Easy way of change texture of existing block in survival mode

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  • It's a method of change texture of a block after blocks are placed?

    Problem is we made some complex structure and make some bad choice of textures at starting of project. Beside demolish and start over is a way?

    For red51 i dream about a tool like paintbrush, but instead changing color, replace textures! But for love of survivalist gamer this tool need to consume resource. I don't mind to pay full cost, in resource of new block, but just to have ability "to paint" textures on block (can be made to use raw resource from inventory, or to already heave in inventory block with new texture to be consumed - but this introduce complexity because different shapes of structure who want to re-texture!).

    PS: All this in multiplayer server, not single player/creative mode.

    Thx in advance!

  • Basically we could "easily" add a paint brush which replaces block textures. The necessary game mechanics are already there (accessible in the creative mode F8 tools) ^^

    I'm only struggling with finding a reasonable way to change the material in survival mode... it feels a bit weird if a wooden block could be turned into a metal block just by using a paint brush, for example :thinking:

    I think we need another way or another tool for that... maybe a hammer & chisel? It could be a dedicated tool then to replace existing blocks in the world with another block (you just need the new block in your inventory). What do you think about that?

  • Replacing exiting block with a new one is a god option, only caveat here is different shape of block can be a problem. You must remember somewhat what shape used before and this can be problematic if block is embedded in complex structure, but if this tool can just use any shape of block from inventory and adapt to shape of placed block i don't see a problem.

  • The hammer & chisel could be used to "upgrade" or "downgrade" blocks. However, there's the issue of it selecting multiple at a time instead of doing the entire castle with click click, click click, click click.

  • The hammer & chisel could be used to "upgrade" or "downgrade" blocks. However, there's the issue of it selecting multiple at a time instead of doing the entire castle with click click, click click, click click.

    I don't mind to click every block to change texture in survival. Just to have this tool to change texture of exiting placed block. The click on every block to "paint" new texture it's the last problem, beside demolish and start from scratch.

  • Basically we could "easily" add a paint brush which replaces block textures. The necessary game mechanics are already there (accessible in the creative mode F8 tools) ^^

    I'm only struggling with finding a reasonable way to change the material in survival mode... it feels a bit weird if a wooden block could be turned into a metal block just by using a paint brush, for example :thinking:

    I think we need another way or another tool for that... maybe a hammer & chisel? It could be a dedicated tool then to replace existing blocks in the world with another block (you just need the new block in your inventory). What do you think about that?

    Why not just restrict it to only being able to change material for same material, that way it prevents people from exploiting it. Depending on how you have things set up you might have to create a couple of tools for survival like "wood chisel", "Stone Chisel", etc. so you can restrict the materials, but hey you don't use wood chisels to carve stone in real life so no big having to have a couple of them in game for the right job.

  • Basically we could "easily" add a paint brush which replaces block textures. The necessary game mechanics are already there (accessible in the creative mode F8 tools) ^^

    I'm only struggling with finding a reasonable way to change the material in survival mode... it feels a bit weird if a wooden block could be turned into a metal block just by using a paint brush, for example :thinking:

    I think we need another way or another tool for that... maybe a hammer & chisel? It could be a dedicated tool then to replace existing blocks in the world with another block (you just need the new block in your inventory). What do you think about that?

    Why are you having a hard time with resources? The resources are clearly defined.

    The question for me is more whether it is enough if the basic resources (logs, stones, ores) are there or does the finished block have to be in the inventory.


    I want to replace a block of wood with gold

    Variant 1: I have to have gold in the inventory for the corresponding block - time-consuming, complicated and error-prone and you may have made too many blocks and wasted resources in the process

    Variant 2: I have to have 4 gold plates in the inventory for the corresponding block of gold, which perhaps requires 4 gold plates

    Variant 3: I just have to have the required gold ore for the required bars/plates for the desired block in the inventory

    Personally, I would be in favor of variant 3 in order to be able to replace blocks just as easily as in creative mode and still fulfill the survival aspect. Perhaps it can also be adjusted between these 3 variants and the server operator sets it up according to his wishes/ideas.

    It would be perfect if, when building at a workbench, you didn't have to have all the resources in your inventory, but could access the contents of the containers within a radius of 6 blocks (just as an example) - I always have several boxes with the resources around my workbench.

  • A simple "replace mode" (on/off button) in "C" menu, with a green overlay when you target a block to replace it, if you have the right type of block in your hands (and a red one otherwise), could perfectly do the job. No new tools or further justification is required.

