Update 0.7.5: Bandits, Monsters, Map, Sailing and more!

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • Thank you so much for your kind words CedarMan and FioO :)

    QoL: I feel like pressing ESC while in Map view should close the map instead of bringing up the menu.

    If you're in map edit mode (i.e the cursor is visible), ESC is indeed supposed to stop the edit mode... but it sounds like you want the player to put away the map item when pressing ESC?

    It would be great to have cobble stone and asphalt (and maybe other stone patterns) in the terrain manipulator tool as well, because it looks a bit weird to set them as blocks into a world in many occasions, especially if they should interconnect between buildings, instead of belonging to a certain building. Do you think it is something doable in the future? I'm not sure about array limits, etc. Thanks for considering! <3

    It would be indeed nice to have more terrain materials... and it's definitely our intention to add more materials in a future update ^^ When it comes to cobble stone, you're probably looking for something like block ID 265, is that correct?

    is it just me that is no longer able to disassemble boats nor destroy them on my MP server? this is affecting all players including admins. I do know it was working not sure since when it stopped, last update maybe.

    Oh, yes, I can confirm that :/ This seems to be happening in multiplayer only... unfortunately there are no more hotfixes planned, but we will fix that with the next update! :)

  • Red51, you startled me with this Halloween claw hands in the radial menu. I went 'WTF?!'......

    Also, curious when we'll gain the colonial/pirate cannons. Can't wait to have them displayed at my navy museum and Navy base at a secondary settlement. Good luck on your next update.

    I also have to note that hearing wolves at night, howling, is a very spooky situation. They're way far off in the distance, but even then, it's spooky.

    P.S: If you're worried about the health of Rising World then do know that trains shall save your behind. If you desire to save Rising World then consider trains, even if it's one small locomotive, or one small addition. It can even be minecarts related. It doesn't have to be now, it can be whenever it's ready.

  • Hehe :saint:

    Yes, that's still on our to-do list, but I can't say for sure when it will be ready... we'll have more room for this after the upcoming store page update ^^

    I'm now curious as to when your next update is. I hope you can plan it for a nice festive December 5th, Sinterklaas festivities. Some small Christmas vibes, and your planned updates. Your next update would make a nice present on December 5th. :nerd:

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