
The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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  • Add monster/ animals food when your always in creative mode what the point you can build anything easily so animal are no threat ? Food what the point you die and? You don't lose anythink ? Every think is free creative mode so why bother with all this first surely ores come first because then you have to work to make shelter that takes a lot if time gathering so that then make animals worth worrying about surely? And when you die from food that makes it hard to gather ores/wood when you dig/travel far you worry about getting back with precious resources. So it seem pointless to even bother with any new up date at minute when your always in creative mode no need to collect resources or worry about food or animals ! They have seem to got it all backwards in updates.just my two cents anyway.

  • The "always in creative mode" as you described will change in the near future of course. All features will be added step by step, some features - for example animals - also need a lot of fine-tuning, which will be done over time ;)

  • People enjoy the thrill of Survival mode. At the moment Creative-mode (or safety-mode as i like to call it. haaa!) as Red stated, is going to change.
    People, (myself included) enjoy the process of chopping down trees for the wood and mining for the stone, because it is very rewarding in the end. Keeping the end-product in mind makes survival mode really enjoyable in my opinion, and having to look after your character by eating and (soon) drinking, just adds to the immersion.
    Of course, people enjoy just chilling out in Creative-mode, because they want to explore the building materials, and that's enjoyable too.
    I do think that perhaps biomes should have been first, so that all the animals, plants etc simply slot into their respective biomes.
    However, it's in the works along side the current updates i believe.

  • I also think Biomes, roads , Vehicles ,ore, mining ,electricity, should be developed first. The world should come first, followed by the pound something or someone to pieces bit. I am not into that part of it. I cant wait to see the configuration screen when its done. (please enable or disable the following features in your game ) We really can then play it the way we want to. I really want to see the biomes, I am sure the world will be less then 99% grass when the biomes an water go in. Its probably easier to code the world first. Animals require more logic and texturing. Since the development team here is small, It is going to take a long time any way you look at it.

    I guess most of you are aware by now that I don't care for the violence myself but I understand there are those that want it. Eventually it will all come together . If I were writing this I would develop the features that take the shortest time first. Since rising world starts as a blank canvas when you start. The world appearance and biomes should come first . I like the cows and goats etc, but I am not partial to having something come up and eat me while I am trying to build. That is why I use the creative mode and the command prompt a lot.

    This game will turn out a lot better then most. It is well on its way :)

  • yep i think also we should have other stuff first, it should have been land explore, land water explore, land water weather explore, land vegetation water weather explore, land vegetation water weather explore dig and gather,
    land vegetation water weather explore dig and gather build ect ect then after all that has been added, start adding cows sheep dogs and food, it does seem silly not having water at this stage of the game.

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    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

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  • Seeing as how the game is still 'new' I don't mind where it is at right now. Maybe I'm misreading, just that people aren't understanding that the game is still an infant at this stage with updates needing to allow it to age into it's own version of teenage, adult, and overly matured state..

    Creative mode is also handy when you want to experiment, I just feel that it cheapens the game play by giving everything to you at once. Want resources and to build everything? THat's cheapened. It's useful i you have 10 minutes to burn, or wanting to make a video. For Youtubers creative mode is awesome, and for kids. Just that elsewhere it feels cheapened.

    Survival mode is where you EARN things. Sure, you die and lose things, but you also earn the respect by all that blood, sweat, and tears that were shed when you gained and built stuff. This is proven in RPGs, Minecraft, and hopefully shall in this game. When you work for your stuff you can tell tales of how you got what, even what block was obtained where. Roleplaying goes high. It's fun showing off the stuff you naturally earned by working for it.

    (Not sure if hating survival, or just annoyed at the 'lacking' survival options I tried to word it both ways.)

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