Rather than guess at it and completely butcher a language I do not speak, I will simply ask; What does JIW mean?

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- zfoxfire
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I'm guessing Hunter in Worlds (Jäger in Welten)
Where did you read it? Jäger in Welten makes not that much sense to me.
But the translation is right.
Hmmn, I guess I always thought it was his initials. So I wonder if it's James, Jim, Jessie, Jerry, Jason, Jacob, Joshua????? Maybe Jarvis, Jaegar, Janosch, Jeph?????
Hmmn, I guess I always thought it was his initials. So I wonder if it's James, Jim, Jessie, Jerry, Jason, Jacob, Joshua????? Maybe Jarvis, Jaegar, Janosch, Jeph?????
Except Jacob these names are not very popular in Germany. But i had that thought too.
I've already ruled out Red's initials since I know his name. It's not that. and I figured "Hunter in the World" would seem appropriate for a survival/crafting game but I'm really just taking stabs in the dark. I am also assuming the acronym is German but I could be wrong. "games" in German is spielt so maybe the acronym is English afterall.
Maybe JIW means nothing. I once asked Red what "Red51" means and apparently it was something random he picked for a screen name.
Where did you read it? Jäger in Welten makes not that much sense to me.
But the translation is right.
I don't know any German so anything I say is a direct word-for-word translation so yeah, it probably doesn't make sense. Ever played Zero Wing?
Maybe JIW means nothing. I once asked Red what "Red51" means and apparently it was something random he picked for a screen name.
didn't we all at some point?
"games" in German is spielt so maybe the acronym is English afterall.
For you seem quite interested in this whole translation thing I teach you some at this ppint
"spielt" means "plays". "the game" is "das Spiel". So in germany you say "Er spielt Videospiele" for "He plays videogames.
Don't want to correct you but you seemed interested in itMaybe JIW means: "Jäger in Wäldern" which would mean Hunter in woods. It seems more senseful to me.
Ever played Zero Wing?
Never heard about it. What is it?
Zero Wing is the name of a game with dialogue poorly translated from Japanese to English. You may be familiar with it from the "All your base are belong to us" craze about 15 years ago. Its a good example of how without knowledge of the language, you'll just do a word for word translation that doesn't actually make sense. My lack of knowledge of the various uses of the word "Spiel" just demonstrates that.
I see your point. I often see those "interesting" translations in some in indie games. this is why i often play games in english. Because it's easier to understand. (good examples are Steam Hammer or at the mountains of madness)
I think it is a good way to lern the words first before you get deeper into the language but for developers it is of cause emarassing to publish a game with a bad translation.
Atleast nowadays you can easily write a hotfix and push it out to a million consumers. Back then once that code is written to cartridge rom you're done. I imagine quality control was more of a thing back then in the pre-internet days.
Thats true. I often forget, that there was a World before the Internet
I just realised that the topic of this thread is another than we are talking about
I've already ruled out Red's initials since I know his name. It's not that.
I don't think so... I assumed his name was Jorge Ibuprofenl Washington... See!? The initials match up!
in the night of the fullmoon... yaeh, one of them three... i took a deep look into my fortune teller pond and saw the master of jiw games playing halo
in my opinion, he played excessivly halo in his days and as he brainstormed over a good name for his company, he remembered his glorious days
in the night of the fullmoon... yaeh, one of them three... i took a deep look into my fortune teller pond and saw the master of jiw games playing halo
in my opinion, he played excessivly halo in his days and as he brainstormed over a good name for his company, he remembered his glorious days
Was he wearing a red flannel shirt? We're still trying to guess as to which of the new character models portrays our mighty developer the best. In general, it would be nice to put some pictures to names. For now these people of Men of Mystery...
isn't he the one with the yellow helmet ?
oh, wait, no, that was... yeaah, ehm, nice weather here
Afaik the master of Jiw isn't playing Halo. He's busy doing all his best for us i e. he's looking at our wishing wells.
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