what unity feature are you most looking forward to being added?

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  • what unity feature are you most looking forward to being added? 20

    1. fishing (5) 25%
    2. persistent item placement (ability to place tools/food/items in the world and have them not disappear over time, for decor and cupboard storage) (8) 40%
    3. moving constructions (custom gates, windmills, etc) (10) 50%
    4. animal husbandry (taming, breeding, leads/leashes) (3) 15%
    5. more clothing/armor (1) 5%
    6. movable water and terrain(dirt, grass, sand, etc) in survival mode (1) 5%
    7. more climate regions/biomes (volcanic, jungle, etc) (3) 15%
    8. more food recipes (sandwiches, salads, pizza, etc) (1) 5%
    9. other (please stick to things that are on the roadmap/trello as being planned, not just a suggestion of something you're hoping for) (2) 10%

    it's so hard to decide that i gave the poll the option for two votes per person XD just curious what other people think.

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    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

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  • First of all things things that promote sales for Rising World. A little update for Christmas would be nice, otherwise I've gotten used to waiting.

    Such surveys have been done several times in the past and what's the point of asking again and again.

  • Such surveys have been done several times in the past and what's the point of asking again and again.

    some of us don't watch the forums every day and haven't seen these other threads. also i imagine as things get added, the list of options gets shorter, so answers change. what's the point of asking a thread why it exists? :/

    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

  • Other: Trains ^^

    ah right i should have included advanced tech and vehicles as an option... i'm a primitive survival focused player so i forgot about these. my bad!

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    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

  • Personally, I would be most excited about item placement and movable structures.

    definitely not alone on either of those. personally i'm more excited about custom moving structures, cuz i REALLY love windmills and waterwheels and would like more options for doors to match my houses instead of having to match my houses to the available doors, and while i definitely will enjoy placeable items, i can get by with storage chests and blueprint versions of items for decoration in the meantime.

    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

  • I did choose clothing. Running around in underwear or furcoat will not promote the game. A second thing is third person view. I did miss that on the survey. But if that's add to the game it will be important that the movements of the avatar are not that clumsy; it's like we don't have a spine :D

  • I did choose clothing. Running around in underwear or furcoat will not promote the game. A second thing is third person view. I did miss that on the survey. But if that's add to the game it will be important that the movements of the avatar are not that clumsy; it's like we don't have a spine :D

    ah yeah, i always prefer first person so i failed to consider it, but i've heard a lot of people get motion sickness this way so third person would make the game more accessible to others, which is definitely important.

    as for clothes, i get what you're saying, but for me personally it just doesn't add as much gameplay interest/potential as actual activities like fishing or new building options. i definitely want to be able to further customize my character with clothes, but it doesn't increase my playtime.

    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

    Edited once, last by AlphaGodith ().

  • i'm quite surprised about how many people are choosing persistent item placement. is there something i'm missing about it that people want it for? i thought it was pretty easy to make fake items with blueprints, and to put chests for storage in the cabinets, so it didn't seem like that exciting of a feature compared to the others...

    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

  • i'm quite surprised about how many people are choosing persistent item placement. is there something i'm missing about it that people want it for? i thought it was pretty easy to make fake items with blueprints, and to put chests for storage in the cabinets, so it didn't seem like that exciting of a feature compared to the others...

    Sure it's pretty easy being able to make and place fake items, but there's something about being able to see an apple in a bowl, a tool on a workbench, etc. and being able to just pick it up and eat it, use it, etc. that makes it feel more lived in. It's just like windmills, waterwheels, smoke coming out of a chimney, etc. it makes it all feel more alive.

  • i'm quite surprised about how many people are choosing persistent item placement. is there something i'm missing about it that people want it for? i thought it was pretty easy to make fake items with blueprints, and to put chests for storage in the cabinets, so it didn't seem like that exciting of a feature compared to the others...

    Persistent item placing makes games more immersive and exiting, because a base full of chests filled with items is boring.

    I don't like faking things btw ;).

  • Persistent item placing makes games more immersive and exiting, because a base full of chests filled with items is boring.

    I don't like faking things btw ;).

    i do like immersion and dislike faking things, i'm definitely looking forward to this feature, it just doesn't seem like it adds as much gameplay value as some of the other features.

    like i imagine when it becomes a thing i'll have a single fun evening decorating my home but after that, i probably won't touch it again. meanwhile gates and new biomes and fishing are things i can explore and play with quite a lot.

    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

  • Guten Tag! Und mir fehlt die Möglichkeit, NPCs zu hosten, so wie ich es möchte. Und ihnen irgendwelche Funktionen mit Animationen (Bauer, Händler, Schmied, Wächter, Reisender und so weiter) zu installieren. Ohne diese sieht die Welt sehr leer und traurig aus.

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