Kitsu Test World & [Water Update] Niska Village

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • - Pre-Water Update - Mini-Update [Melons & Pumpkins]:

    This one took me by surprise how Red51 updated Rising World. I'm used to announcements with updates following, with this being much welcomed. Most of my issues have been fixed nicely (much respect) that I was able to have some nice Rising World fun again of the immersive type. No focusing on bugs, glitches, or things like that. Instead, I went out briefly hunting for watermelon & pumpkin seeds to tend to my farm with some slight dislikes with how harvesting works for them. Giant respect points for Red51 for fixing the manhole cover collision box to allow for building through it to add supports & ladders. :love:

    I also wanted to work on a 'Canadian' & 'Arcticu Empire' themed colour appearance structure thanks to the new colourful plaster blocks. It finally adds more colour to the gritty appearing world (in places) that we can now have fun with colour. I spent time clearing a plot of land to make room for the road, the patriotic building, and to build up the foundation with the walls following.

    Slightly irritated one person saw a phallic shape in one of my builds [Niska Art Gallery] because I was more focused on the foundation + upping the walls. I wanted to make sure both the exterior & interior were visually pleasing when the building gains its second windowed floor, and a third one back to being walled. Somewhat like those ice cream sandwiches that appear somewhat like Oreos. Trying to build this building mostly purely out of the red & white plaster + adding in windows in appropriate places. Same with it having displays within to hold paintings. Also debating whether it should contain my own images or those found on 'Pixiv'. Maybe a mix of both. I guess it should be more mine at this point & from other games. Curious what to display.

    Again, even the small things like these makes Rising World all that much more fun. All those little pieces adding to the greater picture <3

    [Image 1 - Friend enjoying his KanCollefied USN Iowa in retro design while connecting to his American pride | Image 2 - My friend messing about in jest about my interest in KanColle Bismarck while worrying if it's being SFW or NSFW. I'm amused by his joke. (It appears SFW because nothing is showing, yet people tend to be so touchy that it's hard to tell. It's hard to tell where to step also because we might bleed from a simple hug in the future) | Image 3 & 4 - My new Canadian & Arcticu themed art gallery gradually being built up while also adding to that 'urban' feel. | Image 5 - Loving how the watermelons & pumpkins are finally farmable. Oh, how I was waiting for this! | Image 6 - Random goat sleeping in my art gallery..... | Image 7 - I'm loving how I finally upped the walls, yet irritated one person saw a phallic shape when I was planning a further 2-3 floors to cover that foundation shape up using those 2-3 floors. | Image 8 - Was planning to have a 'rest' area at the back of the art gallery to see out the window + to just have a place to admire both the interior & the outside view. | Image 9 - With certain filters in place (if any) I love how the view from my window appears. That nice urban feel + how it appears from the other road on the front-door side of my home. It's becoming more 'populated'. Once it's finished built I'm sure it'll look even better.]

    Can't wait to keep roofing off my builds + building up both my art & city hall. I'm now learning new tricks to eventually use elsewhere. Glad having my test world <3

  • Alright, I finally FINALLY managed to make a video about Rising World. Not the best, yet it's indeed finally a start to something I wanted to do for a long while. I finally did a 'rushed' tour of Niska, briefly brought up why I'm looking forward to the water update, and just messed with re-upping posters.

    Rising World - Niska - Ep 0:

    (Ep 0 because it's a 'Prologue' & 'Intro' video again to spark interest. I'm going to try for a second video trying to settle down somewhere in the new water update + seeing how it effects Niska Village & the Kitsu world. Two worlds, something I implied, yet never mentioned. Video is also rough around the edges because of Sony Vegas disliking my version of .mp4.)

  • - [Water Update] Rising World - Niska Village Reborn!

    Alright! After much delay from glitches and technical difficulties, here's a 10 min longer Rising World ep 1! Basically rebuilding on a KanColle 'Yuudachi' seed (explained in video). Tried to record in +40 Celsius weather was a brutal task that I'm surprised to even get 20 min of footage out of that. I hope you'll enjoy me rebuilding Niska Village in this new world, as well as eventually keeping this as a temporary main world for boats, horses & the like.

