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A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Last I heard from him was last night. He said he just had to do add a couple of missing lines of code before the update will be ready. He didn't sleep the night before so he was exhausted last night and went to bed early. I saw him on a few hours ago so he is probably finishing things up now. We still have another hour left to the deployment window and even if it takes another hour or two after that, so what?

  • We still have another hour left to the deployment window and even if it takes another hour or two after that, so what?

    Exactly. It's only 11:04 a.m. over here and I trust if Red delays, then there's a good reason. I'm sure he expect glitches. But I'm also sure he doesn't want these glitches to be cataclysmic. The game is called Rising World, not Crashing World. My wonder is whether we'll be able to beat the 38 members that were on at the same time on October 17th. Last I looked, we were at 36. Fingers crossed. Breakfast time for me. The eggs & Canadian bacon are calling. I'll stay connected to help us get to 39+.

  • Exactly. It's only 11:04 a.m. over here and I trust if Red delays, then there's a good reason. I'm sure he expect glitches. But I'm also sure he doesn't want these glitches to be cataclysmic. The game is called Rising World, not Crashing World. My wonder is whether we'll be able to beat the 38 members that were on at the same time on October 17th. Last I looked, we were at 36. Fingers crossed. Breakfast time for me. The eggs & Canadian bacon are calling. I'll stay connected to help us get to 39+.

    38 players on a RW server? Good luck with that. And yes, there seems to be a lot of extra butt hurt today. *sigh* But hey, bacon sounds good.

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