So In a discussion post on Steam, I brought up how many members this game has. I estimated what I thought based on how many are members on this forum (2.5k) plus a larger number who are Steam only. A day later, I found this link from the "groups" list in Steam. I found a number over 80.4k !!! Does this sound correct? Whatever the Steam count is, I assume its higher because a lot of players did not buy this via Steam. Just curious. Does the count include everyone who actually owns the game or those who have it on their wishlist as well?

member count
- zfoxfire
- Closed
Yeah, 80,520 members is the current number of the offical RW steam group. Steam only provides offical stats for the top 99 played games I think, so I guess we can't really know the correct number unless red tells us
But I found this site, and the max it states is only a bit over 80,000, so I guess since you can invite friends to the RW Steam group who do not own it, it should be a bit lower than 80,520. However, I think that this steamspy site is also not very correct, because I assume that all it does is scan public Steam profiles. So if yours is set to private, it won't count you in. -
Ok, that's very interesting and I guess the number of owned copies might have dipped a little due to a combination of people setting their profiles to private and/or some people requesting refunds.
Still that's good to know that combined with the non-steam sales we likely have well over 100,000 players
Ugh... why is there a zombie and a horror tag on this? Seriously?
Yep, should be at least 100,000 I hope
Ugh... why is there a zombie and a horror tag on this? Seriously?
I noticed that as well xD I think it is because some people found this game when they were searching for Minecraft alternatives. And also because of some discussions here in the forums they expect Zombies etc. to be added. At least there are not many people who have tagged it as a Zombie game
I noticed that as well xD I think it is because some people found this game when they were searching for Minecraft alternatives. And also because of some discussions here in the forums they expect Zombies etc. to be added. At least there are not many people who have tagged it as a Zombie game
Ahh yes, the zombie dogs in Hell discussions are likely to blame.
Ya, zombie dog is the only zombie we're getting. Horror? That could be Hell & Dungeons. We'll have to see. We humans can be simple-minded some/most of the time
We all know when the mods come at least 1 will contain zombies. Hopefully they use the old bald guy to do it. Show some roots. With that in mind maybe we could get some zombie bears down there with the dogs. Hell zombie animals in general or maybe some skeletal chickens and a killer rabbit with a vicious streak a mile long........
I can certainly see a Halloween themed additions to the game. i loved the skeleton skins you could apply to dinos in ARK. Perhaps a spooky variation of the main theme music from Rising World could also be created.
This web site will show you how many people purchased the game via steam.
This web site will show you how many people purchased the game via steam.
Interesting, thanks for the link! Any idea why April 17th had such a surge of active players? Did anything special happen that day? -
Interesting, thanks for the link! Any idea why April 17th had such a surge of active players? Did anything special happen that day?The game was on sale on steam in April. I think it was 33% off
This web site will show you how many people purchased the game via steam.
Same problem with this one, since they get their info from SteamSpy as well.
The game was on sale on steam in April. I think it was 33% off
Steam spy is just a rough estimate. It might not be spot on but it is in the ballpark. It just gives you a rough estimate of how many copies are actually sold.
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