Little things that could be fixed

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  • Hey! DaBoiye here. here are a few things that could be adjusted to make the game better. #1 when first starting to play this game, the scrolling seemed counter-intuitive ( this is when u are scrolling thru the 5 quick access slots in your inventory) I don't know if it seemed this way for anyone else, besides seeing it in one or two steam reviews as a complaint. #2 this is my main idea. It also has to do with the 5 quick access slots. the numbers showing how many objects you have left in the stack could use some re-working. in some lighting and background, it is almost impossible to see how many items (example. blocks) you have left in that stack. maybe do those numbers colored or something to make them readable In all situations

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • 1. I think the direction when using the scrollwheel is backwards from Minecraft. There should be an option to reverse this or possibly make a keyboard/mousebutton assignment out of this (if popularity demands).

    2. Wow! I didn't even realize there was a quantity number in the corner of the hotbar slot for a stack. I have also noticed just now that there is no transparency layer in the hotbar. Darkening the hotbar background and making the numbers lighter in color would make for better contrast.

    Ok, now to add on to your list....

    3. When saving a blueprint, I cannot tab from the name field to the group field. I have to click instead.
    4. Blueprints are still consumed in creative mode but other items are not.

    .. more to come, now that you have me thinking about this ...

  • Zork 'stole' one of my mentions that I'd love to see stack number in the hotbar standing out. Some background or font change that you'll see the stack number in any environment. Mentioned & showed it in one of my videos when pyramid building that I moved my POV around until I could see the stack number.

    I thought there was one, yet I would love there to be a search option for finding servers. This is Zork's mention.

    Compass: Maybe I'm stupid, yet I would love it if there was a main arrow pointing to the direction, a secondary & third to both main and secondary bed, and a fourth one for anything else. I tried to make sense of the compass, yet it was being strange to me. Couldn't even track my main bed, only the last area I slept at.......

  • Zork 'stole' one of my mentions that I'd love to see stack number in the hotbar standing out. Some background or font change that you'll see the stack number in any environment. Mentioned & showed it in one of my videos when pyramid building that I moved my POV around until I could see the stack number.

    Something like this would be greatly useful if placed inside the file where Red could set a default font, along with backup fonts in case a user doesn't have the default font. Like we do in web design. Then, if a user wishes to change it, they'd need only change the font name. This of course would be providing the fonts would be where they're supposed to be on a Mac or Windows machine. But this location too could be set up with a variable in the config file.

    Compass: Maybe I'm stupid, yet I would love it if there was a main arrow pointing to the direction, a secondary & third to both main and secondary bed, and a fourth one for anything else. I tried to make sense of the compass, yet it was being strange to me. Couldn't even track my main bed, only the last area I slept at.......

    This reminds me of when cotton and hemp were first introduced and I went on a massive walkabout to find some. I was following the beach so I wouldn't get lost, but I would also be setting tents down each night to pass the time. After about an in-game week, I had finally found cotton, and wanted to get home. Relying on my trusty compass, I found myself not going back home, but instead going back to my last tent. Half an in-game day had gone by and by the time I found my tent, I realized I was screwed. Thankfully, I had written down my xyz coordinates on a piece of paper, and with F3, I quickly realized I had not only gone east when I left, but the beach had twisted and turned, and I was somehow to the west of my home by quite a distance. So a compass that can always identify your homes, and not just your last slept bed, would be very useful.

  • Yup. Or just do something similar to Minecraft where the background to the hotbar is fogged in a bit. Has a bit of its own background to make out the numbers & font. Also, to clarify that not blaming Zork on anything, just that he beat me to my own suggestion that I feel I made him aware of :whistling:

    Yeah, that's quite a trip. I stuck to one direction & found the cotton and hemp I was looking for. I spent a long while going so far when both cotton & hemp were so much closer than I realized. I traveled so far to gain new batches for me to later find cotton closer to Niska Village. I found so much closer by that it's frustrating I went quite a distance. And yeah, also that same situation I wished my compass worked properly, yet thankfully knew the direction my settlement was at.

    Once we have gravel roads & railway up we won't need the compass for much longer. ONce I start using both those I would then stumble across them to follow them around.

  • Also we need to be able to do more while sitting. We should be able to eat and chat... it would make partys so much more enjoyable! also, with the cooking update I hope we can place food on tables, maybe first place a dish and then place food in the dish. and anyone could take the food from the dish to eat it.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • Also we need to be able to do more while sitting. We should be able to eat and chat... it would make partys so much more enjoyable! also, with the cooking update I hope we can place food on tables, maybe first place a dish and then place food in the dish. and anyone could take the food from the dish to eat it.

    For multiplayer games, interacting at a table with food and talk through headsets would be interesting. For single player, I'd be just as happy to sit in front of a fireplace, listen to the crackling fire, and relax. Maybe while hearing wolves and loons in the distance. When it comes to food on the table, it would be nice to set a fruit bowl at the center of the table, or maybe even on the counter. But what we need as well are refrigerators and freezers to store food more logically than crates. My crates are starting to smell and I'm starting to hear flies in my food pantry. Heheh The freezer could be a makeshift crate. When you open it, the content squares could be surrounded by a frame that looks like ice. Hell, I'd vote for a new "tallboy" crate that opens on the side, and then with the right graphics, it could be made to look like a refrigerator. Make a slimmer "tallboy" crate for the freezer, and put them side-by-side. Either way, these refrigerators and freezers would help preserve food once food starts to go bad in a future update.

  • If there's one thing I would absolutely LOVE to see it's a 3d transform/rotate widget when items are frozen in place, and being able to rotate when boards are frozen. Perhaps also being able to select and tweak once something has been placed if you see it's off by a couple of notches. Maybe this wouldn't work for survival mode due to immersion breaking, but in create mode it would be a godsend. Also to be able to rotate/scale/free position props like toilets, doors, furniture etc at any angle so as to be able to give things a "vandalised" appearance. For instance having a sink hanging off the wall as though it has been half torn off, or tipping over a bookcase or sinking multiple copies of an item into the floor at weird angles to give the illusion of a pot being broken etc.

  • I'd love to see stack number in the hotbar standing out. Some background or font change that you'll see the stack number in any environment. Mentioned & showed it in one of my videos when pyramid building that I moved my POV around until I could see the stack number.

    Something like a drop shadow in the complementary color works very well at making something visible against any color background. The same could be done for the wireframes when placing blocks, as the white outlines are frequently hidden against stone, or when there's good lighting.

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