A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Has anyone seen the new A15 preview video from Joel at The Fun Pimps? Looks like some really interesting changes are coming. I'm personally looking forward to the wooden arrow slots and the "Red Mesa" laboratory to explore ^^ Not happy about landmines in the streets but I usually am careful when walking and hey... free mines without having to locate an army base

  • yap - 3 days ago - the new builings are very interesting - the tradersystem and the bandids will bring more action to the game...and i hope in A16 we can see the powersystem - this game needs more systems...more than graphics-reworks - the new distance is nice...if the system works after the full patch

    sorry for my "terrible" english - it's still in alpha 8|8o:D:thumbsup:

  • Your english is fine. Atleast you have language skills in alpha! ;-p
    I only speak one language and I feel like a dummy cause Red51 is German yet he speaks better English than me most of the time!!! ?(:cursing:X(;(

    The game is polishing up very nicely. I'm very impressed. The idea of electic systems sounds nice. I imagine in a real zombie apocalypse you'd want to establish a large wall around a town to keep the zombies out and set up farming and solar inside to be self sustaining.

    rain collectors would be another thing I'd like to see in game.

  • thank you for the flowers 8|8o

    rain collectors...i remember the pimps have a plan with the pipes - but for this the water needs a lot of rework - this game is still in alpha so we all must wait for so many great ideas like the power-system with generators real electric light with all the problems in a world of undead guys, bandids, traders and other people (if you play on a server) :D:thumbsup:

  • thank you for the flowers 8|8o

    rain collectors...i remember the pimps have a plan with the pipes - but for this the water needs a lot of rework - this game is still in alpha so we all must wait for so many great ideas like the power-system with generators real electric light with all the problems in a world of undead guys, bandids, traders and other people (if you play on a server) :D:thumbsup:

    Yes... the water need a LOT of work. Its about on par with Rising World water right now in terms of physics. Except the 7D2D water looks ugly as sin!

  • I really do need to look into this deeply for both science & for enjoyment. I really do want to play this, yet it would also be sweet if I could get some buddies to play this with. Seems like a type of game you'd need a group of friends for, yet a server where people stay on the same page while not going too far from one another. I'm seeing nice features that were made note of which could carry back into Rising World.

    Thanks to Roosterteeth's Let's Play channel I'm highly curious, yet may give this a go after my Starbound fun. Damn.

    Damn, I now have to wait a few hours to come back to watch that video in the first post.

  • If I could run my 7D2D sever, I'd love to play with you. Unfortunately the final A14 release broke the linux server. So I have no way of hosting a game :( I hear a variety of rumors about A15 coming out in the next month but other rumors state early next year so I have no idea what is going on. :(

  • I guess I should keep researching this game because I really do want to play it, but only if I can play with friends, net buddies, or regulars. Seeing awesome things being added into A15 that maybe I should wait for when that comes along so I/we can have fun in there. So many nice features that it's making me see how Rising World can make note of them.

    Similar to Rising World, 7 Days to Die just proving that having NPC partners would be awesome. I guess there's traders, yet that's all I'm seeing. Be sweet to rescue someone to join you, maybe even have some respawn buff like the player.

    I don't know. I want to play the game, yet need to find a proper foothold to tackle this game. I'd join you zfoxfire, yet you'd need to host a server by finding a time to make it work, and me to find time inbetween work. Guess I'll just go settle into Starbound again hoping my save file doesn't erase again, yet it was a much needed character profile reset :) Seeing nice features in 7D2D, even planned, that it's sweet.

    Red51 needs to check out the Mesa cave dwellings to make note of for his own version and inspiration.


    14:16 is the interest point with Mesa Cave Dwellings:

    Also, 9:45 for settlement plans to also inspire Red51 in how to tackle things. If we wants to, for NPC villages & such.

  • Oh, that's a fun twist to how fun this game is. It's brutally scary when you're not properly equipped, yet it's Minecraft/Rising World fun! I finally bit the bullet to play it in single player mode while finding the character creation system neat. Could use much more work, yet it's neat (hair styles, facial preset variety, among other things). Wish you could go back to create more characters properly (Tried, yet gave me funny weird errors I couldn't make sense of) while actually enjoying how each character would specialize in something. It would be awesome if Red51 could give us a similar system with each character in Rising World specializing in something the more they played while allowing us to save characters as cards to play. I guess MMO style, yet only skills would carry over. Nothing else. Not tech tree style, but with how much you do things which would save. The more you cut trees, go mining, make food & etc the better your skills. Anything skill tree is idiotic.

    I love how 7D2D because the more I would dig dirt, cut trees, run around, among other things would raise my effectiveness in that field. Love how you have to scavenge. I even got a miner's helmet from a zombie, and love how zombies reward you for how much crap they give you. It's worth going out to kill them, if short on resources. It's great to stockpile.

    I however strongly desire access to proper swords. Medieval, fantasy, or even custom made (non-apocalypse) type. Seeing as how I'm clubbing zombies with a club I'd love to have a sword, as well as maybe a good spear, to attack those bastards. I guess nobody here is familiar with my foxy character (maybe Red & Zork, yet still maybe vague in thought) that I would love to have the ability for at least one NPC to follow me around while also wielding the sword. I'd love to have my female foxy anime character weild a sword to slice & dice the enemy as I also do so. Guns can only get you so far slicing of a zombies head would be glorious. Both in Rising World & in 7D2D I 100% want NPC followers, even customizable in the way you can customize yourself.

    I managed to "survive" to day 4, and now curious as to when I'll play again. Trying to now dig a hole so I can trap zombies in there. Those bastards. And yes, I died a few times being greedy. I even ran to an air drop. I'm strongly wishing for the ability to just have an NPC partner because getting someone to play is a big chore that NPCs tend to win.

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