Question For All: What are the major thing(s) you're waiting for...

  • I'm not waiting on anything, but there's a few features that I have my fingers crossed for. I really like the mealmaking in Vintage Story; combining meat with different veggies to make different soups and stews and whatnot. Red has said nothing to my knowledge about mealmaking, but a dude can dream.

    I also like being able to chisel blocks in Vintage Story. I made my own window frames here:

    I know we can resize blocks in Rising World; I'm not sure chiseling is a needed function. However, I really enjoyed chiseling; again, a guy's allowed to dream :)

  • I had never heard of it before so I just looked it up, the food system for that game is a lot like what I've suggested the cooking should be like in Rising World. I love the idea of being able to freely mix and match to make different food recipes.

  • It's a fun little game. Granted, it's NOT the builder that Rising World is, and I prefer Rising World's graphics, but I like Vintage Story's cooking, animal husbandry, and water features. Of course Vintage Story doesn't have any sort of water critters right now, but I have No Man's Sky for that.

  • Happy day! I didn't know that our window frames are now as advanced as they are, I've been gone for a long time. I don't need to chisel anything. So, I guess I have to change my statement to just "I'm hoping for an advanced cooking system some day". This game's come such a long way since the last time I played; looks like it's about time to revamp all of my old blueprints. Now I'm really excited.

  • Еще бы хорошо добавить в игру домашних животных, таких как кошка и собака. В разных биомах, чтобы обитали разные их породы и при желании их можно одомашнить. Собака чтобы жила как в будке на цепи у дома , так и в самом доме, а кошка это кошка, она гуляет сама по себе, не смотря на то что домашняя. Было бы здорово, если Ред реализует это в игре!!!

    It would also be nice to add pets such as a cat and a dog to the game. In different biomes, so that their different breeds can live and, if desired, they can be domesticated. A dog should live both in a doghouse on a chain near the house and in the house itself, and a cat is a cat, it walks by itself, despite the fact that it is domestic. It would be great if Red implements this in the game!!!

  • Maybe this doesn't really go in this thread but, I am having a terrible time trying to work with the slope or triangle pieces to sheath an irregular shape. (A boat hull.) I don't know why I fixate on trying make the construction of things like they are in the real world, but that's just how my brain works. If I could get the slope pieces to attach on the long (angled) sides I think it would work, but I just can't. Grr. That and the rotation system Local? World? Default?--whatever that is--as it seems to be behave differently for every piece. The building system has gotten so complex as to be just very difficult to figure out anything that isn't straight blocks at default size. And I am sure that's why most people build minecraft style.

    I'm not suggesting changing the building system as It does work very well for most things. I'm just ranting. Though there is something that maybe impossible to deliver but would rock my world: Bezier curves and movable/customizable points. That is, like the surface edit mode but where you could select a point on any side of the block/piece and pull/push it into a different position so that you can effectively make a custom shape to fit your needs. And if customizable Bezier curves were a thing you could manipulate the curves of a piece as well. Like I said, probably impossible, but just imagine!

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