    I agree too, it's a good idea to offer a way to change texture without rebuild in survival mode.

  • It's survival not creative. A solution is good to change a certain block but if you want to change the whole construction then start again from scratch. You have to think and plan before you start building. If you build in real life you have to choose the right material, right?

    How many times will it happen that a builder chooses the wrong texture ? Best solution so far is from Ozorvals. It's good to brainstorm but Red has already enough on his plate to get version 1.0 ready, so no distraction needed.

  • Replacing exiting block with a new one is a god option, only caveat here is different shape of block can be a problem. You must remember somewhat what shape used before and this can be problematic if block is embedded in complex structure, but if this tool can just use any shape of block from inventory and adapt to shape of placed block i don't see a problem.

    That's a good point. It indeed requires some extra work if you have to make sure to craft the correct shape first, which makes it prone to error...

    The hammer & chisel could be used to "upgrade" or "downgrade" blocks. However, there's the issue of it selecting multiple at a time instead of doing the entire castle with click click, click click, click click.

    Yeah, that problem indeed remains... but unfortunately I can't think of a proper way (or tool) to handle this in survival mode? :thinking: Maybe it feels a bit weird in survival if the player could just select an area covering the blocks he wants to replace, similar to how it works in creative mode?

    Why not just restrict it to only being able to change material for same material, that way it prevents people from exploiting it. Depending on how you have things set up you might have to create a couple of tools for survival like "wood chisel", "Stone Chisel", etc. so you can restrict the materials, but hey you don't use wood chisels to carve stone in real life so no big having to have a couple of them in game for the right job.

    Basically that's not a bad idea, but it would probably make things a bit too complicated if there were several tools for the same task (just based on the block material) :wat:

    Why are you having a hard time with resources? The resources are clearly defined.

    I'm not having a hard time with the resources, I was just referring to the way how the item should be changed. IMHO it feels a bit weird if the block material could be changed with a paint brush, for example (considering that doesn't only change the visual appearance of the block, instead it changes the actual material, strength of the block etc) ^^

    The question for me is more whether it is enough if the basic resources (logs, stones, ores) are there or does the finished block have to be in the inventory.

    That's a good question. While just having the basic resources in inventory is more flexible, the option of having the finished block in inventory feels a bit more suitable for the survival mode (because otherwise it would imply that the replacement block could be crafted without a workbench)... :wat:

    It would be perfect if, when building at a workbench, you didn't have to have all the resources in your inventory, but could access the contents of the containers within a radius of 6 blocks (just as an example) - I always have several boxes with the resources around my workbench.

    This sounds good, I will put it on our to-do list :)

    A simple "replace mode" (on/off button) in "C" menu, with a green overlay when you target a block to replace it, if you have the right type of block in your hands (and a red one otherwise), could perfectly do the job. No new tools or further justification is required.

    This sounds like an amazingly simple yet good solution ^^ Only problem is that the radial menu is already a bit bloated... so maybe it's better if we had a separate tool for that... we'll have to think about that :saint:

  • I'm going to throw my two cent in.

    How about a player must craft a new workbench - a renovation workbench. The renovation workbench must be placed within the location where the renovations are going to take place, the renovation workbench itself has a chest (action key on renovation bench to open up a regular chest window) where you then must load materials into, then the player uses a chisel to change the textures/materials of blocks. Consuing the materials in the renovation bench as you go depending on what textures/materials you chose to change an existing construction block to.

    When you want to move the renovation bench, open up the bench's chest, remove all items, then press action key and hold to pickup the renovation bench. If you try to pick up the renovation bench whilst it contains materials you get a message similar to that of trying to pick up a regular chest that has materials in it.

    The chisel then can be used within a max radius of the renovation workbench. Otherwise a warning message such as: "you're too far away from a renovation workbench to use this tool" appears.

  • You can also resurrect the crowbar from the Java version, keeping the sledgehammer as it is currently.

    On this hypothesis, when you remove a block with the crowbar, you will left a ghost version of the block, visible only when you have a construction block in your hand. A blue one, for the untargeted blocks, a green one for the targeted block you can replace, and a red one for the targeted block you cannot replace (e.g. wrong block type).

    Additionally, to keep the sledgehammer useful, you can add a right click with a small area of effect to facilitate dismantlement of big and complex structures. However, that requires some parameter to avoid griefer. Server owner should be able to forbid or delay this feature (after 24h of play time on the server for example).

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