Changelog 2016-05-25: Water update

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I've been there too it goes for all servers
    after awhile it takes minutes to place or destroy blocks and movements like you've been stuck in one of the matrix slow motion scene

    Yeah, I assumed it was other servers too. I am pretty sure that happens on every server and builds up over time depending on traffic / disconnection / re-connection probably compounds the problem. Well we will see by the time I go home probably have the release notes so we can see what changed.

  • Yeah I could care less about ninja bears especially if people / developer read 'past suggestions' which in it I suggested keeping GM 1 or GM 0 on server side exactly as server saves your inventory or spawn location, so save GM 1 server side until you change it so even if you disconnect you don't fall to your death or die from an animal attack. It makes sense even if the invisible animal bug is fixed.

  • Hopefully a canteen

    Red51 was like "your wish...... GRANTED! "

    i just want to find that damn invisible roster and cut his vocal cords out.
    i hear him while down at -825 in hell.

    Lmao everybody going crazy over those damn roosters :D I know just what you mean

    keeping GM 1 or GM 0 on server side e

    WIN !!!! :thumbsup: WIN WIN WIN :thumbsup:

  • A lucky guess, yet a necessary one....Been of great help :)


    But ya, I wanted to renote that we need the water from the bucket to level with the other water around it + stretch until it hits a solid block underneath. You should be able to see it leveling with other water blocks + seeing a prediction of where it's going to 'flow' to the bottom. I just want to be able to use a bucket to fill one block in a column fashion to hit down to the very bottom of a solid block, or even see where you have air pockets that you can fill afterward. You can't really clear them out, more so in a massive project. Water needs to be user friendly because once boats come I'm going to predict others are going to make crazy canals and water ways. Better have that sorted by this coming August or September. Whichever you decide to release them boats on with the player stuff.

    Secondly, I found it amusing that we now need a kitchen egg timer to count down how long you have left on various cookings to then notify you when your smelting, BBQ, & etc is done. The ore for furnaces, the BBQ, and similar for the future. It should register things nearby, or be manually dialed to tick.

    Thirdly, we need regional weather later down the line to load up in specific player-spawned chunks to be active in some chunks, yet not active in another. To basically be treated as an entity roaming the world to be as big & small as needed. Basically seeing dark clouds on the horizon inching closer, sideways, or further away as you worry if you'll be poured on, thundered, or snowed on. I say this after having observed the clouds when digging away at my canal with nothing else to entertain my mind. I really want to see weather being regional, somewhat unpredictable, and even random. Basically taking one player off-guard while another one hears of the news as it happens & those hearing it later. It be fun hearing how someone needed an umbrella while another sees it in the distance in the sky, yet others would get different POVs of it.

    Fourth, and last, should be tinted glass to decorate with. I don't mind waiting for this after player customization & such, yet it be sweet if we could finally create legit glass, plus being able to customize them to be red, white, blue, dark black, or whichever. Maybe even one-way. When building my 'Canadian Tower' I was struggling heavily with placing glass that it needs more expansions in the future of customization abilities & options.


    Out of all these I want to see #1 with the water so I can properly fill my canal while seeing the water hit the solid bottom without tedious fiddling. I have myself to blame for making a canal, yet I tried tools in creative which didn't help me any.

  • Thirdly, we need regional weather later down the line to load up in specific player-spawned chunks to be active in some chunks, yet not active in another. To basically be treated as an entity roaming the world to be as big & small as needed. Basically seeing dark clouds on the horizon inching closer, sideways, or further away as you worry if you'll be poured on, thundered, or snowed on. I say this after having observed the clouds when digging away at my canal with nothing else to entertain my mind. I really want to see weather being regional, somewhat unpredictable, and even random. Basically taking one player off-guard while another one hears of the news as it happens & those hearing it later. It be fun hearing how someone needed an umbrella while another sees it in the distance in the sky, yet others would get different POVs of it.

    I think the weather vane is hinting there will be weather in the game, "Currently serves as a Decoration"

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