Plugins von Lua zu Java / Plugins from Lua to Java

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  • Wer wird die bereits bekannten Lua Scripts auf Java umschreiben?
    Ich führe mal die bereits vorhanden Lua Scripts auf.

    Who will rewrite the already known Lua scripts in Java?
    Already existing scripts in Lua.

    Areaprotection = ´Red51 and team

    world edit = ? maybe Lord Fobar, yahgiggle and ...?

    setting plants = ? maybe yahgiggle?

    compass, ie. change to coordinates (2 existing versions) = maybe yahgiggle, or red51 with his coordinate script?

    teleport script = ?

    home point = ?

    Die anderen beiden Scripte werden von ihren Erstellen nicht auf Java umgeschrieben. (Ich wills nicht beschwören, aber das ist ziemlich sicher).
    Es wäre wirklich gut zu wissen, wer sich um die anderen Scripts kümmert, neue Scripts können ja dann folgen.

    Afaik the others are not updated by their creators.
    It would be really good to know because this are indeed the most important scripts.

  • DE: Genau, wir werden eine neue Version des AreaProtection Skripts erstellen. Und natürlich wird auch dieses mal der Sourcecode wieder verfügbar sein, sodass Leute dieses Plugin als "Beispiel Plugin" betrachten können.
    Ich bin mir sicher dass auch ein World Edit Plugin verfügbar sein wird, natürlich kann ich nicht viel zu den anderen Scripts/Plugins sagen, aber ich bin mir sicher dass es mittelfristig auch dafür passende Plugins geben wird (und vermutlich sogar schicker als die alten Lua Scripts) ;)

    EN: Exactly, we will create a new version of the AreaProtection script. And of course the source code of this plugin will be available, so people could use it as an "example plugin".
    I'm sure a World Edit plugin will also be available, of course I can't say much about the the other scripts/plugins, but I'm confident there will be suitable plugins for this in the medium run (and probably even more fancy than the old Lua scripts) ;)

  • Of course, I cannot say for the other, but my published plug-ins (GPS including compass, position, waypoints and home, and TELevator, implementing elevators via teleporting) will be surely ported to the new Java framework, as soon as it will be working on servers.

    Probably they will also be updated and enriched in some way, taking advantage of the new possibilities (for instance, if possible at all, I'll try to do without teleporting for the TELevator plug-in, using a 'real' moving platform and a 'real' elevator button panel).

  • Just a short note to let know that I have completed the porting of the my GPS script to a Java plug-in; as the original script, it includes:
    * compass
    * world position
    * home setting / teleporting and direction-to display
    * waypoint setting / teleporting and direction-to display

    So far, I can see that it compiles without errors or warnings. Of course, until I can run and properly debug it, I have no idea if it works or not!

    I am also experimenting with internationalisation...

  • If someone makes a plugin that does the job i don't see any point in reinventing the wheel, unless it can offer some far better advanced options
    world edit can just about all be done now with the built in creative mode oO i dont see the point in remaking it oO not fully anyway.
    i guess we will just have to wait and see, i think this time round theirs more users keen to get involved :D lets just hope they are happy to post there plugins so everyone can enjoy them and not have only 3 or 4 main people doing all the work like we had with lua. if no one else steps up i know i will so don't worry to much about it right now. :)

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • world edit can just about all be done now with the built in creative mode oO i dont see the point in remaking it oO not fully anyway.

    Word edit its perfect in its current form, together with the tool an indispensable script (plugin).
    To fill water with we is much faster and more comfortable, and select area and clear all to destroy large buildings

    i think this time round theirs more users keen to get involved lets just hope they are happy to post there plugins so everyone can enjoy them and not have only 3 or 4 main people doing all the work like we had with lua.

    Let's hope so. :)

  • If someone makes a plugin that does the job i don't see any point in reinventing the wheel, unless it can offer some far better advanced options
    world edit can just about all be done now with the built in creative mode oO i dont see the point in remaking it oO not fully anyway.
    i guess we will just have to wait and see, i think this time round theirs more users keen to get involved :D lets just hope they are happy to post there plugins so everyone can enjoy them and not have only 3 or 4 main people doing all the work like we had with lua. if no one else steps up i know i will so don't worry to much about it right now. :)

    Possibly I'm having a senior moment, but I do not understand if your remark is directed to my post immediately above yours.

    Generally speaking, all current LUA scripts will have to be re-written in Java, as they will stop working when sooner or later the LUA framework will be phased out. This can be a simple 1-to-1 porting, but my dev experience suggests me that porting is rarely linear, often one sees a better way to do the same thing, better thing(s) to do or rough corners to cut and the result is often somewhat different. Also, the wider potentialities of Java may suggest additions to and/or generalisations of the structure of an existing app.

  • Possibly I'm having a senior moment, but I do not understand if your remark is directed to my post immediately above yours.

    No its not directed to you or your post, it's just in general

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Also ich habe schon den einen oder anderen Plugin Schreiber hier im Forum gesehen.
    Vor allem welche die es um weiten besser können wie ich und von daher würde ich mir keinen Kopp drum machen ob die Plugins neu kommen.

    Es werden bestimmt nicht alle 1 zu 1 so umgeschrieben wie sie im Augenblick sind, ich denke das sie sogar noch besser und vereinfacht werden.
    Einfach mal abwarten was die Zeit so mit sich bringt. ;)

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