All I get are (!) Errors and i give up

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  • Yeah you need to know how to code in java oO i would suggest you could look up java Tutorials on youtube :-D

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited once, last by yahgiggle ().

  • package net.jiwgames.rwplugin;
    import net.risingworld.api.Plugin; -- package not found

    import net.risingworld.api.Plugin -- package not found

    indicates that you havent imported your library file into your IDE.

    If you get Netbeans (i use this all the time)
    follow the steps as described here (look at the spoiler for images)

    If you want to look how to code in java be sure you look at java not javascript :thumbsup:

  • I AM using netbeans, I did the setup and I copied and pasted Red's Example and it spit out errors
    the library is there -- I made it myself using Javadoc and the pluginAPI,

    and then I copied and pasted Red's Code, its nothing but errors.
    And If you Don't want to Help DON'T, helping is NOT being a Pompous Ass And telling me to things I've already done.

  • Jeesh @Captian_Cornball that was absolutely offensive for no reason. I was trying to start from step 1 of offering help going by the details you have posted in your OP

    ^ that is all you have provided.

    Maybe my English isnt understandable but I see absolutely no reason to be this disrespectful.
    you did not mention the things you've already done so how would i be able to know what you've already done or not ? (understand my point of view?)

    I understand you might be frustrated but that kind of insulting negativity we dont need within the community @Captian_Cornball :thumbdown: especially not if you'd like to be helped.
    I afterall volunteer to help out of goodwill asking nothing in return but some gratitude. But hey maybe you had a bad day so i'll brush it off.

    New day, new chance for peace :thumbsup:

    From your screenshot I am able to see what was wrong.
    You did a copy paste of the code adding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. in your source
    remove all those line numbers from your code and you should be fine :)

  • I AM using netbeans, I did the setup and I copied and pasted Red's Example and it spit out errors

    The "not a statement" message indicates that there is a syntax error, i.e. something is there that does not belong to the code, or invalid Java code. In your case you copied the line numbers accidentally (1., 2., 3. etc), this just confuses Java. Make sure you don't copy them.

    And If you Don't want to Help DON'T, helping is NOT being a Pompous Ass And telling me to things I've already done.

    Wow.. Please watch your language. Nobody here said anything offensive, and @yahgiggle and @SilverSatin just wanted to help. Of course they can't know what you've already tried and what not (especially since you provided no information about that).

  • So I'm a bit rusty in Java so please excuse the basic questions here:

    Do I really need a main method for this? I'm not writing a standalone application so the only main method should be buried in the rising world application.
    Even with a main method, it is not finding the main method. Configuring Netbeans was straight forward and the IDE is not throwing any errors so atleast there's that.

    I guess the next question is... how do i install a plugin once i compile? Do I have to create a individual folder under scripts containing a class or jar file and a configuration xml like the way LUA works? I don't think this was properly explained yesterday

  • and all i got was errors

    Errors always have a reason, in this case it was caused by the line numbers which don't belong to the code, as mentioned before.

    Do I really need a main method for this?

    It's better to create a separate topic for these things ;) However, a main method is not needed, unless you want to execute your plugin directly (for testing purposes, for example).

    I guess the next question is... how do i install a plugin once i compile? Do I have to create a individual folder under scripts containing a class or jar file and a configuration xml like the way LUA works? I don't think this was properly explained yesterday

    This wasn't explained yet this we are not 100% sure how the layout for this will be. Basically you just have to put the compiled .jar file into the scripts folder (or more appropriately, into a "plugins" folder). Probably a separate folder will be needed with a configuration file (like the lua scripts), but I can tell you more about this in the next weeks^^

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