    - Rising World - Niska Village - Ep 1: Water update & Niska Village Reborn:

    Thanks for the 57 views on the 'preview/prologue' episode, and hope you'll follow me as I continue to build bigger and grander stuff :D

  • - [Water Update] Niska Village: Underground Storage & Lettuce Hoard Farming:

    I guess I should have recorded this in a video, yet I now have two things noted for the next video. Me and a friend simply wanted to chill, and that's what we did, by making a sewer-like underground structure with two storage rooms to store our crafting benches & such. Typical Minecraft build-up behavior that it now carries over into Rising World. After the 'basement' build, we then spammed our farm with lettuce because lettuce is currently the best way to fill your hunger & thirst. That, and you get so many saplings from it that you can just spam the farm like crazy with it. We both used the 'G' key to snap them all so neatly into place to full our whole one side which caused an interval of 10 second lag-spikes, and a good solid 10 minute freeze-up per row growing to 100%.

    Lettuce needs to be nerfed, and badly :P

    I also started making a roadway heading to the other beach in hopes of building up my home on that end. It's flattened out, yet now needs a paved roadway & some structures. Once that's done there shall be more flattening more my house itself. I'm also desiring a water storage structure object, as well as a bucket, water bottle, or similar to ease up the thirst. Finding my guy to be thirst more often, yet I'll play along with testing. I'm also wishing I had a horse to travel with because the terrain is now becoming fairly massive. Everything is so spaced out, yet I have to wait on player models & animations. That's going to be a long while yet.

    [Lastly, I would like to thank the 65 viewers on ep 0 & the 45 viewers on the actual episode 1 of my Rising World. I'm wanting to make a new video, yet simply allowing the videos to 'sit' long enough to gather more views. If you truly like my videos then feel free to drop a 'Like', and all that lovely jazz. The more love then I may switch to making two videos a week, time & work willing. The more people find it interesting then the more willing I'll make more videos. I'm in the mood, yet simply needing 'some' feedback 8) . I'll obviously make more, yet wait for it to 'sizzle' long enough under the figurative sun to be done at 60+ views.]

  • Finally having the time to upload the episode 2 of my Niska Village on the [water update] related seed.

    - Niska Village - Rising World - Niska Village - Ep 2: Niska Village Tour & Plans:

    Just a quick update inbetween my sessions not on the camera. Even rambling about the ladder camera issue, the lettuce farm (yet didn't show it), Pokemon, & a quick ramble about water complaints. It's all something I may have to expand & clarify within my next video, or just focus on other topics at hand. Even showing post-episode 2 progress in my episode 3.

    My 'Poi!' seed has oceans connected to one another by having a peninsula type land-mass, yet not really. More of a land-bridge type peninsula connecting to one another that each may need to have cannals built to allow boats to pass through. It's quite weird how there's a rough oval shape ocean being more like lakes connected to one another, barely or rarely with either a forest or mountain biome to compliment. I encouraged Red51 to have oceans being 10,000 in size to encourage bigger boat types to be within. That's something I'll have to clarify in another video, even though I brought it up in this video. Red51, I want a terrain viewer similar to 'Admist' (Minecraft) in an external capacity to view maps to see what's actually going on with this world generation.

    I'll post episode 3 when I hit another 60 views this week, only to justify making these videos, or to wait till next week to post the next one up in normal fashion. Thanks for viewing & and hope you enjoy!

  • - Niska Village - Rising World - Niska Village - Ep 3: Yuudachi's Birthday & Rising World Features:

    After much delay from a severe thunderstorm warning on Monday I had to hastily record this the next day. Spent three tries trying to get this right with many cuts & technical difficulties. Even so, happily celebrating Yuudachi's birthday (launched June 21st, 1936 as a real world Destroyer) while also mentioning & lightly explaining the various new features to come. One also being a request. Enjoy!

