Some ideas I have

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  • just some ideas for the game you might or not like. I think they would add a ton of play value for non builders or people like me who like too build and explore

    -make bears and other normally hostile animals attack your house and destroy it (this might be in its been a while)
    -make new tools like the pickaxe takes 3 hits too mine make 2 more. one that can 2 hit rocks but the resources to make it are tough or a lot too get and one that can one shot stuff that is a rare item found in tombs
    -craft shoes that make you run 1.5 times faster and snow shoes for snow and flippers for water. I find walking slow but fair but a way too get faster is always good maybe a cost of being louder for animals can hear you further away unless find rare ones in tombs
    -a fence that animals cant walk through for sure and a leach or rope so can drag smaller animals like pigs goats into them for pets or food for later
    -a map system with markers is still very much needed. but a another thing that could work better could be a stick marker you can craft (like in The Forest) that hows a icon on the world where it is [toggle off and on with a key]

  • -I honestly don't think we will ever see bears attacking our houses... too much work down the drain if they would
    -I like this concept, that tombs (dungeons) hold rare items and tombs being the only way to get them
    -yes, we need fences or just planks being able to keep animals in, and a way to lure or drag them. and of course breeding and ownership on those animals too, but that's a whole nother update.
    -I know a map is planned but I don't know what type it is and how it will work or what features it will contain

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • I like the idea of a leash. But what good would having a few animals locked up if you cant breed them? That's why I think animal breeding should be implemented.
    Speaking of pets: Cats and Dogs! ^^ Taming would be a must, but the difficulty of taming would have to be something like Minecraft (would be more difficult with pet food, see below)
    And of course I tried placing blocks as fences after the beams and planks didnt work, but they just walk right through the blocks. And I'm not going to have a 2 or more blocks thick wall around my animals.

    If pets ever were added, pet food would add to the survival feel. If you starve your pets, they will die and you will have to tame a new pet. Wild animals don't have hunger, And you would have to craft the pet food. They would only lose hunger while you are online. It would suck having to hop on every hour just to keep your pets fed.
    The pet food should be made out of whatever the animal normally eats irl:

    • Cats are carnivores and will only eat meat or pet food made from meat
    • Canines are carnivores and will also only eat meat (Of course my dog loves to eat green beans, so idk) (currently only foxes are in this family)
    • Rabbits will eat vegetables
    • Chickens will eat seeds
    • Sheep will eat grass cut from a sickle
    • Penguins will eat....nevermind, there are no fish in this game.


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  • -I honestly don't think we will ever see bears attacking our houses... too much work down the drain if they would

    I only say this is because people who are playing too survive and not just build don't have much too do. like 7 days to die you have too prepare your base for attacks and repair after wards. i mean if people don't want there stuff attacked that's what creative mode is for I believe

    I just like building with a purpose behind it

  • I only say this is because people who are playing too survive and not just build don't have much too do. like 7 days to die you have too prepare your base for attacks and repair after wards. i mean if people don't want there stuff attacked that's what creative mode is for I believe

    I just like building with a purpose behind it

    ah ok, yeah singleplayer at this point doesn't have awhole lot of stuff to do. Having bears destroy as an option sounds more possible.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • Hmm.......

    - Making bears attack but only when in search for food. Have them play in hammocks & such while leaving the damage related stuff to pirates, bandits, and raiders. Make sure you're well armed, have NPCs at the ready and such. Have walls.

    - I doubt that. I'd prefer tool durability + their material effectiveness used against other materials. I guess Minecraft style, yet tuned to the Rising World realism.

    - I wouldn't mind crafting shoes specific for their use. Running shoes giving you a slight boost in running, snowshoes allowing you to travel quicker in snow (if snow is given the effect of slowing you down), as well as having skis, or flippers for water. I can agree half with this, yet not wanting to have it go too absurd.

    - A fence & a rope is something greatly needed. Yeah. Really do need fences, as well as rope to lead animals back. More so once we gain horses so they can stay in their place, or be commanded to stay in place.

    - Map is needed, yet Red51 wants to do this properly. He wants to reach the highest bar first before tackling the lower map types (Admist) while seeking more of a Google Earth thing (search through Steam forums dealing with maps).

