Pre-Version of the new Plugin API

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)
  • There's a tree called a Sakura and I would like to add it to Rising World as a very tiny mod to help me get started on understanding on how to write mods or in this case we call them plug-ins

    Basically this is possible, by "abusing" the custom 3d model feature for this (so as a result, the tree would not behave like other trees, and it's also necessary to place it manually [i.e. provide or calculate coordinates for every tree]), but there is at least no easy way like "editing the biomes definition so it spawns the new trees automatically" :|
    Also creating a new biome is basically possible (you could go through the chunks and replace the terrain, i.e. replace sand in deserts by mud etc), but right now there is no way to "hook" into the existing pipeline.

    However, I do not know if you can register a custom Inventory item (only in-game items are available without hacking) or modify crafting bench items

    Right now this is not possible. It's planned in the long run, but I have no ETA for that unfortunately. It's our intention to have a way to replace existing items and recipes (by new models etc), but also to create own custom items.

  • Basically this is possible, by "abusing" the custom 3d model feature for this (so as a result, the tree would not behave like other trees, and it's also necessary to place it manually [i.e. provide or calculate coordinates for every tree]), but there is at least no easy way like "editing the biomes definition so it spawns the new trees automatically" :| Also creating a new biome is basically possible (you could go through the chunks and replace the terrain, i.e. replace sand in deserts by mud etc), but right now there is no way to "hook" into the existing pipeline.

    Right now this is not possible. It's planned in the long run, but I have no ETA for that unfortunately. It's our intention to have a way to replace existing items and recipes (by new models etc), but also to create own custom items.

    The tree I was hoping to add was not a cherry tree like others have said. It's a pink leaf tree that we actually see in real life. Some might call it a cherry blossom some might call it something else but they are very beautiful tree's and to see them waving around in Rising World would be a very beautiful addition. One thing I don't understand is the hacking of the game, most mods out there are made that way. Example if a tree in the game already has it's own animations and is biome specific then that same code should be able to be used to create new tree's and plant types by altering their code to fit the new plants. That's how a lot of mods for plant life is made in other games and I see no problem with doing the same here even by adding new mobs to the game. The code is there so I don't understand how people can say it'll be static when you just need to implement what is already there. As far as adding new blocks and planks to the benches the code is there simply alter it a bit so it registers those wood or block types for recipes. If doing this is against the rules then I don't know. I've said it before I'll say it again, I'm not here to step on anyone's toes if you take offence I'm sorry but the code is there and in my opinion hacking is modding.

  • One thing I don't understand is the hacking of the game, most mods out there are made that way. ..... and in my opinion hacking is modding.

    Hacking is one way to come up with a mod. If you have the time and are comfortable digging into the jar files for Rising World then you could come up with a hack solution to modify the existing trees. I've already looked at the tree class files myself and it doens't seem to hard but I have no desire to do so. I'm sure some of the more seasoned developers on this forum have already hacked the game to make their own unique mods. But that sort of approach is outside of the "proper" modding approach which is to use the API that Red51 has provided us. The API will already allow you to place custom 3d models in the world. However the API does not yet allow you to craft or spawn unofficial models. Inventory according to the API is only limited to official inventory items. When this API is approved then we will have an easy way to override official object models or add new ones (perhaps a user space for our own inventory id values is needed).

  • The tree I was hoping to add was not a cherry tree like others have said.

    Basically, it is. Sakurais Japanese for "cherry-tree", and sakurabana 桜花 (lit. "cherry flower") refers primarily and originally to the cherry flowering; then per extenso to the flowering of several related species and cultivars. For instance, the white sakurabana you may see depicted (and possibly you even posted a picture of it) is the flowering of a plum, which is a strict relative of the cherry-tree. Sakurabana last for only a few days a year and it is (or was) usual for Japanese newspapers to have a column alerting readers of approaching flowering of famous cherry woods, to plan visits at the top of the flowering.


    It's a pink leaf tree that we actually see in real life.

    It isn't. The pink you see are flowers, not leaves. True, the most impressive pictures you may find are from cultivars specifically selected to emphasize the flowering, usually at the expenses of the fruits.


    One thing I don't understand is the hacking of the game, most mods out there are made that way. Example if a tree in the game already has it's own animations and is biome specific then that same code should be able to be used to create new tree's and plant types by altering their code to fit the new plants. That's how a lot of mods for plant life is made in other games and I see no problem with doing the same here even by adding new mobs to the game. The code is there so I don't understand how people can say it'll be static when you just need to implement what is already there. As far as adding new blocks and planks to the benches the code is there simply alter it a bit so it registers those wood or block types for recipes. If doing this is against the rules then I don't know. I've said it before I'll say it again, I'm not here to step on anyone's toes if you take offence I'm sorry but the code is there and in my opinion hacking is modding.

    Well, in another life, for a while I earned a life modding -- in the sense you describe, i.e. hooking into undocumented points and unsupported features of the programme -- a rather famous programme (not really, or not entirely, a game, but this is irrelevant) and, I'll assure you, it is not a path I would like to embark into again.

    For instance, for every new version (even a minor version change), I had to do a good part of the reverse engineering again, and again, and again... to locate the new memory addresses, guessing the new functions, etc., re-writing portion of my code relying on functions no longer existing in the main programme, often re-implementing them myself... This for about ten times...

    So, this is definitely not the way to go, if you want something which is stable, reliable and with a minimum of life span.

    About rules, this is also probably against the rules, but it is not up to me to tell (luckily!).

    Then, everybody is free to choose his own approaches and paths, of course. But the consequences are rather clear.

  • @LokTedd4000: no, no es necessario instalarlo, ni es tampoco posible. Es simplemente una anticipation de la futura nueva forma de escribir plug-ins por RW, asi que los autores de plug-ins puedan familiriarizarse con ella. Si no planea escribir plug-ins, puede tranquilamente ignorar todo el asunto (perdone mi ortografia, pero nunca estudié Espanol en serio!).

  • All world elements are just interfaces, that's not intended, they will be converted to classes (so you can create a new instance directly)... this will be changed shortly!

    Also GuiElement and its sub-interfaces GuiImage, GuiLabel and GuiPanel are all interfaces. Is it planned to change them into classes?

  • a stupid question
    i started the game but no updates seemed to be installed...the first time i launched the game instead yes...


    Servers will be updated within the next weeks, This news/post is a preview version of the new Plugin API. :D

    checkout the new Forum section too Plugin API if you're curious in giving it a shot yourself. :thumbsup:

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