    Hoping to make episode 4 the new update we gained if you guys enjoy my videos in a warm manner. See you in episode 4, whenever that may be. Maybe even Thursday, if you guys enjoy episode 3. See you in episode 4! Happy birthday my lovely 'Demon Ship' Yuudachi! You're special because my world seed is also 'Poi!' :D

  • Many thanks! :) Can't wait to see what else is new & in store for Rising World. Just loving this game with both the small & big updates, especially with Red51 giving us a lovely update like this with many noteworthy features. Now to jump into the game to play around with the canteen, scaffolding, & water bucket now. Going to allow my ep 3 to sink in a bit until I feel it's right to do ep 4 with the new goodies we have. Now to experiment & all that :)

  • I just played with the bucket and canteen. They work well. The only improvement I could suggest is to be able to refill it while its partially empty while pointing at the water. Otherwise, i need to keep drinking before I can fill it. Just a minor thing. I'm sure its a 2 minute fix.

    Going to allow my ep 3 to sink in a bit until I feel it's right to do ep 4

    Don't let it get sunk under all that water! ;-p

  • I just played with the bucket and canteen. They work well. The only improvement I could suggest is to be able to refill it while its partially empty while pointing at the water. Otherwise, i need to keep drinking before I can fill it. Just a minor thing. I'm sure its a 2 minute fix.

    Don't let it get sunk under all that water! ;-p

    It's all fun & awesome, this update. Bucket is nice & weighted that it takes a bit to fill, bit to empty, has a nice sound, and even a nice meter to it. When you press 'Q' it's like playing curling heh. Nice stuff. The canteen is like a military gear from the 80's or 90's that it's awesome in its green. Maybe even a toy version sold in the North American 'Dollar Store' for kids back in the 90's. it does its job of around 4-5 sips that I just head to my new watering pool in Niska village. Even though these are minor items they changed the game so much I can do whatever I want, almost, that water can now go places & do things. I love it. That, and the scaffolding has use & other improvisational uses. Both for building & mining underground. The scaffolding is a bit small compared to my builds, yet it gets things done. I need to play with it more, yet it's awesome. Love how it just snaps onto one another in a modular manner.

    It's all up to you guys if I shall swim or sink :P But ya, I love this update so much I've seen it as dangerously addictive that I can keep going. I played more than I should have last night, yet enjoyed every moment of it. I want to play more to build up my home, among other stuff. There's so much to do again, more so with three simple items, plus the night sky. Still unsure how to lay it all out for an episode 4, yet I'll have to do so whenever I have time. I'm overwhelmed with the awesomeness of this game.

  • Alright, here's a few more images to share from after episode 3 & before episode 4 showing the progress in Niska Village. Guess I'm spoiling the fun for ep 4, yet I could always add that much more to it. Hope people enjoyed ep 3, yet now waiting for Thursday to record & upload ep 4 with the stuff from the previous session. Yes, I'm on the 'late' side, just wanting to have my video saturate the community before jumping to the next one. Wanting to make sure the videos are worthwhile and not wasted.

    In the order the images appear:

    • Making a pleasant viewpoint viewing outward towards a planned park area, also doubling as my tree farm.
    • The scaffolding can be used for mining deep underground where iron & ores appear above you, becoming harder to reach the higher they are.
    • Making more room by flattening the area, building out the roadways, and even observing trees grow for science (4 hrs & 59 min). Was wanting to cut trees while trying to keep them scenic appearing also. Willow trees & any food growing tree also being off limit because they're also scenic.
    • Having to terraform so much dirt that I have two chests full of dirt for future use. Needing to make my home finally that I now made it in 'L' fashion.
    • My friend's simple home with fancy lights popping up everywhere. We both now have homes to call our own while allowing both his & mine room for expansion.
    • Frame-work my my simple little home in Niska Village. It shall be multi-storied, hopefully with stairs & even everything you'd expect in a home this time. Trying to plan ahead properly.
    • Nas (Nighthawk) putting up modern street lights on our roadway to make them far more visible & pleasing during the night. Torches can only do so much. You can also see the unblurred night sky. nice!
    • Relating back to #3 with me finished the experiment of trees growing for 5 hours to also gain a nice wooden harvest. Shall pop up a forestry related building in time to hold all the wooden related stuff for easier organization. Saplings, logs, among other things.
    • Niska Village after some polishing & with both mine & my friend's home placed. Can't wait to have more of my buddies visit, even regulars, yet still seeking out some dedicated server stuff to keep semi-private, if somewhat public.

