Hostile Suggestion Drawings.

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  • I've basically focused on the current biome for this one, but i guess it could be implemented anywhere really haa!

    Scavenger Lair- they appear in the sides of mountains, and if left for a while, they begin to spawn eggs. As time passes, more eggs spawn, until it reaches a pre-defined maximum.

    Scavenger Larvae- each egg hatches two or three of these slug-like creatures. They target carrots, but will eat anything on ground level. They leave behind a harmful slime which remains for a short time before disappearing. The Larvae retreat shortly before dusk.

    Scavenger Fly- If the Scavenger larvae are left to thrive, or not all are removed, they will develop into the Scavenger fly. these pests will attack in swarms of five or six, and eat anything they can get. Tomatoes, carrots, they will even break the glass of greenhouses, and weaken doors to get at the food within. They cause no direct harm to players, but can make their dwelling quite vulnerable to...other....things.......
    I'd really like to know what everyone thinks about this idea. I think it would add depth to the survival area of the game, but i don't want to frustrate people too much. hee hee!

  • Thanks Deirdre! We need some kind of threat to our crops don't we. haaa! It's a little the mo. hee hee!

    (i sense that i'll be regretting that statement in the near future. ha!)

  • A necessary evil when you say you'll regret suggesting ideas for crops.

    Not bad creature ideas. I vote for the Lair eggs & the Flys. I've seen far too many slimes that I want deeper creativity on that side. Finding these eggs should lead into them spawning into a skin or hard-shelled covered entity in a 'realistic fantasy' style. Not a dragon, nor a lizard....Leaving itself nicely open for some fun nightly creature to spawn within the mountains. A mountain oriented creature that feasts on stuff kept within it.

    As for the insects, that's nice. Pesky, but nice. Grab yourself some flammable liquids and a zippo lighter to roast those bugs to a crisp heh. If we're getting those kinds of insects then I want to be able to see bats, birds, and such eating them so you can focus on the other 50% that'll wander into your area. I feel Red isn't all that keen in adding NPC Followers/comrades, nor pets, but I'll suggest it anyways that it would be interesting to tame some flying entity in the manner one would in Subnautica with the Stalkers. Give the flying entity some food and then you can see that it's actually yours with some cosmetic identification, or similar. It'll then stay near you, or in an area, to eat those pesky Scavenger Flies to bits. Guessing by what you're suggesting, it'll have to be a giant bird needing to be tamed also. I don't mind.

    Just building off of your ideas and I'm loving them. Keep them up. It keeps the brainstorming going :P

  • Arcticukitsu- I bet Red and the guys are sitting there on their tea break just falling off of their chairs laughing at our crazy ideas. I'll bet that they find them really great (as i do yours) but very very funny. haa! Loving the thought of actually taming the scavenger. I intended it to be a pure pest originally, but all of my ideas here are wide open for building upon, and i'm loving seeing the transformation. Thanks for the compliments dear Friend. Your ideas are awesome, and i'd love to see you throw some drawings this way. I'd be really interested to see them.

    Deirdre- I love the Drawing. it's really sweet. It would be really interesting to have this dude as a temporary Christmas npc. He could wander around and drop random presents now and again, but if you attack him he turns grey, and his face changes to a really nasty scowl, and he throws ice balls at you. (i remember School! Why was it never snow always bloomin' ice! hee!) haa! sorry, my imagination again. hee hee!
    Thanks for the compliments dear Friend, and i'll carry on adding my usual random bits now and again for sure! haaa!

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