be distorted, depending of the orientation. Look for example the stones around the two doors on the following screenshot (texture alignment is set to default).

    - The rounded blocks are now maybe too rounded where they probably should not. I suppose that only the edges should be rounded, not the center of the “flat” faces. It’s probably related to the normal map.

    A consequence of this problem is that we can no longer place two or more intricated rounded blocks to make complex shapes without an ugly result (good result in the previous version). Look for example the central stone of this twin window (blueprint bellow).

  • red51 Settings_NpcSurfaceSkeletonsHaveTorch=False

    Skellies will still spawn with torch

    Also, bandits do not spawn in at night. I checked definitions biomes_npc section and noticed bandits are not added to any of the biomes only barbarians on a couple arid biomes)

    I know I can add these manually, just wanted to let you know.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • What about the dungeons? are they for next update?

    I can't say for sure... originally we had bigger plans for dungeons. IMHO the dungeons didn't add too much to the Java version (once you've seen one, you've basically seen them all). Honestly I'm not sure if we should just stick to the Java dungeons, or allocate more time to have a better solution :thinking:

    red51 Yes multiplayer. And yes only happens when players are near each other. Animation seems fine when alone. FYI map issue seems resolved, works now. ty!!

    Thanks for letting me know :) The npc sync is indeed not working correctly, it will be fixed with one of the next hotfixes^^

    -The textures on rounded block can be distorted, depending of the orientation. Look for example the stones around the two doors on the following screenshot (texture alignment is set to default).

    This should be fixed with the next hotfix ^^

    - The rounded blocks are now maybe too rounded where they probably should not. I suppose that only the edges should be rounded, not the center of the “flat” faces. It’s probably related to the normal map.

    A consequence of this problem is that we can no longer place two or more intricated rounded blocks to make complex shapes without an ugly result (good result in the previous version). Look for example the central stone of this twin window (blueprint bellow).

    This should also be fixed with the next hotfix (it's basically related to the distorted textures) :saint:

    Things are getting occluded by the ocean. :wacko:

    Depth sorting is unfortunately an ongoing issue :/ In Unity 2023.1, some constraints were introduced in HDRP which prevent us to render the ocean before particle effects... it's definitely on our to-do list, but unfortunately I have no ETA for that yet...

    red51 Settings_NpcSurfaceSkeletonsHaveTorch=False

    Skellies will still spawn with torch

    That setting is probably a bit misleading :saint: If it's set to true, skeletons will always spawn with a torch (usually as secondary item, in addition to a sword). If it's set to false, there is still a chance that a skeleton spawns randomly with a torch equipped (as primary weapon then, i.e. without another item) ^^

    Also, bandits do not spawn in at night. I checked definitions biomes_npc section and noticed bandits are not added to any of the biomes only barbarians on a couple arid biomes)

    This is actually intended: the biomes_npc table only contains "regular" npc spawns (for npcs which spawn when a chunk is loaded). Barbarians are there because they're supposed to spawn a lot more frequently in arid biomes (even during daytime) ^^

    However, when it comes to bandits, there is another spawn handling in the game to only spawn them at night (similar to the handling for skeletons), unless the "spawn at day" setting is active. Unlike the regular spawn handling, this can even let bandits spawn in already loaded chunks around the player - but this only happens around players who don't have creative mode enabled (we could change that though).

    Spawn chance for bandits is defined in the "biomes" table (there is a "banditspawnchance" column). Right now it's set to a low value... bandits do spawn, but it happens quite rarely by default. Maybe we should increase the spawn rate :thinking:

  • Another hotfix is available now btw :) It fixes various issues, but if you still run into any problems, please let us know! It's necessary to update multiplayer server btw.

    Hotfix (2024-09-02):

    • [Change] Rain and snow is no longer visible above the clouds
    • [Change] You can now interact with the loom to bring up the crafting menu
    • [Change] Block shape selection (via "item pnb" command or when changing the shape) now shows all shapes
    • [Change] Added missing wolf pelts (white, grey and black variant)
    • [Change] Increased spawn rate for bandits
    • [Change] Map now no longer moves with the player if the player is out of view (to focus back on player, just click the button in the upper left corner of the map)
    • [Change] Dedicated server is no longer a devmode build (resulted in verbose logging)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed rain and snow being visible inside buildings and in caves
    • [Bugfix] Fixed map always being locked on starter island (sector 0|0)
    • [Bugfix] Map now displays terrain with custom flat/mountainous settings correctly as well as superflat worlds
    • [Bugfix] Fixed some minor visual issues on block shapes
    • [Bugfix] Fixed female npcs having no collision
    • [Bugfix] Fixed torch still staying active after turning it off
    • [Bugfix] Fixed map markers flickering sometimes in multiplayer
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crash when an npc was killed while the edit dialog was still open
    • [Bugfix] Fixed sporadic black screen when returning to the main menu while map was equipped
  • I don't know if I have it in this image, I probably don't. Even if I don't one could imagine when it rains (and after it rains) worms would constantly spawn from dirt, sand, etc while raking up the terrain. While trying to round out the terrain for my navy base I picked up nearly 2 maxed out stats of worms while raking underwater. The worms would wriggle, then point upwards in a death position prior to dying.

    Forgot to share this. I'm unsure if raking & worms are broken, it however felt like it. Worms would continuously pop out of the underwater environment.

    It's also been noted weather effects ignore construction elements, the water's surface, etc, probably leading to this very situation.

    Had a few cases where I would return to the main menu to be greeted by a black screen.

    And as noted previously, I was surprisingly amused to see the addition of bellpeppers. Thanks for adding them.

    I'll wait for when they can be grown, but thank you for adding stuff in secret. I may have to hunt down more stuff in the future.

    I believe that's everything this time. I wish you the best of luck for any future hotfixes and updates. *praying emoji*


    Edit #2

    I'm thankful for the map hotfix, it finally does what it's supposed to. Thanks for the hotfix! I however now wish while sitting on a boat you could bring the map out, more so when you're sitting. Hard to navigate when you're sitting and can't pull out your map.

    - Fixed! Nice! Thanks! :)

    I wish you could both navigate and sail at the same time. Or have a pedestal where you can place the map while navigating and steering. And a storage compartment. Otherwise, it's a nice hotfix and I thank you for the fixes! :)



    (Edit: Sorry, didn't mean to post after Red51's new hotfixes. *shrug*)

  • I have tested the update and it is incredible, thank you for the dedication and time put into this Red.

    I believed that the new blocks of terrain material could also be "painted" (with grasses or seagrass). Will that be possible?

    I have a doubt if there is any chance of taking screenshots with the "renderworld" command with a higher image resolution? Something like 4K at least, or a way to choose the resolution in the config file or within the game menus (personally I'd love a resolution higher than 5000x5000)

    The ship's flag is great, it opens the door to flags of all kinds as independent objects in this game, perhaps in the future... Curtains or similar objects that interact with the wind. I imagine something like this with the possibility of inserting images (like posters).

    Thanks for the new wind mechanics on the ship, the effort in that part of the update is evident.

    The map now works well, will there be a chance to save the markers with the height coordinate? So that teleportations are 100% accurate.

    Total thanks.

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