Changelog 2016-12-31: Dungeons, Weather and a Happy New Year!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Looking awesome Red51!
    Should this patch have made it so that existing worlds should get shacks/dungeons? I have looked all over an have not found any. I understand that they should only generate in "virgin" land, but I still don't see any? Is this "issue" still in work?

  • Dungeons seems like they'll be patched within the next few days, or so. They're being too much of a hassle that more time needs to be dedicated to them that the other issues are being patched first over the pesky dungeons themselves. Shacks are now more one per biome, or similar to how you find dungeon temples in Minecraft's desert biome. The shacks spawn nicely in the world now that it's awesome.

    I keep saying this everywhere, yet I love the weather. It was a nice unexpected touch that I'm assuming was brought about when someone desired snow for winter for Christmas, and it just snowballed from there. That's awesome! I love it. I love how during the dead of night that fog rolls in that you'd even struggle so see where you're going. Just pouring down buckets at a time that you're basically stuck walking at a snails pace, or even stuck indoors. Imagine if you're out in the ocean sailing, or even in a truck on a road.....Even a horse in the middle of nowhere....THat's just brutal fun stuff. :thumbsup: The snow in the winter biome is awesome as it's more winter-like, as well as having that nice winter fog to make things more moody, if beautiful. I love it.


  • So we should only expect to see like one shack per biome? Will this change or is this the plan?

    From when I was trying to find an ocean I could only find one shack per biome so that's what my scientific conclusion resulted in. I saw one in a forested winter biome (I have an image of it), and again at the edge of a savananh biome. It's probably different each seed, yet that's what I'm going with. Maybe 1-3 shacks per biome, nothing more.

    Think of the jungle temples in Minecraft, and even pyramids in desert biomes. Not every biome has them, yet they'd be there. Numbers shall vary a bit.

  • Hello everyone, and happy new year! It has been a while since I last came here, so what better occasion than this? :3

    Although I'm not here just to say how much I love the update, I must report that I have been having some issues as well...getting out of the loaded area happens a lot, and mining resources mostly just end up in the chunk I'm mining resetting and me getting nothing out of it...also harvesting things like tomatoes and such seem very very delayed...

    I am not completely sure what's causing this, but I come from a fresh install, I had actually removed the game a while back, took the chance to just straight back into it and I love what I'm seeing, except for these bugs, of yeah, just thought I'd report on that, if it can help anyone else, too.

    That all said, happy new year, and thank you for the amazing job!

  • Is there a bug where it rains inside your builds? The reason that I ask is because when it started raining, I ran into my house, only to find it was raining in there as well. I ran to the basement, and more rain. I have no idea about the second floor of the attic, but rain on the main floor and the basement would make me guess that yes, my bed is indeed soaked on the second floor, or my toilet is overflowing, and in which case, does anyone know a good plumber in Rising World?

    I include an image as exhibit A.

  • I put in a bit more time tonight and decided I would go on a mini-walkabout. Over the hills and through the woods I went, but I could not find grandmother's abandoned shack anywhere. I did discover the penguins are quite vocal, though. The aura around the torchlight is amazing. I also noticed you now need four sands to make a glass pane. Nice. The saloon doors still worked flawlessly for me, and while it still rained inside my builds, the sound effects are great, and the clouds are ominous. Unfortunately, by the time it finally started to rain, I was back at my beach house, so I've yet to test for rain inside of shallow mines or underground builds. I also love the moon. I'm one to use the Z key a lot when I take screenshots, and zooming in on the moon never disappoints.

    The idea of a mattress to allow us to make our own beds is great. But, is there a chance in the future to be able to resize the mattress, or give us options for multi-sized mattresses via the workbench?

    I would also love to see us being able to take the grates and swivel them to place them horizontally.

    That said, I'll perform more testing tomorrow. But for now, good job, guys.

  • Is there a bug where it rains inside your builds? The reason that I ask is because when it started raining, I ran into my house, only to find it was raining in there as well. I ran to the basement, and more rain. I have no idea about the second floor of the attic, but rain on the main floor and the basement would make me guess that yes, my bed is indeed soaked on the second floor, or my toilet is overflowing, and in which case, does anyone know a good plumber in Rising World?

    I include an image as exhibit A.

    That is very weird. I have been building some shelters from the rain and I got no rain coming inside...maybe it's an old world bug? But well, hope this can help in some doesn't happen for me...or hasn't so far.

  • getting out of the loaded area happens a lot, and mining resources mostly just end up in the chunk I'm mining resetting and me getting nothing out of it...also harvesting things like tomatoes and such seem very very delayed...

    Hmm... this may be quite normal when playing directly after the update (since the cache has been cleared automatically to convert the world, the game has to regenerate all cached files again), but the situation should improve when loading the world for the 2nd time, for example. Otherwise we will check out what's going on there and what might cause this delay

    Is there a bug where it rains inside your builds?

    That's strange... does it always rain inside buildings? It may be a driver issue, or maybe a specific Mac issue? =O

    The glass does not show rain

    Thanks for letting us know, we will put that on our list, that should be solved soon (btw. the latest fix only solve the issue of rain not being obstructed by glass panes) :)

  • That is very weird. I have been building some shelters from the rain and I got no rain coming inside...maybe it's an old world bug? But well, hope this can help in some doesn't happen for me...or hasn't so far.

    Old world? Depends. Would a world created in late August 2016 be considered an old world?

    That's strange... does it always rain inside buildings? It may be a driver issue, or maybe a specific Mac issue?