    Yup. Not bad. I still need to give Niska HQ its second floor, stairs, as well as giving it some other room functions. That, and to even further build up my home so I can actually live in there. Can't wait to build some stables, vehicle garages, a dockyard, a canal, and of course various Forts and towers following the ocean around. A nice pathway leading around the ocean to then round its way back towards Niska Village. Now, can you see why I would want those 'stepping stones' & a horse for my world? There's so much to do that I can now do such for both Thursday & Friday. Should be fun.

    Hope you enjoy & thanks for following! There's obviously more to come. Even trying to learn more unique building styles, some of which I have learned from Vortac, Goolging, and seeing people proudly post their server tours and such. See you in Ep 4!

  • Thanks for allowing me to reach 40 views on episode 3! Sadly, it came with a thumbs down that I'm going to blame it on it being "Typical boring Youtube" mentality. :rolleyes: I think it's because I mentioned Yuudachi with people being brainless about either being blindly in love with her or blindly hating her that there's no middle ground. It's a real shame people have to be stupid like that. Hope we can just get along without picking silly sides.


    - Rising World - Niska Village: Ep 4 - [0.7.1 & 0.7.2 Updates]

    Finally managed to find the time to record this episode 4 that I can now happily cover & ramble on about both small, yet necessary updates. Happily messing with the buckets, scaffoldings, canteen, how to use the scaffolding, & mentioning the big furnace. It's all lovely and awesome. That, and preparing to build my canal & the 'Canadian Tower' from my Minecraft world brought into Rising World.

    Hope you enjoy, and hope you'll keep me afloat :thumbsup: I want to cover more updates & such while learning lessons from previous episodes.

  • Ya, thus me just pinning the blame on typical Youtube behavior with that one person hating on Yuudachi :rolleyes:. Thanks for your feedback also, and I think I"ll just say that I saw a perfect window to record that I just winged episode 4 without any retakes. I recently woke up to then jump on & then record soon after. Always trying to find that 'perfect zone' to record is a troublesome bit. Episode 3 frustrated me a hell of a lot when I kept fumbling & stumbling on my wordings that I cursed & had to redo the whole thing again 4 times. Recording ain't easy.

    And I shall, if anyone dares to speak up :thumbsup:


    - [0.7.1 & 0.7.2] Niska Village:

    Not an episode, yet just a progress log in image form of both my canal & Canadian Tower. Been such a busy Thursday & Friday that both me and Nas' just went all out on clearing a Canal to then haul the goods to make my Canadian Tower for Canada Day. Barely made it functional, yet not fully in 9 floors because of how long it takes to do anything in Rising World. It's not like with Minecraft where you can just build stuff that my 'Canadian Tower' actually took care & precision to make it pleasing. I had to save it a few times while improvising here and there many times. I even gave it a lovely stairway, something the Minecraft version doesn't have.

    - Niska Canal:

    Similar to Ottawa's Canal, yet not originally inspired by such, going to allow traffic from one 'O' shaped ocean to another 'O' shaped 1000x1000 m ocean. This is basically being built ahead of time in anticipation for when we receive boats in August-September timeframe with player models & player customization. Just as we're going to get horses for land, I'm trying to plan ahead with boats for ocean also. That, and I seem to be ready for mini-submarines also. I'm also going to fill in this canal when we get an appropriate behaving water filling function to match the water level layer with the ones nearby, plus reaching down its column until it hits a solid block.

    A wooden boat, canoe, or a papyrus boat should be fine that I can make plans to make a dockyard for this canal. That, and three bridges at one side, the other side, and then the middle. Thinking of having it loop back slightly to then cross over the canal allowing a railway & horse to travel over it. Trying to future proof it just enough, even knowing of dynamic water.

    Me & my friend (Nas) constantly wishing we would have the powertools, one of which I shared in ep 3, so we could dig this faster & more efficiently. There were numerous brief moments where I wanted my diamond pickaxe from Minecraft, yet that simply turned to just getting the job done. Constantly shifting tasks. We both were exhausted on both Thursday & Friday from all that digging.


