Dont know if its already asked (didnt find a thread of it yet) but is it possible to 'convert' or save the map as an image so i can check it outside the game?
maps to image
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I was panning to create a converter but then work happened XD basically it is not that hard to do but you need to know how to code.
This post explains how to decompress the image data (ignore the rest info just look at the "Compression Information" part): Blueprint format/API?
This thread explains how to piece the map together based on the numbers the map files have as names: Map image data and file names
Me and Zork asked Red51 if he could convert the map into an image so we could view it in a way Minecraft servers allow us to view their maps on modded side of things. They need to be viewed & seen at a larger scale. Journey map, or whichever in a Google maps style that we can see the detailing. Asked Red51 about it, yet he stayed silent about it for a very long while about it that we simply forgot about it.
I really do hope someone looks into doing it, or Red51 doing it himself, because it'll allow us to both see how world generation works as well as plot & plan various things. It be awesome to share our world map wise.
Minecraft's take on map rendering for exporting.
The map in game also needs to be a bit wider because of our vision.
I tried to write a tool but had trouble reading the image data from the individual files. each file represents a part of the map on the grid and contains rgba data. I think the issue I was having is that you have to decompress the files too then pipe that through the converter. It shouldn't be hard for someone whose familiar with the java ibraries to handle this.
I know i‘m reviving a zombie thread but anyhow, can someone explain the structure/compression of the map tile file data? I could then try to write a program to create an image of the complete map.
Yeah sorry it has taken me too long and still haven't produced a map tool but as i said above work has happened
So to give you all the info in case you want to write something:
1) the files are gunzip compressed that means you need to run a shell (linux/unix only) command gzip -xfvz mapInputFile > decompressedOutFile
2) the map pieces are set in a numbered grid so you know which one goes next to which other. See this thread about how to piece it together: Map image data and file names
3) the map data are from the top left pixel if i am not mistaken and written as RGBA values in bits
Cool, i‘ll give it a try.
Thank you very much -
Ok, i've created a little tool that can display a bigger map and save it as png. I put it under 'Plugins' although it is technically not a plugin.
Have fun trying it out
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