    Since the rain arrived, yes, I take a "shower" inside my builds each time it rains. Might I request adding soap to the rain? The rain may get the dust off, but it would be nice to use a bit of soap. Heheh I'll try creating a new world and see if it does it in there as well, then I'll report back in this thread. Since no other Mac user has yet complained about the rain, the chance of it being a Mac issue is diminished. A driver issue is a maybe. I'll have to check and see if an update has recently been released for the 4GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M.

  • Hmm... this may be quite normal when playing directly after the update (since the cache has been cleared automatically to convert the world, the game has to regenerate all cached files again), but the situation should improve when loading the world for the 2nd time, for example. Otherwise we will check out what's going on there and what might cause this delay
    Thanks for letting us know, we will put that on our list, that should be solved soon (btw. the latest fix only solve the issue of rain not being obstructed by glass panes) :)

    Alright, thank you very much! I should try that and see :)

    Old world? Depends. Would a world created in late August 2016 be considered an old world?

    By old world I mean a world existing prior to the update, so yes, an August 2016 world would be old as it's prior to the update.

    Also well, GTX 780M is a laptop card isn't it? Laptops generally don't receive driver updates cause their drivers are designed specifically for the machine they run on, so it's rare that a manifacturer will release new drivers for it. I can say though I have no problem with my GTX 660Ti if that's of any help. But yeah, that's weird that it rains inside anyway...

  • By old world I mean a world existing prior to the update, so yes, an August 2016 world would be old as it's prior to the update.

    Also well, GTX 780M is a laptop card isn't it? Laptops generally don't receive driver updates cause their drivers are designed specifically for the machine they run on, so it's rare that a manifacturer will release new drivers for it. I can say though I have no problem with my GTX 660Ti if that's of any help. But yeah, that's weird that it rains inside anyway...

    As an update, I started a new world and the problem with rain inside structures persisted. And deep into mines as well, but if you go deep enough, the rain ceases. The problem with Rising World is you can't just start a new world and test something. You find yourself wanting to explore. And mine. And explore some more. Heheh Of course, the same goes with any game that's this good.

    While raining inside is weird, at least it doesn't pool, and I can live with that as long as it never pools. When it does, then it's on to plan B: basement pool with a slide for stairs.

    As for the GTX 780M, NVIDIA seems to have designed it for laptops, but Apple used it inside one of their 27" iMac i7 models. Most likely because it best fit inside their thin monitors. The NVIDIA site does not mention Apple products under the driver information, but it does state the Linux OS recently (Dec 16, 2016) received a driver update. I wrote NVIDIA for more information and am awaiting a response (fingers crossed it'll be this century). There is also a possibility that Apple designed its own driver for the card, and that's where I'm going next. Or after supper.

    But it is nice to know your GTX card works for you. Mac laptop or PC?

    On another note, I see deer think they're fish. One wandered into a pool of water, fell sideways, and hey, I got a deer pelt for its trouble. Just no meat.

  • Well, looking for a driver would be going to nvidia website and looking at drivers for GTX 700 series, not specifically Mac OS or Linux / Windows, they're for the card itself, the OS is just based on what you use. But even if you did find new drivers for it, it'll still either fail to install or cause least it did for me when I obsessed on wanting to update my laptop's drivers (they're from 2011 and I'm stuck with them and all the problems they have) so I'm afraid there's not much that can be done about it, though I wish you the best of luck with that.

    And well I play on a desktop PC, my laptop just isn't good enough for anything.

    Edit: Also, reporting on that ore / mining reset bug, it seems loading the world a second time got rid of it almost entirely. It still happens, but extremely rarely now, so it doesn't even matter, I am perfectly able to mine the resources I need. And the "world not loading" bug hasn't happened at all anymore. Thank you

    Edit 2: Well, speaking of raining inside, I was mining underground and all of a sudden I started hearing the sound of wet footsteps (that's a pretty nice addition by the way!). I wasn't too deep down in, so I assumed it could be rain flowing down from the entrance and into the cave, which would definitely result in a wet floor (and a very nice detail) but I don't suppose that should happen? There was no rain inside though, just the sound of wet footseps was all, but maybe this can help somehow...I don't know.

  • Edit 2: Well, speaking of raining inside, I was mining underground and all of a sudden I started hearing the sound of wet footsteps (that's a pretty nice addition by the way!). I wasn't too deep down in, so I assumed it could be rain flowing down from the entrance and into the cave, which would definitely result in a wet floor (and a very nice detail) but I don't suppose that should happen? There was no rain inside though, just the sound of wet footseps was all, but maybe this can help somehow...I don't know.

    Quirky. I didn't know Red was adding ghosts to the game. It could be that while I'm the only person having to deal with indoor rain, you're dealing with the residual effect of what would happen if it were raining indoors. I'm unable to play until tonight, so if there has been a mini-update since I was on yesterday, I'll know then.

    As for the driver issue, as the Swahili saying goes: hakuna matata.

  • Quirky. I didn't know Red was adding ghosts to the game. It could be that while I'm the only person having to deal with indoor rain, you're dealing with the residual effect of what would happen if it were raining indoors. I'm unable to play until tonight, so if there has been a mini-update since I was on yesterday, I'll know then.
    As for the driver issue, as the Swahili saying goes: hakuna matata.

    Ghosts? O: Where did you read that? That would be awesome!

    And well, I don't know, I guess it's just some minor bug, not a big deal :3

    Yeah, I suppose, though I can't really just shrug it off when programs asks me for the latest drivers to run properly (not Rising World, but Rising World doesn't even run on my laptop)

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