    > A side-Thought of maps: If you want a mini-map then it be necessary to search the area first to then gain access to a minimap that updates only when you're in the area). The modern version of that would be making antenna towers, or even sending GPS satellites into space to gain a more solid perspective of your world.


    @ Daboi:

    - Tombs holding rare loot. There was mentioned that dungeons were supposed to contain rare items you couldn't craft so you'd find them there. I guess they're the torture devices, yet they should contain those similar things in the chests. More variety of records, more unique things.


    - Xalzia:

    - Pets is something I'd love seeing, but only if they can follow your commands while not warping. They should be able to be fed, keep themselves fed & thirsted, as well as (on occassions) find you things. They should point you towards dropped items, or even try picking them up to carry back. Things like logs & stone, but nothing like furniture. They should also warn you of danger, yet once Raiders, Pirates, & bandits appear they should attack & defend only if they know they'll survive.

    - Side-Thought: Allow me to tame a fox, or an Arctic Fox then I'd be happy. :thumbsup:


    Lacking survival? Yeah, the updates are struggling thanks to both the water & biome update. Even with the dungeons update. We're still having to wait on the necessary 'Player Models & animations update' which shall then allow us to have nature effects of heat stroke, hypothermia, among other things. Even colds, flus, food poisoning, among other natural effects. I guess basically mirroring what 7 Days to Die is doing, yet minus the zombie madness.

    I also love building with a purpose. If I'm told to keep my guard up then that's the perfect game as you're given a reason to build up. Like those drones in Empyrion. Build up, colonize, and explore. Needs more dungeons, more base building that it be Skyrim + Minecraft comparison 100%. I think it already is, yet more so.

    The next major update. We need teasers of the next major update.

  • I wonder If there are any near future plans for addition of a few extra biomes/plantation.

    I'm sure there are, yet Red51 wants to hold off on any major terrain related updates as it runs the risk of corrupting our worlds. He wants to limit any pain because of how much we've built (blueprints). He wants to add more biomes, yet I'm with Red51 on adding other features before expanding on swamps, volcanoes, jungles, and etc. Adding player models, transportation, and etc before going into the other stuff. Cooking needs to be a thing also.

  • I forgot about the jungle . :)

    Yeah, there's a big world redesign that I heard Red51 talk about wanting to eventually do. It would change a lot of things like better algorithms to generate more realistic terrain, increased voxel density per chunk (to get rid of the stepped terrain that the grass covers up so well), re-organization of biomes, and biomes act like continents in an ocean. Possibly re-design of the underworld as well. It would look beautiful no doubt and be one of the final touches to the game but no doubt it is going to obliterate our old worlds or look so nice that the converted chunks would look like crap compared to the new style. Whenever that time comes there's going to have to be lots of planning on how to implement and how we are going to convert things.

  • I keep mentioning that 1 world ocean biome with many island & island continents because that's where Rising World shall be the most fun at. Red51 mentioned it, and I can't wait to see him take it there. Same with his plans for boats a long while back with durability & water type attrition. All those horses, boats, and stuff. We'll have a little bit of everything near the end of it and by the end of it.

    For now, just more sandbox plays-testing until we get to that stage........

  • Jungle,swamp and volcanic biomes would be so GREAT.Waiting for those gators,turtles,horses,dogs,birds.At one point,we will have to blueprint everything and start a new world.The only hard part is the tremendous amount of time we have spent for landscaping,making mountains,rivers etc.It will be fun to restart though.

  • Yeah.I believe the dynamic water will take a while from what has been mentioned. New player models, primitive crafting, the scalable/stretchable blocks, cooking, could be 1 major update.Last update was a huge one.Trains and a few more animals could be a 2nd major one.Biomes another one.Just guessing.Maybe we stand a chance to have all that by the end of summer.Never know.

  • as I understand there will be a update relatively soon including block rescaling and advanced placement. I hope we will get a cone block, then with the tree block textures I can finally make a palisade fort with pointed logs all around!

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • I like the idea of having animals that might be more dangerous in pvp, from a logical stand point bears cannot bring houses down in real life but elephants can, I think if you attack an elephant and you immediately run behind closed doors that the elephant can attempt to destroy your house as that can very easily happen in real life :thumbup:

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