    - 'Canadian Tower' (Canada Day Patriotism & Minecraft Inspiration):

    Tried to bring something more personal from Minecraft into Rising World, yet had to improvise & improvise heavily because of Rising World logic. It's simply a 'status symbol' to show I"m Canadian in Minecraft's Arcticu City brought to Rising World's Niska Village aimed purely for Canada Day. I even have some images from Minecraft posted up in the tower, yet shall be located appropriately on various floors when I build all 9 floors. Stuck on third floor currently. I couldn't 'cheat' by outright spamming red & white tinted glass to cover the walls that I had to go with red & white plaster + standard clear glass & frames. Tried even tilting the frames for the added bonus of having sideways windows. It's amazing how much effort I had to put into this build just to get three damn floors built, or readied. All that just in one damn day using heavy amount of resources also showing why I love how survival mode forces you to improvise on the go by making you use the resources you have the most to build the most. I'm gradually feeling more pride the more I struggle that it gives off it's own personality.

    I even added a standard stairway in the middle to allow you to walk to the next floor, and the other. Doubt this shall see the time when elevators shall be added, yet I'm sure I can modify it to have one on the outer edge. This tower has a nice view in all 8 sides. North, South, East, & west, and all in between. The beach, the mountain nearby, Niska itself, among others. It's a premium location.


    Big Note: I was going to stream [Twitch: Subtrance] my Canada Day special, yet never did because of some issues that prevented me from doing. Never did, nor did I Youtube. With how long it took to build my Canadian Tower it would have been a boring stream. Barely anything was getting done anyways. I had to push my session till 11:20 pm-ish to get it all set up before Canada Day was over.

  • Sweet! Glad you're loving it. I have more progress images, and I've been considering how to do another episode. I've been meaning to do another celebration video soon, yet wondering how to drop you guys in & to share the fun. There's just been so much fun to be had, if with tons of grinding & moaning from all the minding heh. Even went exploring straight west to spy a Savannah biome which also turns into a mountainous Savannah biome. Waiting on horses & camels to be able to share that one, or boats :)

    Glad you're loving it! I have more images to share. Hope you'll be looking forward to a 'plausible' video incoming. I'll drop you some images of my progress so far, yet need to figure out how to do the next video.

    Also, must thank Vortac for allowing me on his server. Thanks to his server I now want to hunt down maple trees for my Niska Village. That, and to replicate my home style from there for further colonization in my world. I'm even considering following Vortac's tested & proven method of inviting people once I can justify owning a dedicated private server using similar manners to him. Nice stuff all around :thumbsup:


    - [0.7.2] Niska Village: Building My Home:

    I left my home sitting thanks to various other projects that on my lone session I decided to clear out some of the canal to use as materials to build up my home. A place to finally call 'home', as well as have a place to go to, instead of my 'hotel-style' 'Niska HQ' with the farm. I even went exploring around the western ocean (more like a lake) that I've stumbled across a lovely savanah biome, as well as some lovely forested areas. I'll need to colonize the mountain. Instead of just making a fort along the northeastern side ocean (seen in my videos), I also have to expand directly west now. So many lovely biomes.

    I need some fort designs I'll be able to build with ease. Something quick & easy to put out because I can no longer do major builds until power tools & such comes in heh. My friend is pissed off with me while finding Rising World "boring" because of the scale of my builds of mine & how boring Rising World is when you're digging mountains for small various builds that we're requesting the mining drill. Shifting to easier builds, thus my home. Yes, we can wait till August & September :whistling:

    [Note: Last three images of my 'fancy' home on 'Vortac's server'. All experimental. Thanks for the invite! First of the three is a tree getting 'stuck' on the top, the stairway, and my home :)]

  • Yes!! Camels and horses.Cannot wait!

    Expectations and volume:

    #1. Player models,tools,dungeons.(low expectation)
    #2. Animal collision(high)
    #3.Jungle,volcanic,swamp biomes and more animals(gators,turtles,horses,camels) (High)
    #4.Lighting reworked( Very high)
    #5.TRAINS,boats,small ship(Crazy high)

    Those are all Personal expectations.

  • - Rising World - Niska Village [0.7.2]: Good To Be Home!

