permission issues

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  • This may be added to and edited tomorrow but here are some initial observations of a permission file Harv and I are working on.

    Harv was able to collect pieces of log from the ground, I never could. when we met up in about 10 minutes neither one of us could pick up logs.
    We had pickup: general: allow: -treelogs set. I've replaced this with a list of all treelog types. This seems to have fixed the problem

    Also, he was not able to initially craft lumber but could after a few minutes.

    Crafting workstations seems to be blocked. I alisted all workstations intitially under items but they were unrecognized according to the Log file so placed under objects instead. better but the regular workbench is still unavailable

    shelter is an item but only available to control as shelter1 under objects. fireplace is also listed in both but even under objects, it is still locked out.

    fireplaceskewer and fireplacespit are listed under objects and items but can be controlled by the items list (seems counterintuitive to the behavior of shelter and fireplace)

    btw by default we have deny: - * set for most categories

    Attached is the most up to date file if this is not due to a blug, please provide some general guidelines for listing objects and items.

  • Same thing today. Crafting gui problem at first. Re-logging had no effect. Re-starting client had no effect. A few minutes later the problem cleared up by itself.

    Plenty of ram available (client and server).
    Gameplay was smooth.
    Pings were around 90.
    TraceRoute looked good:

    My traceroute [v0.82]
    ServeMe ( Mon May 1 07:29:12 2017

    HostLoss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev
    1. 0.0% 2485 0.3 0.3 0.2 126.0 7.4
    2. 0.0% 2485 27.8 43.3 5.1 6543. 304.1
    3. 0.0% 2485 32.0 40.0 4.1 6525. 303.0
    4. 0.0% 2485 26.5 41.3 5.6 6468. 301.3
    5. 0.0% 2485 26.7 41.1 6.2 6520. 299.3
    6. 0.0% 2485 12.3 40.7 6.6 6463. 296.8
    7. 0.0% 2485 18.8 41.9 6.6 6406. 297.4
    8. 0.0% 2485 30.0 41.8 7.1 6457. 298.0
    9. 0.0% 2485 21.1 42.7 6.1 6506. 297.2
    10. 0.0% 2485 18.7 41.9 6.3 6443. 293.9
    11. 0.0% 2485 16.2 41.8 5.8 6434. 295.2
    12. 0.0% 2484 99.7 121.6 86.0 6499. 293.3
    13. 0.0% 2484 95.9 120.0 84.1 6445. 292.7
    14. 0.0% 2484 96.7 121.5 83.2 6489. 298.3
    15. 0.0% 2484 102.3 119.9 85.5 6433. 302.9
    16. 0.0% 2484 98.4 120.2 87.6 6405. 303.4
    17. 0.0% 2484 99.4 121.8 86.6 6354. 302.3
    18. 0.0% 2484 124.1 119.7 83.6 6294. 300.1
    19. 0.0% 2484 95.0 119.3 84.4 6237. 298.4

    Internet speed was fine:

    Download Speed: 94128 kbps (11766 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed: 8791 kbps (1098.9 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency: 30 ms
    Jitter: 10 ms
    Packet Loss: -1%
    5/1/2017, 6:50:02 AM

    Side note: I was unable to upload pics larger than 1MB for this post today.

  • My latest observation about the crafting gui image thing is that when the problem first appears, it persists, not a random time, but until I do something that affects my inventory, like mining some dirt or stone. I'll have more observations in a little while.

    [Addendum: Another symptom seems to be related. At/near the beginning of a game session, I cannot move items around in my inventory. It eventually works again, but I don't know what triggers the recovery yet.]

  • I think we've already learned that this level of detailed permissions has odd consequences, but I'll keep posting oddities that might offer clues as to where the problems are. This is all fringe usage, affecting very few players, I would guess, so I'd have to rate it as a low priority in the overall scheme of things. Something Red51 can poke at in his copious spare time. :D

    Anyway, here's a case where opening the personal inventory crafting gui offers me a block, of all things. I have no blockbench and block crafting is not permitted in this experimental environment anyway. Fact is, the block displayed here is from my last crafting session on a different server altogether.

    When I manage enough sticks, the Craft Object button lights up, and when I click it I get the skewer as the selection indicates it should. Purely an image faux pas in the gui, I guess. After crafting, the image corrects itself. Just thought I'd share.

    Hmm... starting to wonder if our test server itself is set up properly. :/

  • Yes. Create a directory named "permissions" and add files in there. Add a subfolder for groups, too.
    Check out examples where you can find them. It's not as obvious as you might think.

    I don't know a lot of details myself, but the op of this thread, zfoxfire, is getting pretty good at it.

  • Thanx for the reply :)

    I just re opened my server and on the cmd screen i got this code

    2017/05/02 02:35 PM server.Main
    SEVERE: Unable to send initial ping to hive
    de.jiw.apigility.exceptions.ApigilityException: No HTTP Server was found, please check your firewall settings and make sure the address is reachable from outside. [Code:607]
    at de.jiw.apigility.Apigility.processMainData(
    at de.jiw.apigility.Apigility.getObjectData(
    at de.jiw.apigility.Apigility.getObjectData(
    at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:296)
    at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:231)
    at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(
    at Source)
    *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
    2017/05/02 02:36 PM server.Main
    WARNING: Error while sending ping to hive (1): No HTTP Server was found, please check your firewall settings and make sure the address is reachable from outside. [Code:607]

    Do you or someone know what that is cause i can't connect to my server now it was fine earlier this morning.

    Sorry if i posted this in the wrong place

  • A question or two? I am working on my own permission docs myself and no way an expert but I thought you allow items, then denied the ones you don't want people to have? Also not sure what you mean about custom list? I haven't seen the # tag being used this way IE
    - default
    - freecrafting
    - edittools
    - npctool
    - nohungerthirst
    - infiniteitems
    - placementtools
    - terraintools

    My problem I am having I have my permissions set to invulnerable: true. No errors in my log But, i still die without gm 1. Any thoughts?


  • Sorry for my late response. I checked the permission file, everything seems to be fine there. I ran a test server with this permission file and it worked as intended (members of the "admin" group were invulnerable - but of course you can still take fall damage etc).
    Did you assign yourself to the admin group ("setplayergroup icon58 admin")?

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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    • :thinking:
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