On my server we have tried taming jaguars and tigers. After taming them they still attack us. How do we fix this issue without making the wild ones passive?
[Plugin] Animal Breed Master - Viehzuchtmeister V0.81.1
On my server we have tried taming jaguars and tigers. After taming them they still attack us. How do we fix this issue without making the wild ones passive?
You can't atm unless you enter creative mode, then they don't attack you anymore
On my server we have tried taming jaguars and tigers. After taming them they still attack us. How do we fix this issue without making the wild ones passive?
put a saddle on them and ride them in circles until they forget they are predator.
>>> sarcasm off>>>
That seems incredible that you want to turn the game on its end for a pet tiger... almost border on the incredulous. Take a picture and hang the poster on your wall. X/
You can't atm unless you enter creative mode, then they don't attack you anymore
Thank you, that is all I needed to know.
you can come to my server and see if you can kill one by hand in the arena.... spawn them all you want.
Привет. включите режим сервера. Предисловие PVE-хищники перестанут бросать на владельцев. Только на игроков других людей. Прошу прощения за английский язык.
Is there an admin command to change ownership of tame animals? We're cleaning up after some banned users and would like to remove their tames.
nope. I have been asking for that for a while:)
Is there an admin command to change ownership of tame animals? We're cleaning up after some banned users and would like to remove their tames.
No requires editting the database. Probably could write your own plug in to do it. The author of the ABM could do it seamlessly though.
This is probably some work but it might also make this plugin future proof and more diverse. Please add a .txt file for choosing what animals and what foods are supported, if possible how many food it costs would be nice too. please and thanks
Great plugin.
the food list is found in /abm help and there should be a txt file in the plugin download for everything else as well as having the list.
the food list is found in /abm help and there should be a txt file in the plugin download for everything else as well as having the list.
Does that list allow you to change the recipe for capturing animals?
Does that list allow you to change the recipe for capturing animals?
Not that I know of. If an animal is not in the list you use potatoes or lemons to tame the animals. Also it takes about 5 feedings to tame and the same to breed after taming. You also need 2 animals of the same breed tamed to be able to breed them.
Not that I know of. If an animal is not in the list you use potatoes or lemons to tame the animals. Also it takes about 5 feedings to tame and the same to breed after taming. You also need 2 animals of the same breed tamed to be able to breed them.
Ok well that is what I think spunky was asking.. as he discussed it on my server and I told him to post the change request here.
Ok well that is what I think spunky was asking.. as he discussed it on my server and I told him to post the change request here.
I think you are right. I must have miss read the post.
No requires editting the database. Probably could write your own plug in to do it. The author of the ABM could do it seamlessly though.
There is really a need for some way to "clean up" animals that have be made invincible by a player that is no longer active. It is difficult even when manually editing the database (either "owner" to yourself and or remove the "invisible" tag in the main DB) change the to actually track down the animals to kill them.
@Machete It would be VERY helpful to have an admin only command to "kill" all animals for a given player ID. Could this please be added? Another option is if you could at least make the "invincible" tag not apply to server admins (can always kill any animal).
Hei leute, ich habe folgendes problem bei mit möchte das plugin auf dem server nicht fuktionieren.
ich habe einen server bei nitrado, und nutze file zillaso ich habe auch im risingworld einen Plugins ordner Erstellt.
in diesem ordner habe ich einen ordner mit dem namen des Plugin (animalbreedmaster_v0.71) erstellt und die datein dort rein endpackt.
jetzt meine frage warum das nicht geht.
ich bedanke mich schon mal im voraus
sende doch bitte mal einen screenshot wie das alles bei dir ausschaut ( mit den Ordnern und so )
so siet es bei mir auf den server aus ( rechte seite)
danke danke da rann hat es gelegen
jo wie gesgat tausend dank es lag nur an der große schreibung
so siet es bei mir auf den server aus ( rechte seite)
Der Plugins Ordner sollte klein geschrieben sein "plugins"
Der Ordner für das Plugin "animalbreedmaster"- |-- /plugins
- |
- |-- /animalbreedmaster
- |--/data (Ordner wird beim ersten Start automatisch erzeugt,
- | enthält Datenbankdateien für jede Welt)
- |- AnimalBreedMaster.jar
- |- AnimalBreedMaster.prefs.xml (wird automatisch erzeugt)
- |- changelog_de.txt
- |- changelog_en.txt
- |- readme_de.txt
- |- readme_en.txt
versuch das mal so
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