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  • So your server got hacked, right? Why would you blame yourself for that? For all you know it could've been someone you may have banned or had trouble with at some point. Throwing in the towel and blaming yourself just is just ridiculous so I'm going to be a bit blunt. Who cares, have you ever heard of "he who laughs last wins?" What that would mean in this circumstance is your letting someone get the best of you and your tossing in the towel because of it. Why exactly would you do that? Now don't blame yourself, just sit back and think for a moment.
    What could you of done different to avoid this? The answer is nothing. Now you got to look forward and up with your whole road paved ahead of you. Just smash through that obstacle like an 18 wheeler. You're doing great! Now take a step back and review this point. Think of the decisions, what you could do differently this time around and how you could avoid problems like this later. I wish you the best of luck :) . A good example is this: As a kid I suffered much abuse, today as an adult I chose to abandon all trust in those people and rarely see them. Now I'm not telling you to abandon Rising world but instead to find a more positive way of dealing with this frustration and anger. I've been through literal hell and crawled my way through the trenches to where I am today. Yeah I might be on disability but my life is my own, it's how I face the past and look towards a brighter future that I make media. So instead of giving up choose yours but think on it. If someone knocks you down you get back up and keep going.

  • yeah as @ArcaneDesmond said .....

    servers gets hacked and DDOS all the time it's not your fault you just have to count that in to how you think about security ..

    think about those that has to keep googles servers up..

    i can imagine a whole lot of ddos and hacks on those servers.

  • Mate, I don't comment on here often (or, in fact, at all) but you have to realise you're being a bit ridiculous about this. It's just a server, your actions haven't lead to anyone's injury - just a few lost hours. I hate to seem insensitive but, in the grand scheme of things, it really isn't that bad. Everyone's going to have to restart sooner or later anyway as old worlds will no longer be compatible. ( And, who knows, maybe your server will be even better this time) :thumbsup:

  • Mate, I don't comment on here often (or, in fact, at all) but you have to realise you're being a bit ridiculous about this. It's just a server, your actions haven't lead to anyone's injury - just a few lost hours. I hate to seem insensitive but, in the grand scheme of things, it really isn't that bad. Everyone's going to have to restart sooner or later anyway as old worlds will no longer be compatible. ( And, who knows, maybe your server will be even better this time) :thumbsup:

    This. This posting was articulated nicely with what I wanted to day as well. Simple, and to the point.

    Let's just have fun with Rising World without trying to kick dirt up into the air.

  • Mate, I don't comment on here often (or, in fact, at all) but you have to realise you're being a bit ridiculous about this. It's just a server, your actions haven't lead to anyone's injury - just a few lost hours. I hate to seem insensitive but, in the grand scheme of things, it really isn't that bad. Everyone's going to have to restart sooner or later anyway as old worlds will no longer be compatible. ( And, who knows, maybe your server will be even better this time) :thumbsup: I

    I Was NOT complaing about the serrver i was talkimg about the three people on Discord that won;t say anythng or help out

  • Hmm I am glad you brought that up Captian. :D
    I have a Discord server and I have people on there that never speak never....
    I have a slight minor degree in psychillogical BS and I think these people are Discord junkies.
    They see a new discord server jump on and listen to the chatter.
    Probably like ham radio operators of old. The only problem is with discord you see them.

    I do not think they do any harm.


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