    - Home:
    I, once again, have more images thanks to Vortac's server hiccuping every now and again that I hopped onto my own world to further push the completion of my home in Niska Village. Happily now have a proud home to call my home fully, as well as being highly functional. Happily inserted a kitchen with food stored within, as well as finally make a sleeping area on the top floor for myself. I love making complex builds to be proud of in the long run, to the dismay of my friend. I have a nice fancy kitchen (awaiting an oven), option to display food, as well as having placed my waifu Bismarck (from KanColle) up in my room in my home. I love my home :love: I now need a fancier bed. This? It has storage in it also heh.

    Also made a roadway leading form Niska Village to 'Fort Zura' (I searched up the meaning at random - Zura) wishing I could mass-produce dirt & stone-like 'gravel' to make my roads on the quick & cheap. It appears nice when used, yet far too little available. With the distances I'm now traveling I really am being impatient, yet patient, about desiring & needing a horse. I really need a horse, yet waiting on player animations & customization. I can wait, but only till August & all irritated by September. That, or needing 'auto-walk' on your character, Skyrim & 'PSO2' style. Usially 'C' or 'V' key.

    Fort Zura:
    Finding out that 'loam' is compactt dirt into blocks, I desired to burn through the storage chests of it to build 'Fort Zura' out of it. Overjoyed I can put dirt to good use by building my fort out of it. A fort built out of 'loam' to colonize a forested patch south of Niska Village, gradually even leading into a mountainous Savannah area. It shall be an important stop leading to the mountainous Savannah, even the nearby pine forest with maple trees & a surreal mountainous area. I'm planning to add a 'touristy' type tower [Maybe this, or maybe this in an enlarged state] nearby to oversea the pine forest surrounding it, as well as view the mountain nearby. Main purpose of the fort, again, being to lay claim of maple tree zone, safety zone to & from Niska, as well as a source of resource.


    - Side-Note:

    • I want to smash stone to get gravel in some manner. Maybe using the hammer, or whatever. Something......
    • Signs are awkward that I'd love to edit the specific face on the sign posts (image 8 after having placed it. I do however love & have learned how to use colour font on these directional signs. Shall use them more often.
    • Wishing to display food on the counter tops. Both on the counter tops & tables. I'll wait it out, yet the impatience is gradually growing each time I discover something new in this game. It's amazing what I'm still discovering, even after the update has released. New ways of using things.


    I can't either. The more I expand my horizons in Rising World the more I'm needing & desiring the use of a horse. Minecraft also spoiled me with their addition that I simply travel greater distances. I'll get either one, yet I personally prefer horses, more so thanks to their customization options. I'll probably have a camel as a 'rent-able' unit.

    1) I can't wait for player models & customization so we can get horses, boats, among others. Because of them we can have others. I really want my horses, and I'm slowly unable to wait much longer that I may have to force Rising World into a hiatus to stay sane.

    2) Animal collision needs to be done so I can look into containing them, breeding them, and even farming them.

    3) Oh, how I can't even wait for jungles, swamps, volcanic, and more types. There's tons missing, even for the water-side. Islands, bigger oceans, and etc. I'd love to boat through a swamp, weed wack my way through a jungle, among others. We'll probably face another terrain issue, yet hoping that'll be sorted in a friendlier manner. WHen these get added I really shall need gravel enmass to travel to these safely. More sign posts, and etc.

    4) Lighting is indeed needing work, as I've seen my buddy Nas (nighthawk) trying to keep my pathway lit. It was all wonky that it didn't shine a proper solid light. Everything about this needs fixing that I'd love him to get to it whenever he's humanly able. Don't pull a 24 or 48 hour withou sleep, Red51!

    5) Oh, how I'd love trains to connect my settlemts, and to shuttle goods enmass to & from areas. I've been studying the terrain that I'll need power tools first to then make pathways for trains to travel through. I'll build Roman style by making the terrain conform to my standards of keeping a train track straight. Can't even wait for boats so I can try sailing from one 1000x1000 ocean to the next 1000x1000 connecting one another, even hoping oceans become further enlarged to a massive 20,000x20,000 range with islands within. It'll change in full release to everything being in an ocean dotted with biome islands & continents with various biomes.

    With that, I can't even wait for when ADMIST or Google Maps style external extensions are able to read from Rising World & save files to preview your world, similar in Minecraft. Someone needs to make a script for that.

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