Does night-time need to be darker?

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  • Personally, i think it looks like a full moon all of the time at night. It would be nice to see most nights darker, then the light at the moment restricted to a full moon night. I just don't think that the flashlight and torches achieve their full potential outdoors. What do people think? I also hope that the devs are going to create a huge moon when they work on the sky. that would really set things off.

  • I think if you're out in the open, there should be a bit of ambient light. If you go in a totally closed off room or deep enough into a cave etc.. it should be just pitch black. You can't see your hand in front of your face kind of darkness.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • when I remember when playing dayz mod I always hated it when there was pitch black night, and always happy about full moon nights. but the problem there was that the flashlight was crappy to use. so personally I prefer the current "brightness" of the night

  • Nice! Moon! Hope the moon changes shapes and colours, even to red, orange, pink, and blue. Seeing what you did for food that would also be appropriate :P

    Bonus: Be interesting if we could get telescopes to look at some '3D' detailed stars in the sky map. Seeing nicely detailed planets coming in and out of view, but I guess that's also low-priority until the game is considered completed. I'd however suggest it.

  • ozzyjimbob: Guess you should not play Stranded Deep then :P Sometimes the moon shines almost as bright as the sung ^^ But I like that, it is realsitic, the night looks still dark and I actually find it a nice feature to still be able to see in the night, since you can not hold a torch when building etc.
    Maybe such a bright moon would be nice for Rising World, too. Optimally, the moon will later have different sizes and clouds/ rain/ snow will make it less visible and let the world appear darker.

  • I also hope that weather will affect the light coming from the sun and moon. And the weather should be different depending on where you are in the world, that is if there is an equator and polar regions. If biomes are random blobs then well it doesn't matter much if weather is the same everywhere. It would be interesting if there could be more rain near the coast.

    Anyways, yes a moon! But also, real darkness where there is no light source. ;)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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